20 print"[150] use [195][205][196]'s [198][196]-2000/4000 to read/write special formatted 1.44 [205][211]-[196][207][211] disks.":print"[158] [207]ptional [193][211][195][201][201][160]translation, converts: [195]ommodore [193][211][195][201][201] and [211]creen [195]ode files to/from [201][194][205] ([205][211]-[196][207][211]) [211]tandard [193][211][195][201][201]."
30 print" [155][201]ncludes both [195]64 & [195]128 programs:":print" [194][194][210] 128/64 [214]ersion 4.1 only $35":gosub70:print"[147] [159] [194] i b l e [211] e a r c h 3.2 ":print"[155][211]oftware for [204]ife! - 2[195]or 10:5 [210]om 10:9"
40 print"[197]ntire [207]ld & [206]ew [212]estament [194]ible text on 4-1541/71 or 2-1581 disks.":print"[153][195]omplete [195]oncordance with[160]700,000+ words indexed on 2-1541/71 or 1-1581 disks.":print"[158][201]ncredible[146] 5 sec. look-up time per/word, per/disk. [150][[214]ery [198]ast & [197]asy-to-[213]se.]"
50 print"[154][193]uto spell checking of 12,000+ words,":print"[211]earch using: [211]ingle & [205]ultiple word(s) ie. [198]ind every usage of [202]esus in 5 sec.":print" [155][193]vailable on 7-1541 or 4-1581 disks:":print" [201]ncludes disk case, and printed manual"