New Makes an new, empty document called ╥Untitled.A╙. The next new document will be called ╥Untitled.B╙, and so on. The first time you save it, you╒ll be asked for a real name.
Open This will open any WordWorks document or text file. Holding down the option key while selecting this will allow the opening of any type of file, but most files will appear as garbage.
Close This will close the currently selected window. If it has be changed and not saved, a dialog box will appear, asking if it should be saved.
Save Save the current document as the current filename, unless it is untitled, in which case you must name it.
Save as This will save the current file under a different name.
Write Text This will write out the document as a text file, without any of the special formatting, margins, or color text. If you haven╒t named the file, you╒ll be asked for a filename.
Write As This will allow you to save the current document as a text file under a different name.
Append This will append a document on disk to the end of the current file.
Revert This will allow you to revert to the last saved version of your document.
Delete This will allow you to delete files, as you can fill up a disk with workfiles and have no place to save your work. It is also just plain handy for housekeeping.
Page Setup This allows you to specify paper size, reduction, and orientation.
Print This allows you to print out your document. If you do not have and Imagewriter, Epson, LaserWriter, or a printer compatible with one of these hooked up you won╒t be able to print without a special device driver.
(NOTE: all of the following options will ask you to save any documents which have had changes made since they were last saved.)
Shutdown Select this to shutdown the computer without going back to the Finder.
Launch This lets you to launch another program from WordWorks, without going back to the Finder. Holding the option key during selection of this item will cause the selected program to be ╥sub╨launched╙: when quit, it will return control back to WordWorks.
Find This will search for any string you type in. It will also allow you to replace that text will anything else.
Find Again This will find the next occurrence of the text you just Found.
Find & Replace This will find the next occurrence of the Find String and replaces it with the Replace string.
Replace All Replace every occurrence of the Find string with the Replace string.
Margins & Tabs Allows you to set the margin and tabing values for the document.
Fix Yucky Text Many Apple II text files have the high bit of all their characters set. Since GS programs use all 255 characters in the character set, having the high bit set will cause the character to turn into characters like this: ¬░ª██ñѪ┌┌┌┌╝▌▌▌▌▌▌. This is somewhat cryptic, not to mention unreadable, so this modifies the text so it is readable.
NOTE: This option will work on the entire document if there is no selection (highlighted text), otherwise it effects just the selection!
Information For authors who need to know word & paragraph count and so on. Note the Word and Paragraph counts. These represent the entire document contents if there is no selected text; otherwise these counts represent just the text within the contents of the selection.
Full Justify Full justifies the entire document (i.e. makes the left and right margins line up by spacing the letters out, like in a book). The TextEdit tools do this to the entire document. We have no control over its global effect. This becomes a problem only with center and right justify, because you usually don╒t want the whole document in these formats.
Left Justify Left justifies the entire document.
Right Justify Right justifies the entire document.
xx Point You may choose any point size, but if that size doesn╒t exist, the GS will have to figure out what a set that size would look like, which takes a long time. Also, if you choose say 12 point, and there is a 24 point size of the same font, the Printer driver will use the 24 point size and the printout will look incredibly nice. Always try to choose a font size that has another point size twice as large. Your document will look MUCH nicer.
Smaller Moves the current font to be one smaller point size in the size menu.
Larger Moves the current font to be one larger point size in the size menu.
Underline The Shaston 8 font can╒t be underlined (it╒s in ROM), but other fonts will be underlined when you choose this. (Shaston will print out underlined.)
Allows you to change the color of the text drawn on the screen. This can be used effectively but can quickly get out of hand if you aren╒t careful╤ this documentation being such an example! Simply select the text you wish to change the color of and make your selection.
Holding the option key while selecting a color causes the background color to be changed. This has some very interesting effects, but limited uses as far as we can tell.
As you can see Black, Blue, Red, and Violet look great. The rest don╒t.
Due to the improper treatment of color by the current either Text Edit or the ImageWriter driver, the printable colors are: black, violet, and green. Colors get translated in this fashion:
Black Black From this table, one can see that
Blue Violet using violet and light green as
Red Black highlight colors will at least make
Violet Violet the on screen version and the printed
Green Green version look the same.
Jade Violet
Orange Green Apple is soon going to release System
Peach White Disk 6.0, which we hope will allow proper
Light green Green printing of colored text in all situations.
Stack Takes each of the windows on the screen and resizes and positions it so that all windows are accessible with a mouse click. All windows retain their front╨to╨back ordering.
Edit Next Causes the next document window on the desktop to be selected for editing. Very useful when you are working with two related files.
Windows When there are active WordWorks windows open, they will be listed in this menu below the above items, in the order they were opened. A check mark in front of a window╒s name (its ╥pathname,╙ to be technical) indicates that that is the active window, i.e. the window that will be effected by typing. Selecting a specific window is as easy as choosing it from this menu!
WordWorks uses Apple╒s new Text Edit (TE for short) tool in system 5.02 or later (5.0 had several bugs & shouldn╒t be used) for its base. This is an incredible tool and raises high hopes for the future of GS software.
TE provides the following keyboard commands when editing text:
Arrow Moves the insertion point to the previous character in the text. Use with the command key to move by words, and with the option key to move to the beginning of the previous line in the text. Holding down the shift key with any of these effects the current selection range.
Arrow Moves the insertion point to the next character in the text. Use with the command key to move by words, and with the option key to move to the end of the current line in the text. Holding down the shift key with any of these effects the current selection range.
Arrow Moves the insertion point to the previous line in the text. Use with the command key to move to the beginning of the current page, and with the option key to move to the beginning of the document. Holding down the shift key with any of these effects the current selection range.
Arrow Moves the insertion point to the next line in the text. Use with the command key to move to the end of the current page, and with the option key to move to the end of the document. Holding down the shift key with any of these effects the current selection range.
Delete Removes the character to the left of the insertion point if there is no selection, otherwise deletes all selected text.
Clear Clears (deletes) the current selection, does nothing if no selected text.
Ctrl-F Removes the character to the right of the insertion point if there is no selection, otherwise deletes all selected text.
Ctrl-Y Removes all characters from the insertion point to the end of the line.
Ctrl-X Cuts the current selection and places it in the clipboard (like oa-X).
Ctrl-C Copies the current selection and places it in the clipboard (like oa-C).
Ctrl-V Pastes the contents of the clipboard into the document at the current insertion point, or in place of any selected text (like oa-V).
When using fonts, remember that the more you use, the more memory will be required, both on disk and in RAM. Each font causes the system to slow down, & increases the chance of a out╨of╨memory situation or system crash.
NOTE: WordWorks has extensive error checking, and will usually report an error as it happens. Upon receiving any type of error during editing, immediately save your work to a different file before continuing!
Although not as pretty as some, Shaston 8 prints the fastest (if you are using Fast.Font like you should be!) and is the easiest font to read on the screen. It also colors better, but can╒t be underlined on screen.
Because of a ╘bug╒ in Text Edit, when printing, WordWorks zooms the document window. Normally this creates the largest possible window, allowing printing to fill the entire paper page. If you zoom the window before printing, the window will unzoom during printing and cause the printed area on the paper to shrink accordingly.
We believe that Apple still has a few bugs in Text Edit, and advise you to save your work often, changing the name of the document to create backup copies every now and again. This is good practice even without bugs, take our word for it . . . we╒ve lost hours of work, and our backups saved us!
(Also, the process of saving seems to straighten up Text Edit somewhat, so saving a document can keep anything bad from ever happening!)
Finally, a GS word processor that even single 3.5" drive users can use without load times that make an infinity seem like a reasonable wait. We use it all the time and after a while you╒ll be doing the same.
Select ╥File Copier╙ from the File menu (or press Open-Apple F) to install WordWorks on your own disk, or use the finder and drag the WordWorks icon from the Softdisk disk to your disk.