Text File | 1989-08-13 | 4.5 KB | 69 lines | [04] ASCII Text (0x0000)
SAM: The Softdisk Adventure Machine
by Jay "Mohawk Man" Jennings and Eric Mueller
This powerful program lets you play our adventure, or write your own!
It really shook you up when your nephew got killed. You thought it would have been safe sending him to the radio station--but who knew the killer would return to the site of his first killing?
Now you, Harry Ho, ace detective, must journey there yourself--after hours, with just your wits to protect you from being the killer's next victim!
After clicking your mouse in the correct places you will be asked to open a "Script" file. A Script file is simply a text file created by someone just like you and compiled so that SAM can read it. To get to "The Demented DJ", double click on "Harry.Ho". There is an intro story that sets up the adventure. Read the text (scrolling down it with the scroll bar), then click on "START GAME".
You are now playing "The Case of the Demented DJ"!
(For those of you with only one 3.5" disk drive, after the disk-switching for tool-loading, SAM with then ask what file you'd like to load. You will need to take out the Softdisk.System disk, put the Softdisk G-S Program Disk back in the drive and click on "Disk." Now move down the file list until you see the "SAM" folder. Double click on it. Now double click on "Harry.Ho".)
The upper left window contains the directions you may travel in. If a direction is not highlighted (yellow), you cannot go in that direction.
To make your life easier, we had the author place all the possible actions into a row of buttons. To do something just move your mouse to that action and click the button.
The bottom window contains the description of the room you are in.
The upper right window contains all the objects you can manipulate. After every action, check this window: something might have changed.
The two menus you will use most are ACTIONS and INVENTORY. Your Inventory is constantly changing. You can manipulate objects in your Inventory just like the ones in the Object window--just pull down the menu and select the object.
Manipulate? How? Well, just pull down the ACTIONS menu. Here are all the actions you may take. When you select an action, that action will be performed on every object you click on, until you choose another action. Of course you could just use the buttons--they are so much easier!
The one exception is "Search"--it will simply search the room you are in for anything of interest. Seasoned adventurers will search every room thoroughly the first time they enter it.
The Apple Menu contains instructions (important if you've never played before), info about SAM, info about the adventure, and your desk accessories.
The File Menu allows you to Restart the game, open another Script (if you have made one), Save the current state of the game, and Quit.
The Directions menu simply contains the compass directions and up and down. If you just love pull-down menus, use this with reckless abandon.
Quitting will return to Softdisk G-S. (Unless you've copied it to another disk, of course.)
At certain points in the adventure, a Warning Window will pop up, explain the situation, and ask you if you want to proceed. If you have nothing in your inventory, you'd had better "Retreat". If you think you've picked up an object that will solve the problem, then "Proceed". You might want to save the game if you are well into the game, though. There is nothing worse then being killed one or two steps from the solution. IMPORTANT: there's no room on Softdisk G-S for a saved game (they're BIG!), so copy use the File Copier to copy SAM to another disk.
So quit reading this and go play! Unless, of course, you'd like to...
Included on this disk are SAMSKRYPTER and SAM.SCRIPT.DOC, the former is a utility that transforms special text files into playable scripts. The later is the documented source for "The Case of the Demented DJ." Follow its example in making an adventure script. It is a text file, so it may be loaded into any word processor (that can deal with a LARGE text file, like AppleWorks). There may be an editor for scripts in the future....
We encourage you to create scripts and pass these scripts around freely. Or send them to us--if we like them, we'll buy them from you! (But don't pass SAM around--that's illegal!)
Go play SAM and have fun!
Select File Copier (OA-F) from the File menu to copy this program to your own disk.