home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 0 clr
- 2 print"[147]":poke53280,5:poke53281,0
- 3 print"greetings to:"
- 4 print"[159]qhawk, sysop fm, thomast2, bonnie,"
- 5 print"djsenterp, dicka2, kel, exploited3,"
- 6 print"cnet rep, qguide sas, iant, the rad"
- 7 print"heavy metal bands, and all the other"
- 8 print"cool qlinkers i forgot to mention.":print"hit any key"
- 9 poke53280,5:poke53280,6:poke53280,4:geta$:ifa$=""then9
- 10 poke53280,0:poke53281,0:dimi$(13,13)
- 15 fori=54272to54296:pokei,0:next
- 20 print"[147][207][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][208]";
- 30 print"[180]"spc(38)"[170]";
- 40 print"[180][146] m a x i m u m o v e r d r i v e [170]";
- 50 print"[180]"spc(38)"[170]";
- 60 print"[204][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][186]";
- 70 print"[207][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][208]";
- 80 fori=1to11:print"[180]"spc(38)"[170]";:next
- 90 print"[204][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][186]";
- 92 print"[207][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][208]";
- 94 print"[180]"spc(38)"[170]";
- 95 print"[180][146] by digidan select a-r[146] [170]";
- 96 print"[180]"spc(38)"[170]";
- 98 print"[204][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][186]";
- 100 print"[145][145][145][146]"
- 110 print"[154][176][192][174]"
- 120 print"[145][221]a[221]":print"[221]b[221]":print"[145][221]c[221]":print"[221]d[221]":print"[145][221]e[221]"
- 130 print"[221]f[221]";:print"[157][157][157][221]g[221]":print"[221]h[221]":print"[145][221]i[221]":print"[173][192][189]"
- 140 print"[145][145][145][145][145][145][145][145][145][145][145][159]insulting":print"destruction"
- 150 print"[145]unresponsive":print"wake up":print"[145]128 look-alike"
- 160 print"intruder alert":print"[145]flattering"
- 170 print"twilight zone":print"[145]byte thief"
- 180 print"[145][145][145][145][145][145][145][145][145][145]"tab(21)"[154][176][192][174]"
- 190 printtab(21)"[145][221]j[221]":printtab(21)"[221]k[221]":printtab(21)"[145][221]l[221]"
- 200 printtab(21)"[221]m[221]":printtab(21)"[145][221]n[221]":printtab(21)"[221]o[221]"
- 210 printtab(21)"[145][221]p[221]":printtab(21)"[221]q[221]":printtab(21)"[145][221]r[221]"
- 220 printtab(21)"[173][192][189]"
- 230 printtab(25)"[145][145][145][145][145][145][145][145][145][145][145][159]malfunction"
- 240 printtab(25)"messenger":printtab(25)"[145]self control"
- 250 printtab(25)"norad":printtab(25)"[145]frustrating":printtab(25)"screen quake"
- 260 printtab(25)"[145][158]disable stop"
- 270 printtab(25)"instructions"
- 280 printtab(25)"[145]quit":c=1
- 290 geta$:gosub7000:ifa$=""then290
- 300 ifa$="q"then500
- 302 ifa$="r"thenpoke53280,14:poke53281,6:print"[147][154]";:end
- 304 ifa$="a"then900
- 305 ifa$="b"then1600
- 306 ifa$="c"then1950
- 307 ifa$="d"then2150
- 308 ifa$="e"then2400
- 309 ifa$="f"then2540
- 310 ifa$="g"then2750
- 311 ifa$="h"then3000
- 312 ifa$="i"then3250
- 313 ifa$="j"then4000
- 314 ifa$="k"then4350
- 315 ifa$="l"then4500
- 316 ifa$="m"then4800
- 317 ifa$="n"then5200
- 318 ifa$="o"then5400
- 319 ifa$="p"then6000
- 499 goto290
- 500 print"[147][207][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][208]";
- 510 fori=1to16:print"[180]"spc(38)"[170]";
- 520 next:print"[204][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][186]";
- 530 print"[207][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][208]";
- 535 print"[180]"spc(38)"[170]";
- 540 print"[180][146] instructions hit any key[146] [170]";
- 545 print"[180]"spc(38)"[170]";
- 550 print"[204][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][186]";
- 560 print"[146][154]this program is designed for having"
- 570 print"[145]some totally rad fun. there are 15"
- 580 print"different faking modes. each of"
- 590 print"[145]these begin by simulating the basic"
- 600 print"environment. after that, something"
- 610 print"[145]strange will happen.. depending on"
- 620 print"which mode you selected."
- 630 print"it is suggested that you select a"
- 640 print"[145]faking mode, leave the computer on,"
- 650 print"and wait until someone tries to use"
- 660 print"[145]it. that's where the fun part"
- 670 print"comes in. for the first time you"
- 680 print"[145]can watch your friend jump 40 feet."
- 685 goto720
- 690 geta$:ifa$=""then690
- 700 print"":fori=1to7:print" ":next
- 705 print"[145][145][145][145][145][145][145][145][145][145][145][145][145][145][145][145]"
- 706 fori=1to7:print" [145]":next
- 710 return
- 720 gosub690
- 730 print"after you select a faking mode,"
- 740 print"[145]it will describe what it does and"
- 750 print"allow you to either use it or"
- 760 print"[145]return to the main menu."
- 770 print"this program was written by dan"
- 780 print"komaromi of [158]digital wizard co.[154]"
- 790 print"[145]special thanks to 'qhawk' of the"
- 800 print"clark county commodore computer"
- 810 print"[145]club for having the best user group"
- 820 print"in the world.. and to 'sysop fm'"
- 830 print"[145]from quantum link for doing such"
- 840 print"a totally radical job with the"
- 850 print"[145]software libraries."
- 851 gosub690:print"if you like this program, or have"
- 852 print"[145]any comments or suggestions, please"
- 853 print"send a postcard to:"
- 854 print"dan komaromi":print"[145]251 altura dr.":print"fullerton, ca"
- 855 print"[145]92635"
- 856 print"remember that this program is in"
- 857 print"the public domain. i encourage"
- 858 print"[145]you to spread this around to all"
- 859 print"of your friends free of chagre."
- 860 print"[145]later, dude!"
- 861 geta$:ifa$=""then861
- 870 run10
- 900 goto937
- 902 print"[147][153][207][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][208]";
- 904 fori=1to16:print"[180]"spc(38)"[170]";:next
- 906 print"[204][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][186]";
- 908 print"[207][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][208]";
- 910 fori=1to3:print"[180]"spc(38)"[170]";:next
- 920 print"[204][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][186]";
- 930 print"[145][145][145][146]u=use[146] m=menu"
- 932 return
- 937 gosub902:printtab(11)"[145][145]c=change insults"
- 940 print"[154]this will cause your computer to"
- 950 print"[145]insult the user whenever a command"
- 960 print"is typed."
- 962 print"effective commands:[159] load, save,"
- 964 print"[145]print, poke, peek, list, run, new,"
- 966 print"restore, and clr."
- 980 print"[158]press 'c' to modify the insults,"
- 990 print"[145]or 'u' to use the built-in ones."
- 992 print"type [150]finish to end."
- 1000 geta$:ifa$=""then1000
- 1010 ifa$="m"thenrun10
- 1020 ifa$="c"then1050
- 1030 ifa$="u"thenskp=5:goto1120
- 1040 goto1000
- 1050 print"[147]":print"[156][207][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][183][208]";
- 1060 print"[180]"spc(38)"[170]";
- 1070 print"[180][146] change insults [156][170]";
- 1080 print"[180]"spc(38)"[170]";
- 1090 print"[204][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][175][186]";
- 1100 print"[146][f1] [155]forward [f2] [155]reverse"
- 1110 print"[f5] [155]change [f7] [155]done"
- 1120 fori=1to13:reada$:readb$:i$(i,0)=a$:i$(i,1)=b$:next:tn=1:ifskp=5then1380
- 1130 data "load","load it yourself!"
- 1140 data "save","why don't you do it instead?"
- 1150 data "print","isn't paper good enough for you?"
- 1160 data "list","the list is in your pocket you fool"
- 1170 data "run","you run, weakling!"
- 1180 data "poke","go poke someone your own size"
- 1190 data "peek","got a staring problem?"
- 1200 data "new","think you can erase me, huh?"
- 1210 data "clr","can't you spell out the whole thing?"
- 1220 data "restore","it's your brain that needs restoring"
- 1230 data "no","yes!!"
- 1240 data "yes","no!!"
- 1250 data "fu","didn't you have enough last night?"
- 1260 print"[158]#"tn"[157] "
- 1270 print"[155]"i$(tn,0);:fori=1to38-len(i$(tn,0)):print" ";:next
- 1280 print"[197][197][197][197][197][197][197][197][197][197][197][197][197][197][197][197][197][197][197][197][197][197][197][197][197][197][197][197][197][197][197][197][197][197][197][197][197]"
- 1290 print"[155]"i$(tn,1);:fori=1to38-len(i$(tn,1)):print" ";:next
- 1300 print"[197][197][197][197][197][197][197][197][197][197][197][197][197][197][197][197][197][197][197][197][197][197][197][197][197][197][197][197][197][197][197][197][197][197][197][197][197]"
- 1310 getx$:ifx$="[133]"thentn=tn+1:poke54296,15:poke54296,0:iftn>10thentn=10
- 1320 ifx$="[134]"thentn=tn-1:poke54296,15:poke54296,0:iftn<1thentn=1
- 1330 ifx$="[135]"then1360
- 1340 ifx$="[136]"then1380
- 1350 goto1260
- 1360 poke19,54:print"";:fori=1to80:print" ";:next
- 1370 print"";:inputn$:i$(tn,1)=n$:goto1260
- 1380 goto1399
- 1381 poke53280,14:poke53281,6:print"[147][154]**** commodore 64 basic v2 ****"
- 1390 print" 64k ram system 38911 basic bytes free":skp=0:return
- 1399 gosub1381
- 1400 print"ready."
- 1410 poke19,54:inputa$:ifa$=""thenprint
- 1420 ifleft$(a$,4)="load"thenprint:print:printi$(1,1):goto1400
- 1430 ifleft$(a$,4)="save"thenprint:print:printi$(2,1):goto1400
- 1440 ifleft$(a$,5)="print"thenprint:print:printi$(3,1):goto1400
- 1450 ifleft$(a$,4)="list"thenprint:print:printi$(4,1):goto1400
- 1460 ifleft$(a$,3)="run"thenprint:print:printi$(5,1):goto1400
- 1470 ifleft$(a$,4)="poke"thenprint:print:printi$(6,1):goto1400
- 1480 ifleft$(a$,4)="peek"thenprint:print:printi$(7,1):goto1400
- 1490 ifleft$(a$,3)="new"thenprint:print:printi$(8,1):goto1400
- 1500 ifleft$(a$,3)="clr"thenprint:print:printi$(9,1):goto1400
- 1510 ifleft$(a$,7)="restore"thenprint:print:printi$(10,1):goto1400
- 1520 ifleft$(a$,2)="no"thenprint:print:printi$(11,1):goto1400
- 1530 ifleft$(a$,3)="yes"thenprint:print:printi$(12,1):goto1400
- 1540 ifleft$(a$,2)="fu"thenprint:print:printi$(13,1):goto1400
- 1550 ifval(left$(a$,2))>0thenprint:goto1410
- 1555 ifa$="finish"thenprint:print:print"[147][147]":poke19,0:run10
- 1560 ifa$<>""thenprint:print:print"?syntax error":goto1400
- 1580 goto1410
- 1600 gosub902
- 1610 print"[150]self destruction..."
- 1620 print"have you ever seen a computer"
- 1630 print"[145]demolish itself? well, you're"
- 1640 print"unsuspecting friend will."
- 1660 print"[158]this will make it seem like your"
- 1670 print"[145]commodore is suicidal."
- 1675 print"[156]turn up yer volume!"
- 1680 geta$:ifa$=""then1680
- 1690 ifa$="m"thenrun10
- 1695 ifa$="u"then1700
- 1697 goto1680
- 1700 gosub1381
- 1710 print"ready."
- 1720 poke19,54:inputa$
- 1730 print:print"?super syntax error"
- 1740 ford=1to200:poke54296,15:poke54296,0:next
- 1750 print"[147]":poke53280,0:poke53281,0
- 1760 print"self destruction 00 % complete"
- 1770 fori=1to99:print"[154]"i
- 1780 print""tab(16)"[158]danger[146]";
- 1785 print""tab(16)"danger[146]";
- 1790 ford=1to5:poke54296,15:poke54296,0:next:next
- 1800 print"[147]"
- 1801 forr=54272to54296:poker,0:next
- 1802 poke54296,15:poke54277,0
- 1803 poke54278,240:poke54275,8
- 1804 poke54276,65:poke54272,237
- 1805 poke54273,50
- 1810 poke53296,15:fori=1to250
- 1820 poke53280,11:poke53280,12
- 1830 poke53280,6:poke53280,4
- 1840 poke53280,14:poke53280,0
- 1850 poke53280,6:poke53280,0
- 1860 next:poke53296,0
- 1870 poke53281,1:poke53280,1:ford=1to100:next
- 1880 poke53281,15:poke53280,15:ford=1to100:next:gosub1930
- 1890 poke53281,12:poke53280,12:ford=1to100:next:gosub1930
- 1900 poke53281,11:poke53280,11:ford=1to100:next:gosub1930
- 1910 poke53281,0:poke53280,0:ford=1to100:next:gosub1930
- 1920 print"[147][144]":poke54296,0:end
- 1930 poke54273,peek(54272)/2:ford=1to10:next:return
- 1950 gosub902
- 1960 print"this is guaranteed to fool even"
- 1970 print"[145]the most intelligent of all nerds."
- 1980 print"[158]they will think they're commodore"
- 1990 print"is broken. have plenty of tissue"
- 2000 print"[145]paper ready."
- 2010 print"[156]this just makes your computer"
- 2020 print"ignore everything you type. it"
- 2030 print"[145]is simple but effective."
- 2040 geta$:ifa$=""then2040
- 2050 ifa$="m"thenrun10
- 2060 ifa$="u"then2080
- 2070 goto2040
- 2080 gosub1381:print"ready."
- 2100 poke19,54:inputa$
- 2110 print:goto2100
- 2150 gosub902
- 2160 print"for the first time, your c64"
- 2170 print"[145](or c128) is getting sleepy. see"
- 2180 print"what happens when the unsuspecting"
- 2190 print"[145]user tries to wake it up."
- 2200 print"[153]zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz"
- 2210 geta$:ifa$=""then2210
- 2220 ifa$="m"thenrun10
- 2230 ifa$="u"then2250
- 2240 goto2210
- 2250 gosub1381
- 2260 print"ready."
- 2270 poke19,54:inputa$
- 2280 print:print"don't wake me up. i'm sleeping."
- 2290 print"ready."
- 2300 poke19,54:inputa$
- 2310 print:print"i said to leave me alone!"
- 2320 print"ready."
- 2330 poke19,54:inputa$
- 2340 print:print"goodnight, i'm turning the lights off!"
- 2350 ford=1to3000:next
- 2360 poke53280,15:poke53281,15
- 2370 ford=1to100:next:poke53280,12:poke53281,12:ford=1to100:next
- 2380 poke53280,11:poke53281,11:ford=1to100:next:poke53280,0:poke53281,0
- 2390 print"[144][147]":end
- 2400 gosub902
- 2410 print"[150]this will make your c64 screen"
- 2420 print"[145]look exactly like a c128 screen,"
- 2430 print"but actually be in c64 mode."
- 2432 print"[156]after the 'startup' message is"
- 2433 print"[145]displayed, this program will end"
- 2434 print"so be careful what kind of disk"
- 2435 print"[145]commands you use."
- 2440 geta$:ifa$=""then2440
- 2450 ifa$="m"thenrun10
- 2460 ifa$="u"then2480
- 2470 goto2440
- 2480 print"[147]":poke53280,13:poke53281,11
- 2490 print"[153] commodore basic v7.0 122365 bytes free"
- 2500 print" (c)1985 commodore electronics, ltd."
- 2510 print" (c)1977 microsoft corp."
- 2520 print" all rights reserved"
- 2530 end
- 2540 gosub902
- 2550 print"with 'intruder alert', you can"
- 2560 print"[145]make sure everyone keeps far"
- 2570 print"away from your computer."
- 2580 print"[158]you can make up some wild story"
- 2590 print"[145]explaining your new security"
- 2600 print"system."
- 2602 print"[159]turn the volume way up!"
- 2610 geta$:ifa$=""then2610
- 2620 ifa$="m"thenrun10
- 2630 ifa$="u"then2650
- 2640 goto2610
- 2650 gosub1381
- 2660 print"ready."
- 2670 poke19,54:inputa$:fori=54272to54296:pokei,0:next:poke54272,12
- 2671 print"[147]"tab(12)"intruder alert!!"
- 2672 poke54296,15:poke54277,0:poke54278,240:poke54275,8:poke54276,65
- 2674 poke54273,1
- 2680 poke53280,0:poke53281,0
- 2690 fori=1to100:poke54273,i:next
- 2700 poke53280,2:poke53281,2
- 2710 fori=100to1step-1:poke54273,i:next
- 2720 goto2680
- 2750 gosub902
- 2760 print"[159]there is nothing worse than a"
- 2770 print"[145]computer trying to flirt with you."
- 2780 print"[150]try this one on your friends and"
- 2790 print"they will be in for a big surprise!"
- 2800 geta$:ifa$=""then2800
- 2810 ifa$="m"thenrun10
- 2820 ifa$="u"then2840
- 2830 goto2800
- 2840 gosub1381
- 2850 print"ready."
- 2860 poke19,54:inputa$
- 2870 print:print"my, what beutiful fingers you have!":print"ready."
- 2880 poke19,54:inputa$
- 2890 print:print"i love the way you stroke my keys!":print"ready."
- 2900 poke19,54:inputa$
- 2910 print:print"touch me like that again please":print"ready."
- 2920 poke19,54:inputa$
- 2930 print:print"yes, i love you too":print"ready."
- 2940 poke19,54:inputa$
- 2950 print:print"bye dear, talk to you later, eh?"
- 2960 poke19,0:end
- 3000 gosub902
- 3010 print"[156]you are about to enter a"
- 3020 print"[145]different dimension - not only"
- 3030 print"of sight and sound but of mischief."
- 3040 print"[158]doo de do da..."
- 3050 geta$:ifa$=""then3050
- 3060 ifa$="m"thenrun10
- 3070 ifa$="u"then3090
- 3080 goto3050
- 3090 gosub1381
- 3100 print"ready."
- 3102 forr=54272to54296:poker,0:next
- 3103 poke54296,15:poke54277,0:poke54278,240:poke54275,8:poke54276,65
- 3104 poke54272,12
- 3110 poke19,54:inputa$
- 3120 fori=1to25:print:next
- 3130 print"[147]":poke53280,0:poke53281,0
- 3140 a$="you have just entered the twilight zone!"
- 3150 print""
- 3160 fori=1tolen(a$):printmid$(a$,i,1);:ford=1to100:next:poke54273,255
- 3170 poke54273,200:next
- 3180 fori=255to0step-1:poke54273,i:next
- 3200 poke54273,50:fori=1to50:poke53280,0:poke53280,5:next
- 3210 poke54273,60:fori=1to50:poke53280,0:poke53280,6:next
- 3220 poke54273,70:fori=1to50:poke53280,0:poke53280,2:next:poke53280,0
- 3230 forxx=54272to54295:pokexx,0:next:poke54296,15:poke54277,8:poke54278,255
- 3231 poke54276,23:yy=4:forzz=1to3:poke54287,yy:forxx=1to150:poke54273,xx
- 3232 poke53280,6:poke53280,5:yy=yy+.01:next:next:poke54278,15
- 3233 goto3230
- 3250 gosub902
- 3260 print"[154]are you getting sick of always"
- 3270 print"[145]seeing 38911 bytes free?"
- 3280 print"[158]this will get rid of 'em."
- 3290 geta$:ifa$=""then3290
- 3300 ifa$="m"thenrun10
- 3310 ifa$="u"then3330
- 3320 goto3290
- 3330 gosub1381:print"ready."
- 3340 poke19,54:inputa$
- 3345 print:print"ouch!! don't hit my keyboard so hard!!"
- 3350 print:print"i'm going to punish you by taking"
- 3360 print"away your available ram memory."
- 3370 fori=38911to0step-1
- 3380 print""i
- 3390 next
- 4000 gosub902
- 4010 print"scare 'em into thinking they"
- 4020 print"[145]destroyed your computer."
- 4030 print"[159]prepare to recieve kindness and/or"
- 4040 print"loans from your victims."
- 4050 geta$:ifa$=""then4050
- 4060 ifa$="m"thenrun10
- 4070 ifa$="u"then4090
- 4080 goto4050
- 4090 gosub1381
- 4100 print"ready."
- 4110 poke19,54:inputa$
- 4120 poke53280,0:poke53281,0
- 4130 print"[147][150]computer malfunction"
- 4140 forr=54272to54296:poker,0:next
- 4150 poke54296,15:poke54277,0:poke54278,240:poke54275,8:poke54276,65
- 4160 poke54272,12
- 4170 poke54273,10
- 4180 fori=1to50
- 4190 printspc(i);"[157] [158][192]";:poke54273,15:poke54273,25
- 4200 next:poke54273,20:poke53280,1
- 4300 ford=1to100:next:print"[150]computer malfunction":poke53280,0:goto4180
- 4350 gosub902
- 4360 print"[154]with this, you can enter your"
- 4370 print"[145]own personal message to be seen"
- 4380 print"after the user hits return."
- 4390 print"[158]it will allow up to 10 lines."
- 4400 geta$:ifa$=""then4400
- 4410 ifa$="m"thenrun10
- 4420 ifa$="u"then4431
- 4430 goto4400
- 4431 print"[147][159]you have up to 10 lines of text for"
- 4432 print"your message. hit return to skip"
- 4433 print"remaining lines. start entering:"
- 4434 poke19,54:fori=0to10:inputm$(i):print:next
- 4435 print"[154]hit any key to start"
- 4436 geta$:ifa$=""then4436
- 4440 gosub1381
- 4450 print"ready."
- 4460 poke19,54:inputa$
- 4470 print:print:fori=0to10:printm$(i):next
- 4474 poke19,0
- 4475 end
- 4500 gosub902
- 4510 print"[156]this will freak 'em out by"
- 4520 print"[145]allowing your commodore control"
- 4530 print"itself."
- 4540 print"[158]it will seem like it's writing"
- 4550 print"[145]and executing a small program."
- 4560 geta$:ifa$=""then4560
- 4570 ifa$="m"thenrun10
- 4580 ifa$="u"then4600
- 4590 goto4560
- 4600 gosub1381
- 4610 print"ready."
- 4620 poke19,54:inputa$
- 4630 print:a$="let me take over now."
- 4635 goto4650
- 4640 fori=1tolen(a$):printmid$(a$,i,1);:ford=1to200
- 4642 next:next:print:return
- 4650 gosub4640:ford=1to300:next
- 4660 print:a$="10 print"+chr$(34)+"hello"+chr$(34)
- 4670 gosub4640
- 4680 a$="20 goto 10"
- 4690 gosub4640
- 4691 print:a$="run":gosub4640
- 4700 print:ford=1to750:next
- 4710 print"hello"
- 4720 goto4710
- 4800 gosub902
- 4810 print"[158]scare 'em into thinking they"
- 4820 print"[145]broke into the defense department"
- 4830 print"with your modem."
- 4840 print"[154]if you don't have a modem, they'll"
- 4850 print"[145]think you have one."
- 4860 geta$:ifa$=""then4860
- 4870 ifa$="m"thenrun10
- 4880 ifa$="u"then4900
- 4890 goto4860
- 4900 gosub1381
- 4920 forr=54272to54296:poker,0:next
- 4930 poke54296,15:poke54277,0:poke54278,240:poke54275,8:poke54276,65
- 4960 print"ready.":poke19,54:inputa$
- 4970 print:print"dialing norad defense systems...":poke54272,12
- 4980 fori=1to4:forj=1to25
- 4990 poke54273,50:poke54273,60
- 5000 ford=1to25:next:next:poke54273,0:ford=1to750:next:next
- 5010 print"connect on -- 9600 bps"
- 5020 print"** us government defense systems **"
- 5030 print"password:";
- 5040 poke19,54:inputa$
- 5050 print:print"logon complete."
- 5060 print"welcome, officer nettles."
- 5070 print"command:";
- 5080 poke19,54:inputa$:print
- 5090 print"missle silos activated."
- 5100 ford=1to1000:next
- 5110 print"launch confirmation recieved."
- 5120 ford=1to950:next
- 5130 print"launching nuclear warhead #";int(rnd(1)*5000+1)+4000
- 5135 ford=1to1000:next
- 5140 print:goto5070
- 5200 gosub902
- 5210 print"[158]every time the user types a"
- 5220 print"[145]command, the computer will mix"
- 5230 print"up one of his/her characters and"
- 5240 print"[145]give 'em a syntax error."
- 5250 print"[159]is that frustration or what?"
- 5260 geta$:ifa$=""then5260
- 5270 ifa$="m"thenrun10
- 5280 ifa$="u"then5300
- 5290 goto5260
- 5300 gosub1381
- 5310 print"ready."
- 5320 poke19,54:inputa$:ifa$=""thenprint:goto5320
- 5330 l=len(a$)
- 5340 p=int(rnd(1)*l+1)
- 5350 c$=mid$(a$,p,1)
- 5360 h$=chr$(asc(c$)+1)
- 5370 print:printtab(p-1)"[145]";h$
- 5380 print:print"?syntax error"
- 5390 goto5310
- 5400 gosub902
- 5410 print"[156]you always wanted to have an"
- 5420 print"[145]earthquake occur on your computer"
- 5430 print"screen, right? here it is."
- 5440 print"[159]8.2 on the richter scale."
- 5450 geta$:ifa$=""then5450
- 5460 ifa$="m"thenrun10
- 5470 ifa$="u"then5490
- 5480 goto5450
- 5490 gosub1381
- 5500 print"ready."
- 5510 poke19,54:inputa$
- 5511 forr=54272to54296:poker,0:next
- 5512 poke54296,15:poke54277,0:poke54278,240:poke54275,8:poke54276,129
- 5513 poke54272,12
- 5514 poke54273,1
- 5520 print"internal micro-quake!"
- 5530 ifo>5thenx=int(rnd(1)*10+1):o=o-(x/2):poke54273,o
- 5540 ifo<10theny=int(rnd(1)*10+1)+20:o=o+y:poke54273,o
- 5550 poke53270,x:poke53265,y:goto5530
- 6000 ifpeek(808)=237then6040
- 6010 print""tab(25)"[158]disable stop"
- 6020 poke808,237:poke54296,15:poke54296,0
- 6030 goto290
- 6040 print""tab(25)"[158]enable stop "
- 6050 poke808,234:poke54296,15:poke54296,0
- 6060 goto290
- 7000 m$="m a x i m u m o v e r d r i v e"
- 7010 ifc=1thenprint""m$:ford=1to100:next
- 7020 ifc=2thenprint"[155]"m$
- 7030 ifc=3thenprint"[152]"m$
- 7040 ifc=4thenprint"[151]"m$
- 7050 ifc=5thenprint"[152]"m$
- 7060 ifc=6thenprint"[155]"m$
- 7070 ifc=7thenc=0
- 7080 c=c+1:ford=1to25:next:return