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- 10 rem copyright 1993 - compute publications inlt ltd - all rights reserved
- 12 ifa=0thena=1:load"chase ml",8,1
- 14 poke56,39:clr:a=rnd(-ti):c=65520
- 16 s=54272:d=56576:e=53272:f=53265
- 18 pokef,0:poke53280,0:poke53281,0
- 20 forl=0to23:pokes+l,0:next
- 22 print"[147][153]";:a$="!#$%&()*+,"+chr$(34)
- 24 pokes+24,15:pokes+18,128
- 26 pokes+6,255:pokes+2,255:pokes+4,83
- 28 pokes+15,rnd(0)*5+1
- 30 poked,peek(d)or3:pokee,28:pokef,27
- 32 forw=0to3:forl=0tornd(0)*4
- 34 printmid$(a$,int(rnd(0)*11+1),1);
- 36 pokes+1,peek(s+27)/8:fort=1to50:next
- 38 nextl:print" ";:nextw
- 40 printchr$(13)chr$(145)tab(18);
- 42 readb$:ifb$<>"z"thenprintb$:goto32
- 44 readb$:printb$:pokes+18,0:pokes+4,0
- 46 poke198,0:wait198,1
- 48 :
- 50 poke820,0:poke821,0:sys10133
- 52 pokef,0:print"[147]"
- 54 poke781,9:poke782,9:poke783,0:sysc
- 56 printtab(9)"//////////////////////"
- 58 printtab(9)"player one's score:";
- 60 a=peek(820):printa:print
- 62 printtab(9)"[158]player two's score:";
- 64 b=peek(821):printb:print:printtab(9)
- 66 ifa>bthenprint" player one wins["
- 68 ifa<bthenprint" player two wins["
- 70 ifa=bthenprint" the game is tied."
- 72 printtab(9)"//////////////////////"
- 74 poke781,24:poke782,8:poke783,0:sysc
- 76 a$="press fire to play again"
- 78 poked,peek(d)or3:pokee,28:pokef,27
- 80 printtab(8)"";
- 82 a=40:gosub90:ifb=1then50
- 84 printtab(8)"[144]";
- 86 a=10:gosub90:ifb=1then50
- 88 goto80
- 90 printa$;"[145]":b=0:x=1
- 92 if(peek(56320)and16)=0thenb=1
- 94 if(peek(56321)and16)=0thenb=1
- 96 ifb=0thenx=x+1:ifx<>athen92
- 98 return
- 100 data live broadcast with
- 102 data gazette's tachyon
- 104 data impulse copyright
- 106 data circa 1993. . .@@@@@@@
- 108 data greetings from the
- 110 data planet +#$%*&&$().@@@@
- 112 data we are well pleased
- 114 data to bring you this
- 116 data game played by the
- 118 data cool guys and gals
- 120 data on inhabited planets
- 122 data throughout the known
- 124 data stellar system.@@@@@@@
- 126 data within moments this
- 128 data two player marvel
- 130 data will be transferred
- 132 data to your remote 64.@@@@
- 134 data fortunately enough
- 136 data for you- we have made
- 138 data it possible to play
- 140 data on your primitive-
- 142 data albeit juggernaut-
- 144 data computer interface.@@@
- 146 data coincidentally- the
- 148 data authors also happen
- 150 data to be among you.@@@@@@
- 152 data their name's are. . .
- 154 data todd piltingsrud and
- 156 data jon piltingsrud.@@@@@
- 158 data if you happen to run
- 160 data into them- tell them
- 162 data to phone home.@@@@@@@@
- 164 data z,. . .end of message