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- 5 if a=1then30
- 10 poke53281,6:poke53280,6:poke646,1
- 15 print"[147][201]nsert disk with [212]ext [210]eader program.":gosub100
- 20 ifa=0thena=1:load"text reader",8,1
- 30 print"[147][206]ow insert disk with file to read."
- 40 input"[206]ame of file to read";f$
- 42 if f$=""then99
- 45 f=49153:fl=49170:fori=820to1023:pokei,0:next
- 50 fori=1tolen(f$):pokei+f,asc(mid$(f$,i,1)):next
- 55 pokefl,len(f$)+2
- 60 sys49171
- 70 print"[147][215]ant to read another file? ([217]/[206])":gosub105
- 75 if w$<>"y"then 99
- 80 goto 30
- 99 end
- 100 print" -- [208]ress any key when ready -- "
- 105 getw$:if w$=""then105
- 110 return