Text File | 1989-08-11 | 1.9 KB | 39 lines | [04] ASCII Text (0x0000)
-==Readers Write==-
Now you, our faithful readers, can share your thoughts about software, Softdisk, the meaning of life, the mining of leaves, or anything else that comes to mind!
Because Softdisk G-S is a new product there are not letters from readers to be answered. We've decided to deliver the flavor of the article by using the same one we are using in our 8 bit version of Softdisk. If something is on your mind, write to us.
Yes, Eddy Marshall from Saskatchewan has more questions and remarks:
1. Let's see some TimeOut Macros for AppleWorks. I have learned to love my UltraMacros and have made a few of my own. But I am a bit greedy, so how about it, guys?
2. What happened to the MultiScribe font section? I use MultiScribe for any and all reports I need to write, and I'm always looking for new fonts! (You have to admit, only one showing of the section was a bit pitiful.)
-- Yes, it was pitiful, or so all the folks that wrote us thought. Yours was the first positive letter! We forgot it like people forgot New Coke.
3. I get my issue of Softdisk, boot it up, read the instructions, load it, and it crashes. I use a Laser 128EX, and am upset you do not put up a notice in certain instructions that tell us about COMPATIBILITY PROBLEMS!
-- We test the programs on an old Laser, but we just got a new one. We warned folks on Bowling and Vortex, however.
4. Thank you. Before the switch to ProDOS, I knew nothing about the system. But since the change, I have learned ProDOS backwards and forwards, and can understand the reasoning behind the switch. DOS was fine, but ProDOS (when understood) is by far more powerful. Through your switch, I learned ProDOS. Thank you very much.
-- You are welcome.
That's all we have room for this month. If you have something on your mind please send it to us on paper, in Text or AWP file form on disk to: