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- 10 poke 56,56:poke 55,0:clr:poke 53280,6:poke53281,6:print chr$(147)
- 20 cs$=chr$(147):rv$=chr$(18)
- 30 print chr$(14)chr$(8):cr$=chr$(13)
- 40 dv=peek(186):if dv<8 then dv=8
- 50 poke 147,0:sys57812"scrn tile(680).o",dv,1:sys62631
- 60 sys 680
- 70 print chr$(5):input" [196]isk drive device number (8-15)";dv$
- 80 print:printrv$" [204]oading files....[207]ne moment please... "
- 90 dv=val(dv$):if dv$="" then end
- 100 gosub 320:rem disk drive check
- 110 rem sys57812"italics.set",dv,0:poke780,0:poke781,0:poke782,56:sys65493
- 120 rem poke53272,31
- 130 sys57812"display font.o",dv,0:poke780,0:poke781,0:poke782,206:sys65493
- 140 dv=val(dv$):ck=0:cr$=chr$(13):cd$=chr$(17):hm$=chr$(19):sp$=chr$(32)
- 150 gosub 430:rem title screen
- 160 poke 53272,22:sys 680
- 170 poke 214,12:print:print"[208]ress [196] for a demonstration of [201][210][209] "
- 180 print"[196][210][201][214][197] [212][207][206][197].[207] or [209] to exit to [194][193][211][201][195]. ":q$=chr$(34)
- 190 b$="":get b$:if b$="" then190
- 200 if b$="d" or b$="[196]" then 240
- 210 if b$="q" or b$="[209]" then 230
- 220 goto 190
- 230 poke 55,0:poke 56,160:sys 64738:end
- 240 print cs$cd$cd$cd$"load"q$"irq drive tone.o"q$","dv",1"
- 250 print cd$cd$cd$cd$"new"
- 260 print cd$cd$"sys 820"
- 270 print cd$cd$"load"q$"[199]azette's [199]reat!"q$","dv
- 280 print cd$cd$cd$cd$"for t=1 to 10000:next:forx=0to24:poke54272+x,0:next"
- 290 print cd$cd$"[193]fter demonstration, enter sys 823":for t=1 to 5000:next
- 300 for i=1 to 5:poke 630+i,13:next:poke 198,5:print hm$
- 310 poke 55,0:poke 56,160:end
- 320 close15:open 15,dv,15:close15
- 330 if st=0 then370
- 340 printcd$"[212]urn your disk drive on and press"
- 350 print" [210][197][212][213][210][206]."
- 360 b$="":get b$:if b$<>cr$ then360
- 370 open15,dv,15,"i":input#15,er:close15
- 380 if er=0 then return
- 390 printcd$"[208]ut a diskette in your disk drive"
- 400 print"and press [210][197][212][213][210][206]."
- 410 b$="":get b$:if b$<>cr$ then410
- 420 goto370
- 430 data "[199]azette presents:","[201]nterrupt [196]riven","[196]rive [197]rror [212]one [199]enerator"
- 440 data "[208]ress any key to continue"
- 450 for x=1 to 4:read au$(x):next
- 460 sys 680
- 470 sys 52736
- 480 poke 214,12:print:printspc(20-len(au$(1))/2)au$(1):print
- 490 printspc(20-len(au$(2))/2)au$(2):print
- 500 printspc(20-len(au$(3))/2)au$(3)
- 510 poke214,22:print:printspc(20-len(au$(4))/2)au$(4)
- 520 get a$:if a$="" then520
- 530 return