Text File | 1989-12-17 | 2.2 KB | 35 lines | [50] Apple IIgs Word Processing (0x5445)
by Paul Gauthier
Music Editor, Eugene Koh
In Stereo, where available.
There are thousands of songs available for Mediagenic╒s Music Studio(tm). But if you don╒t have Music Studio, you╒re out of luck.
Not anymore--JUKEBOX is here! It will play the three songs we provide, or any other Music Studio songs you have! Of course if you want to edit, make instrument changes, or play these songs through a MIDI device you╒ll need to get Music Studio. If you like what you hear in Jukebox and find the need for more power than it provides, please consider purchasing Music Studio. You╒ll be glad you did!
When you run Jukebox, you╒ll see a lovely graphic of a fifties-style Jukebox. On the right half of the screen are the quarter slot (by the words Softdisk Jukebox), the three song selections, and the Help button (the brick with the question mark on it). To play a song, click on it, then click on the quarter slot to put in a quarter and play it. If you╒d like help, click on the question mark.
To quit, press ESC.
NOTE: Jukebox will return to the Finder, as it uses memory in a way that is hostile to other programs.
If you like menus, click in the very top line of the screen. A menu bar will appear with these menus: Apple, File, Edit, Songs.
In the Apple menu, you will find info about Jukebox, Help (same as clicking on the question mark), and any available desk accessories.
The ╥File╙ menu allows you to Open a file, Play the file you opened, Hide the menu bar, and Quit the Jukebox program.
The ╥Edit╙ menu is included to conform to Apple standards, and has no selectable items.
The ╥Songs╙ menu lets you choose which of our songs you╒d like to listen to. Select ╥Play╙ from the ╥File╙ menu or click on the quarter slot to play the song.
Either way you use it, Jukebox brings fine music to your Apple IIgs! If you look on any of the major bulletin boards, you╒ll find hundreds of songs you can download and play with Jukebox! In the words of guitarist Joe Perry, ╥Let the Music do the Talking!╙
Select ╥File Copier╙ from the File menu (or press Open-Apple F) to copy this program to your own disk. Select MS SONGS to copy just the songs to your own songs subdirectory.