What files can I remove from the System Disk in order to add more DAs?
Everett E. Spitzner
Lombard, IL
Well, it would help to know what hardware you have. Below is a conditional list of files to remove from the System Disk, depending on what you have:
From the ╥System:Drivers╙ folder:
Unidisk.3.5 if you don╒t have a Unidisk (beige) drive
AppleDisk 5.25" if you don╒t have any 5.25" drives
Modem if you don╒t have a modem
If you can give up the new graphic Control Panel NDA, and just use the text╨based one (reached by Control╤Open╨Apple╤ESC), you can delete ALL of these together:
From the ╥System:Desk.Accs╙ folder:
And then throw out the ENTIRE CDevs Folder.
That╒s about all I╒d recommend throwing away.
Professor Know╨it╨all
Many people (well, at least two) have written in wanting to know more tricks to using their GS. OK, here are two more. In the Finder:
Ñ if you press Open-Apple-Control-2, you will get the About Finder Dialog
Box. In fact, as far as we've tested, this will always bring up the first
item in the Apple menu, which is usually the program's About dialog.
Ñ if you hold the Open-Apple key down and move a window around by its drag
bar, and it isn't the active window, it will move around BEHIND the active
window. This is really neat to watch, and is useful when you are copying
from folder to folder (as the active window may be covering the folder