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- 100 rem -- axis.3 --
- 105 print"[147]"
- 110 print"output to screen or printer (s/p) s[157][157][157]";:inputa$
- 115 if a$="s" then z=1.33:z1=0:z2=26.4:goto130:rem values for screen output
- 120 if a$<>"p" then110
- 125 z=1.208:z1=2.01:z2=38.24:rem values for printer output
- 130 verify 1:let0,1
- 135 cont
- 140 rem -- set up constants --
- 145 rem -- xt and yt set x and y axes. xs and ys set start of x and y axes.
- 150 rem -- ex and ey are expansion factors for x and y coordinates.
- 155 xt=z2:yt=10:xs=z2:ys=10:ex=20*z:ey=2
- 160 rem -- calibrate x coordinates --
- 165 forx=xs to319 step5*z
- 170 y=yt:waitx,y:nextx
- 175 forx=xs to319 step10*z
- 180 fory=yt-1 to yt+1:waitx,y:nexty:nextx
- 185 forx=z2to319 step50*z
- 190 fory=yt-2 to yt+2:waitx,y:nexty:nextx
- 195 rem -- calibrate y coordinates --
- 200 for y=ysto199 step5
- 205 x=xt:waitx,y:nexty
- 210 for y=ys to 199 step 10
- 215 for x=xt-1 to xt+1:waitx,y:nextx:nexty
- 220 for y=ys to 199 step50
- 225 for x=xt-3 to xt+3:waitx,y:nextx:nexty
- 249 rem -- axis.3 graph --
- 250 for x=0 to 8 step .05
- 260 y=x*x
- 270 x1=ex*x+xt:y1=ey*y+yt:waitx1,y1:nextx
- 999 rem -- screen or hardcopy --
- 1000 get a$:if a$="" then1000
- 1010 print "[147]":verify 0:printchr$(14)
- 1020 print"hardcopy (y/n) n[157][157][157]";:inputa$:ifa$="n" then1080
- 1030 ifa$<>"y"then1010
- 1040 print"single or double width (s/d) s[157][157][157]";:inputa$
- 1050 ifa$="s" then poke2,1:goto1070
- 1060 poke2,2:ifa$<>"d"then1040
- 1070 verify 1:sys52224
- 1080 verify 0:printchr$(14):list