home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 100 *=$2000
- 110 ; send prompt message
- 120 start ldx #0
- 130 prlp lda prompt,x
- 140 beq inpt
- 150 jsr $ffd2
- 160 inx
- 170 bne prlp
- 180 ; accept only the first three (NULL)s
- 190 inpt ldy #0
- 200 inlp sty ysave
- 210 jsr $ffcf
- 220 ldy ysave
- 230 cmp #$0d
- 240 beq exit ; less than 3 saves
- 250 sta inbuff,y
- 260 iny
- 270 cpy #3
- 280 bcc inlp
- 290 ; input received. check it
- 300 scan lda #$0d
- 310 jsr $ffd2
- 320 ; set up first structure
- 330 lda #<table
- 340 sta $fd
- 350 lda #>table
- 360 sta $fe
- 370 ldx #0 ; count number of structs
- 380 scnlp ldy #10
- 390 scchr lda inbuff-10,y
- 400 ora #$80 ; change to upper case
- 410 cmp ($fd),y
- 420 bne nope ; no match, try next
- 430 iny
- 440 cpy #13 ; test 3 (NULL)s matched
- 450 bne scchr
- 460 beq yup
- 470 ; no match. try next structure.
- 480 nope clc
- 490 lda $fd
- 500 adc #14 ; size of structure
- 510 sta $fd
- 520 bcc ninc
- 530 inc $fe
- 540 ninc inx
- 550 cpx #12
- 560 bcc scnlp
- 570 exit rts
- 580 ; found match. print full month.
- 590 yup ldy #0 ; position in structure
- 600 mlp lda ($fd),y
- 610 beq hprn
- 620 jsr $ffd2
- 630 iny
- 640 bne mlp
- 650 ; now we print fixed string 'has'
- 660 hprn ldx #0
- 670 hplp lda has,x
- 680 jsr $ffd2
- 690 inx
- 700 cpx #5
- 710 bne hplp
- 720 ; extract number-of-days (bcd)
- 730 ldy #13 ; position in structure
- 740 lda ($fd),y
- 750 pha
- 760 lsr a
- 770 lsr a
- 780 lsr a
- 790 lsr a
- 800 ora #$30
- 810 jsr $ffd2 ; first digit
- 820 pla
- 830 and #$0f
- 840 ora #$30
- 850 jsr $ffd2 ; second digit
- 860 ; print string 'days.'
- 870 ldx #0
- 880 dylp lda days,x
- 890 jsr $ffd2
- 900 inx
- 910 cpx #7
- 920 bne dylp
- 930 ; print finished. (NULL) it again.
- 940 jmp start
- 1000 ; here comes the table structure
- 1010 table .asc "[202]anuary"
- 1011 .byte 0,0,0
- 1020 .asc "[202][193][206]"
- 1030 .byte $31
- 1040 .asc "[198]ebruary"
- 1041 .byte 0,0
- 1050 .asc "[198][197][194]"
- 1060 .byte $28
- 1070 .asc "[205]arch"
- 1071 .byte 0,0,0,0,0
- 1080 .asc "[205][193][210]"
- 1090 .byte $31
- 1100 .asc "[193]pril"
- 1101 .byte 0,0,0,0,0
- 1110 .asc "[193][208][210]"
- 1120 .byte $30
- 1130 .asc "[205]ay"
- 1131 .byte 0,0,0,0,0,0,0
- 1140 .asc "[205][193][217]"
- 1150 .byte $31
- 1160 .asc "[202]une"
- 1161 .byte 0,0,0,0,0,0
- 1170 .asc "[202][213][206]"
- 1180 .byte $30
- 1190 .asc "[202]uly"
- 1191 .byte 0,0,0,0,0,0
- 1200 .asc "[202][213][204]"
- 1210 .byte $31
- 1220 .asc "[193]ugust"
- 1221 .byte 0,0,0,0
- 1230 .asc "[193][213][199]"
- 1240 .byte $31
- 1250 .asc "[211]eptember"
- 1251 .byte 0
- 1260 .asc "[211][197][208]"
- 1270 .byte $30
- 1280 .asc "[207]ctober"
- 1281 .byte 0,0,0
- 1290 .asc "[207][195][212]"
- 1300 .byte $31
- 1310 .asc "[206]ovember"
- 1311 .byte 0,0
- 1320 .asc "[206][207][214]"
- 1330 .byte $30
- 1340 .asc "[196]ecember"
- 1341 .byte 0,0
- 1350 .asc "[196][197][195]"
- 1360 .byte $31
- 1370 ; here come the fixed strings
- 1380 prompt .asc "[197]nter month : ",0
- 1385 .byte 0
- 1390 has .asc " has "
- 1400 days .asc " days.",$0d
- 1405 .byte $0d
- 1410 ; here comes the variable area
- 1420 ysave *=*+1
- 1430 inbuff *=*+10