home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 10 rem load and activate program:
- 20 if x=0 then x=1:load"button64.ml",8,1
- 30 sys 49152:poke 53280,0:poke 53281,15
- 40 rem setup screen and menus
- 50 printchr$(14)"[147][205][197][206][213][160][212][197][205][208][204][193][212][197] ";
- 60 print"[198]ile [167][204]ayout [167][212]ools [167][207]ptions [146]";
- 70 print" [144]^[157][221][157][157][157][195]lick on these to test menus."
- 80 print"[195]lick on these":print"to test buttons [144][192][192]>"
- 90 printtab(21)"[145][145][159][176][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][174]"
- 100 printtab(21)"[159][221][144][164][146] [194]utton #1[159][221]"
- 110 printtab(21)"[159][221][144][164][146] [194]utton #2[159][221]"
- 120 printtab(21)"[159][221][144][164][146] [194]utton #3[159][221]"
- 130 printtab(21)"[159][173][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][189]"
- 140 print" [159][176][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][174]"
- 150 print" [159][221] [144]<[146][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][219][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][144]>[146] 15[159][221]"
- 160 print" [159][173][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][192][189][144]"
- 170 print"^[157][221][157][221][157][157][157][195]lick on this to test slider."
- 180 sl=15
- 190 sys 49653 : rem save screen to buffer
- 200 gosub 1570 : rem get a point
- 210 rem test for known points
- 220 if y<>1 then 270
- 230 if x<8 then 320:rem files
- 240 if x>7 and x<16 then 840:rem layout
- 250 if x>15 and x<24 then 990:rem tools
- 260 if x>23 then 1070:rem options
- 270 if x=22 and y=9 then 1150:rem b1
- 280 if x=22 and y=10 then 1230:rem b2
- 290 if x=22 and y=11 then 1310:rem b3
- 300 if y=17 then 1390 : rem slider
- 310 goto 190
- 320 rem file menu was chosen
- 330 print"[204]oad [157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][211]ave [144] [157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157]";
- 340 print"[206]ew [144] [157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][196]ir [144] [157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157]";
- 350 print"[209]uit [144] [157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157]";
- 360 print"[144] [146]"
- 370 gosub 1570
- 380 if x<1 or x>8 then 440
- 390 if y=2 then 450 : rem load routine
- 400 if y=3 then 520 : rem save routine
- 410 if y=4 then 590 : rem new routine
- 420 if y=5 then 660 : rem dir routine
- 430 if y=6 then 730 : rem quit routine
- 440 sys 49709 : goto 190
- 450 gosub 1500
- 460 print"[217]ou pressed the"
- 470 print"[204][207][193][196] routine."
- 480 print"[144] [195][207][206][212][201][206][213][197] "
- 490 gosub 1570
- 500 if y<>11 or x<19 or x>28 then 490
- 510 sys 49709:goto 190
- 520 gosub 1500
- 530 print"[217]ou pressed the"
- 540 print"[211][193][214][197] routine."
- 550 print"[144] [195][207][206][212][201][206][213][197] "
- 560 gosub 1570
- 570 if y<>11 or x<19 or x>28 then 490
- 580 sys 49709:goto 190
- 590 gosub 1500
- 600 print"[217]ou pressed the"
- 610 print"[206][197][215] routine."
- 620 print"[144] [195][207][206][212][201][206][213][197] "
- 630 gosub 1570
- 640 if y<>11 or x<19 or x>28 then 490
- 650 sys 49709:goto 190
- 660 gosub 1500
- 670 print"[217]ou pressed the"
- 680 print"[196][201][210] routine."
- 690 print"[144] [195][207][206][212][201][206][213][197] "
- 700 gosub 1570
- 710 if y<>11 or x<19 or x>28 then 490
- 720 sys 49709:goto 190
- 730 gosub 1500
- 740 print"[193]re you sure you"
- 750 print"want to quit the"
- 760 print"program?"
- 770 print"[144] [217][197][211] [206][207] "
- 780 gosub 1570
- 790 if y<>11 then 780
- 800 if x>10 and x<16 then 830
- 810 if x>24 and x<29 then sys49709:goto 190
- 820 goto 780
- 830 sys 49633:poke 53280,14:poke 53281,6:print"[147][154]"chr$(142);:end
- 840 rem layout menu
- 850 print"[204]ayout 1[157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][204]ayout 2[144] [157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][204]ayout 3[144] ";
- 860 print"[157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][204]ayout 4[144] [157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][204]ayout 5[144] [157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][204]ayout 6[144] ";
- 870 print"[157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][204]ayout 7[144] [157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][204]ayout 8[144] [157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157] "
- 880 gosub 1570
- 890 if x<9 or x>16 then 980
- 900 if y<2 or y>9 then 980
- 910 l=y-1
- 920 gosub 1500
- 930 print"[204]ayout #"l
- 940 print"was selected."
- 950 print"[144] [195][207][206][212][201][206][213][197] "
- 960 gosub 1570
- 970 if y<>11 or x<19 or x>28 then 960
- 980 sys 49709:goto 190
- 990 rem tools menu
- 1000 gosub 1500
- 1010 print"[212]he [212]ools menu"
- 1020 print"was selected."
- 1030 print"[144] [195][207][206][212][201][206][213][197] "
- 1040 gosub 1570
- 1050 if y<>11 or x<19 or x>28 then 960
- 1060 sys 49709:goto 190
- 1070 rem options menu
- 1080 gosub 1500
- 1090 print"[212]he [207]ptions menu"
- 1100 print"was selected."
- 1110 print"[144] [195][207][206][212][201][206][213][197] "
- 1120 gosub 1570
- 1130 if y<>11 or x<19 or x>28 then 960
- 1140 sys 49709:goto 190
- 1150 rem button #1 was pressed
- 1160 gosub 1500
- 1170 print"[217]ou pressed"
- 1180 print"[194]utton #1."
- 1190 print"[144] [195][207][206][212][201][206][213][197] "
- 1200 gosub 1570
- 1210 if y<>11 or x<19 or x>28 then 960
- 1220 sys 49709:goto 190
- 1230 rem button #2 was pressed
- 1240 gosub 1500
- 1250 print"[217]ou pressed"
- 1260 print"[194]utton #2."
- 1270 print"[144] [195][207][206][212][201][206][213][197] "
- 1280 gosub 1570
- 1290 if y<>11 or x<19 or x>28 then 960
- 1300 sys 49709:goto 190
- 1310 rem button #3 was pressed
- 1320 gosub 1500
- 1330 print"[217]ou pressed"
- 1340 print"[194]utton #3."
- 1350 print"[144] [195][207][206][212][201][206][213][197] "
- 1360 gosub 1570
- 1370 if y<>11 or x<19 or x>28 then 960
- 1380 sys 49709:goto 190
- 1390 rem slider
- 1400 gosub1450
- 1410 if x=4 and sl>0 then gosub 1460:sl=sl-1:gosub1470:goto 1480
- 1420 if x=32 and sl<26 then gosub 1460:sl=sl+1:gosub1470:goto 1480
- 1430 if x>4 and x<32 then gosub1460:sl=x-5:gosub1470:goto1480
- 1440 goto 190
- 1450 print"";:return
- 1460 gosub1450:fort=0to sl+1:print"";:next:print"[192]";:return
- 1470 gosub1450:fort=0to sl+1:print"";:next:print"[219]";:return
- 1480 gosub1450:print"[157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157]";:if sl>9 then printsl"[157][159][221]":goto 190
- 1490 print" "sl"[157][159][221]":goto 190
- 1500 rem draw dialog box
- 1510 sys 49709 : rem load screen
- 1520 print" "
- 1530 for t=1 to 6:print" [144] ":next
- 1540 print"[144] "
- 1550 return
- 1560 rem ---------------------------
- 1570 rem get a screen coord from ml
- 1580 poke 49572,0
- 1590 if peek(49572)=0 then 1590
- 1600 x=peek(49571):y=peek(49570)
- 1610 poke 54296,15:poke 54296,0
- 1620 if peek(56320)<>127 then 1620
- 1630 return