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- 100 rem 'hrprint' demo
- 110 if a=0 then a=1:load "hrprint", 8, 1
- 120 if a=1 then a=2:load "hrcharset", 8, 1
- 130 poke 53280,15
- 140 rem set sys addresses
- 150 in=49152: pr=49207
- 160 rem bi array is used to draw curve
- 170 for j=0 to 7:bi(j)=2^j:next
- 180 rem bitmap at 8192
- 190 base=8192
- 200 poke 53272,peek(53272) or 8
- 210 rem hi-res
- 220 poke 53265, peek(53265) or 32
- 230 rem initialize multi/rvs(2),bitmap at 8192,charset at 16384,color at 1024
- 240 sys in, 2, 8192, 16384, 1024
- 250 rem clear screen and draw curve
- 260 f$="":for j=1 to 40:f$=f$+chr$(32):next
- 270 for j=0 to 24:sys pr, 15, 0, j, f$:next
- 280 for y=0 to 199 step .5
- 290 x = int(160+40 * sin(y/10))
- 300 by = base+40 * (y and 248) + (y and 7)+(x and 504)
- 310 poke by, peek(by) or (bi(not x and 7))
- 320 next y
- 330 rem initialize hires(1),bitmap at 8192,charset at 16384,color at 1024
- 340 sys in, 1, 8192, 16384, 1024
- 350 rem print messages on hi-res screen
- 360 sys pr, 6, 1, 1, "print hr demo"
- 370 sys pr, 2, 1, 2, "(c) 1987 compute!"
- 380 sys pr, 1, 17, 21, "hit any key to exit"
- 390 sys pr, 8, 17, 5, "you can print normally"
- 400 rem initialize for reverse
- 410 sys in, 2, 8192, 16384, 1024
- 420 sys pr, 5, 17, 13, "or in reverse letters"
- 430 rem normal characters again
- 440 sys in, 1, 8192, 16384, 1024
- 450 sys pr, 14, 2, 9, "timer:"
- 460 sys pr, 14, 2, 17, "score:"
- 470 rem update score and timer
- 480 for j=0 to 10000
- 490 sys pr, 0, 8, 9, ti
- 500 sys pr, 0, 8, 17, j
- 510 get x$
- 520 if x$="" then next j
- 530 rem back to normal text screen
- 540 poke 53265,27:poke 53272,21
- 550 print chr$(147):end