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- 0 rem copyright 1993 - compute publications intl ltd - all rights reserved
- 1 poke53280,6:poke53281,6:print"[147]":goto10:rem by randy clemmons
- 2 s=10 :rem * delete routine 2-8 *
- 3 print"[147]":fori=s to s+60 step10
- 4 ifi>340then next:print"goto7":goto6
- 5 printi:printchr$(20):nexti:print"s="s+60"[157]:goto3"
- 6 poke198,10:fork=1to10:poke630+k,13:nextk:print"":end
- 7 print"[147]":form=1to8:printm:nextm:print"print chr$(147):list"
- 8 poke198,9:fork=1to9:poke630+k,13:nextk:print"":end
- 10 gosub130:input"[147]create basic loader y/n";c$:ifc$="y"thengosub110:goto 30
- 20 print"sys";s:print"to view "t$" files":end
- 30 print"[147]":fori=stos+47step6
- 40 ifi>fthennext:print"goto 80":goto70
- 50 printi;"data ";:forj=0to5:r$=str$(peek(i+j)):printright$(r$,len(r$)-1);",";
- 60 nextj:printchr$(20):nexti:print"s="s+48"[157]:f="f"[157]:goto 30"
- 70 poke198,10:fork=1to10:poke630+k,13:nextk:print"":end
- 80 sa=(peek(679)*256)+peek(680):ea=sa+101
- 90 print"[147]"sa-1"fori="sa"to"ea":readda:pokei,da:nexti:end"
- 100 print"run 2":poke198,2:poke631,13:poke632,13:print"":end
- 110 rem ** save starting address **
- 120 tv=s:hb=int(tv/256):lb=int(tv-(hb*256)):poke679,hb:poke680,lb:return
- 130 print"[147]enter starting address no. 828"
- 140 input"[145]";s
- 150 print"poking data to memory ..."
- 160 rem * directory ml data *
- 170 for i= s to s+101:readda:pokei,da:nexti:f=s+101
- 180 data 169,8,170,160,0,32,186,255,169
- 190 data 1,162,154,160,3,32,189,255,32
- 200 data 192,255,162,8,32,198,255,32
- 210 data 228,255,32,228,255,32,225,255
- 220 data 240,49,32,228,255,32,228,255
- 230 data 165,144,208,39,32,228,255,141
- 240 data 160,3,32,228,255,174,160,3,32
- 250 data 205,189,169,32,32,210,255
- 260 data 32,228,255,240,6,32,210,255,76
- 270 data 126,3,169,13,32,210,255,76,91
- 280 data 3,32,204,255,169,8,32,195,255
- 290 data 96,36,48,58,42,61,83,0,0
- 300 rem ** relocation data **
- 310 data 94,11,13,100,50,51,100,56,57,66,75,76,31,83,84
- 320 rem ** relocation routine **
- 330 fori=1 to 5:read da:tv=s+da:hb=int(tv/256):lb=int(tv-(hb*256))
- 340 readlo:poke(s+lo),lb:readhi:poke(s+hi),hb:nexti:return
- 0