home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 100 poke55,0:poke56,48::clr:print"[147]"chr$(8):goto880
- 110 :
- 120 fori=0to27:pokei+54272,0:next
- 130 poke54296,15:poke54272,100:poke54273,5:poke54277,0:poke54278,249
- 140 poke54279,100:poke54280,2:poke54284,0:poke54285,249
- 150 poke54291,0:poke54292,249:m=v:goto340
- 160 :
- 170 mv=1:p=peek(56320):ifp=127thenmv=0
- 180 if(pand16)=0orlthengosub420
- 190 if(pand8)=0thenay=ay+1:x=12:ifay>38thenay=ay-1
- 200 if(pand4)=0thenay=ay-1:x=10:ifay<0thenay=ay+1
- 210 if(pand2)=0thenax=ax+40:ifax>360thenax=ax-40
- 220 if(pand1)=0thenax=ax-40:ifax<-80thenax=ax+40
- 230 a=ax+ay+1424:p=peek(a):p0=peek(a+1):ifmvthenpokea1,17:pokea1+1,17
- 240 pokea,x:pokea+1,x+1:a1=a
- 250 ifp<2orp0<2then760
- 260 lm=lm+1:iflm<rrthen300
- 270 n1=n1+40:co=peek(n1):ifn1=aor1=a+1thenpoken1-40,17:goto760
- 280 ifn1>aorco<3then680
- 290 poken1-40,17:poken1,1
- 300 ifm>vthenprint"[144]"mid$(a$(tt),h,40);:h=h+m2:ifh=h1thenm=0:h=1
- 310 m=m+1:ifm=vthen340
- 320 goto170
- 330 :
- 340 lm=0:n1=1344+ay:t=rnd(1)*6+1:ontgoto390,380,370,360
- 350 tt=rnd(1)*2+1:h=2:h1=44:m2=1:rr=40-(lm+ay):goto310
- 360 tt=rnd(1)*2+3:h=44:h1=2:m2=-2:rr=-(lm-ay)/2:goto310
- 370 tt=rnd(1)*2+3:h=46:h1=2:m2=-2:t=rnd(1)*37:n1=1344+t:rr=3-(lm-t)/2:goto310
- 380 tt=4:h=46:h1=2:m2=-1:t=rnd(1)*37:n1=1344+t:rr=3-(lm-t):goto310
- 390 tt=2:h=2:h1=44:m2=1:t=rnd(1)*38:n1=1344+t:rr=40-(lm+t):goto310
- 400 :
- 410 rem torp move
- 420 l=l+1:ifl<2thenc=a:ifx=12thenc=a+1
- 430 c=c-40:co=peek(c):ifco<17then460
- 440 pokec+40,17:ifc<1344thenl=0:return
- 450 pokec,14:return
- 460 ifco<>0andco<>1then540
- 470 poke54276,129:poke54276,128
- 480 fort=-1to1:fori=-1to1:c1=peek(c+i+t*40)
- 490 ifc1=1thenrr=99:lm=0
- 500 ifc1>9andc1<14thenm1=1
- 510 l=0:pokec+i+t*40,(rnd(1)*2)+18:next:next:ifm1=1then760
- 520 fort=-1to1:fori=-1to1:pokec+i+t*40,17:next:next:return
- 530 :
- 540 print"[156]"mid$(a$(0),h,40):pokec+40,17:pokec-40,32
- 550 poke54276,129:poke54276,128
- 560 fort=1to100:next
- 570 print" ";
- 580 m=0:l=0:ifco<7thenbs=bs+1
- 590 ifco>6thenms=ms+1
- 600 iflm<rrthenrr=99
- 610 ifms+bs=5thenpoke53281,7:v=20
- 620 ifms+bs=15thenpoke53281,14:v=10
- 630 ifms+bs=30thenpoke53281,10
- 640 if(ms+bs)/5=int((ms+bs)/5)thenfort=1to8:poke1384+(rnd(1)*359),0:next:j=1
- 650 ifj=1thenfort=-1to2:fori=-1to1:pokea+t+i*40,17:next:next:j=0
- 660 return
- 670 :
- 680 rr=99:ml=0:poke54283,129:poke54283,128
- 690 fort=-1to1:fori=-1to1:c1=peek(n1+i+t*40)
- 700 ifc1=14thenl=0
- 710 ifc1>9andc1<14thenm1=1
- 720 poken1+i+t*40,(rnd(1)*2)+18:next:next:ifm1=1then760
- 730 fort=-1to1:fori=-1to1:poken1+i+t*40,17:next:next:goto300
- 740 :
- 750 rem sub death
- 760 pokea,15:pokea+1,16:poke54286,0:poke54290,129
- 770 fort=230to255step.15:poke54287,255-t:poke53281,15andt:next:poke54290,128
- 780 fort=1to50:pokea,(rnd(1)*2)+18:pokea+1,(rnd(1)*2)+18
- 790 next:poke53272,21:poke53280,0:poke53281,5
- 800 print"[147][144]"spc(9)"you sank"bs"carrier";chr$(-83*(bs<>1))
- 810 print spc(10)"and"ms"destroyer";chr$(-83*(ms<>1))
- 820 printspc(6)"press trigger to play again":i=0
- 830 if(peek(56320)and16)=0thenrun890
- 840 i=i+1:ifi>1000thenprint"[147]";:end
- 850 goto830
- 860 :
- 870 rem init
- 880 gosub1060
- 890 print"[147]":poke53280,0:poke53281,1
- 900 poke53272,28:poke54296,15:zz=80000
- 910 x=10:v=30:ax=360:ay=20:rr=30:h=2
- 920 printspc(13)"[144] u-boat 26 "
- 930 a$(1)=" bde "
- 940 a$(2)=" fg "
- 950 a$(3)=" bcde "
- 960 a$(4)=" hi "
- 970 a$(0)=" opop "
- 980 fort=1to4:print"[158]qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq";:next
- 990 print""
- 1000 fort=1to12:print"qqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq";:next
- 1010 fort=1824to2023:poket,17:poke54272+t,0:next
- 1020 fort=1to15:poke1384+rnd(1)*359,0:next
- 1030 poke1794,17:poke1795,17:goto120
- 1040 :
- 1050 rem charset
- 1060 poke53280,0:poke53281,4:print"[147]"spc(13)" u-boat 26 "
- 1070 printspc(10)"one moment please"
- 1080 fori=0to58:reada:poke49152+i,a:next:sys49152
- 1090 readt:ift=-1then1130
- 1100 poke12288+q,t:q=q+1:goto1090
- 1110 :
- 1120 rem instructions
- 1130 print"[147] fire torpedoes from the sub'sfront"
- 1140 print" to sink ships and destroy mines."
- 1150 print" beware of the destructive area when"
- 1160 print" mines and depth charges explode."
- 1170 print" destroy as many ships as you can"
- 1180 print" before you are permanently retired."
- 1190 printspc(12)"press trigger ":poke198,0
- 1200 ifpeek(56320)and16then1200
- 1210 return
- 1220 :
- 1230 data 173,14,220,41,254,141,14,220,165,1,41,251,133,1,169
- 1240 data 48,133,252,169,208,133,254,169,0,133,251,133,253
- 1250 data 162,8,177,253,145,251,200,208,249,230,254,230,252
- 1260 data 202,208,242,165,1,9,4,133,1,173,14,220,9,1,141,14,220,96
- 1270 :
- 1280 data 182,193,213,128,201,193,182,255
- 1290 data 255,159,159,159,243,243,243,255
- 1300 data 0,0,0,0,255,101,63,31
- 1310 data 0,96,112,252,255,148,255,255
- 1320 data 0,14,30,127,255,145,255,255
- 1330 data 0,0,0,0,255,166,252,248
- 1340 data 0,0,4,4,15,10,127,63
- 1350 data 0,192,196,200,208,224,255,254
- 1360 data 0,3,35,19,11,7,255,127
- 1370 data 0,0,32,32,240,80,254,252
- 1380 data 254,254,252,252,0,133,208,224
- 1390 data 255,255,127,63,0,80,3,31
- 1400 data 255,255,254,254,0,10,192,248
- 1410 data 127,127,63,63,0,161,11,7
- 1420 data 255,239,239,239,239,199,215,255
- 1430 data 65,41,68,175,122,189,110,219
- 1440 data 17,74,148,125,218,180,221,182
- 1450 data 255,255,255,255,255,255,255,255
- 1460 data 191,213,187,92,171,237,190,219
- 1470 data 247,174,181,125,235,189,173,222
- 1480 data-1