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- 0 clr
- 5 rem copyright 1991 compute publications intl ltd - all rights reserved
- 100 rem * * initialize * * *
- 110 hd$="inductor design[146]"
- 120 dimtn(40):fori=8to40:readtn(i):next
- 130 deffnpu(x)=3*val(cd$)*in+9*in*(x):deffnnn(x)=tn(ga)^2*.2*val(cd$)^2*x^2
- 140 poke53280,0:poke53281,0:poke646,7
- 150 rem * * menu page * * *
- 160 print"[147]"hd$
- 170 print"parameters for a single-layer,":
- 180 print"air-core inductor using enamel wire."
- 190 print"select: 1- inductance unknown";
- 195 print spc(59)"2- "chr$(34)" known"
- 200 input"choice: 1[157][157][157]";a$
- 210 ifa$<>"1"anda$<>"2"then200
- 220 ifa$="1"then260
- 230 print"enter the value of inductance"
- 240 input"(in microhenries)";in$
- 250 goto390
- 260 rem * * calculate inductance required*
- 270 print"[147]"hd$
- 280 print"determine inductance required:-"
- 290 print"select 1-inductance of an existing coil"
- 300 print"2-inductance of a tuned inductor"
- 310 input"choice 1[157][157][157]";b$:ifb$<>"1"andb$<>"2"then310
- 320 ifb$="1"then400
- 330 print"[147]"hd$
- 340 input"enter freq. in khzs";fr$
- 350 input"enter capacitance in mmfds";ca$
- 360 in$=str$(int(100*25330*10^6/(val(ca$)*val(fr$)^2)+.5)/100)
- 370 print"inductance reqired is:":print""in$" microhenries"
- 380 gosub1310
- 390 in=val(in$)
- 400 rem * * calculate inductor size * *
- 410 print"[147]"hd$:ifb$="2"ora$="2"then430
- 420 print"for an existing inductor enter all":print"parameters.":goto440
- 430 print"to determine an inductor size enter":print"any two parameters.
- 440 fl[178]0:co[178]5:ro[178]6:[141]1270:[153]"wire size (awg 8-40):"
- 450 ro[178]8:[141]1270:[153]"coil diameter (inches):"
- 460 ro[178]10:[141]1270:[153]"coil length (inches):"
- 470 co[178]30:ro[178]6:[141]1270:[133]ga$:ga[178][197](ga$):[139]ga$[178]""[167]fl[178]fl[170]1:[137]490
- 480 [139]ga[179]8[176]ga[177]40[167][141]1300:[137]440
- 490 ro[178]8:[141]1270:[133]cd$:[139]cd$[178]""[167]fl[178]fl[170]1
- 500 [139]in[177]0[175]fl[178]0[167]520
- 510 ro[178]10:[141]1270:[133]cl$:[139]cl$[178]""[167]fl[178]fl[170]1
- 520 [139]fl[175]in$[178]""[167][141]1280:[137]440
- 530 [139]fl[177]1[167][153]"require two parameters!":[137]440
- 540 [139]in$[178]""[167]580
- 550 [139]ga$[178]""[167]650
- 560 [139]cd$[178]""[167]720
- 570 [139]cl$[178]""[167]820
- 580 in[178][181](100[172].2[172][197](cd$)[174]2[172](tn(ga)[172][197](cl$))[174]2)
- 585 in[178][181](in[173]((3[172][197](cd$))[170](9[172][197](cl$)))[170].5)
- 590 in[178]in[173]100
- 600 [153]"a inductor with the above parameters"
- 610 [153]"will have an inductance of:":[153]""in"microhenries"
- 620 [153]"with close spacing of"tn(ga)[172][197](cl$)"turns."
- 630 [137]1040
- 640 [143] * * calculate awg# * * *
- 650 n[178][181](10[172][186]((3[172][197](cd$)[170]9[172][197](cl$))[172][197](in$)[173](.2[172][197](cd$)[174]2))[170].5)[173]10
- 660 [129]i[178]8[164]40:[139][180](tn(i)[179]n[173][197](cl$))[167][130]
- 670 [153]"an inductance of"in"microhenries"
- 680 [153]"will require"n"turns."
- 690 [153]"awg#"i"has"tn(i)"per inch, close spaced"
- 700 [153]"or use smaller awg, loosely spaced."
- 710 ga[178]i:[137]1060
- 720 [143] * * calculate diameter * * *
- 730 n1[178]tn(ga)[172][197](cl$)
- 740 mf[178]n1[174]2[172].2[173]in
- 750 cd[178][181](100[172](3[170][186](9[170]4[172]mf[172]9[172][197](cl$)))[173](2[172]mf)[170].5)[173]100:cd$[178][200]([196](cd),5)
- 760 [153]"for an inductance of "in$" microhenries"
- 770 [153]"and the above parameters, the diameter"
- 780 [153]"required is: "cd$" inches."
- 790 [153]"with"tn(ga)[172][197](cl$)"turns over "cl$" inch.":cl[178][197](cl$):[141]1240
- 800 [153]"tolerance "[181](1000[172](l[173][197](in$)[171]1)[170].5)[173]10"%"
- 810 [137]1060
- 820 [143] * * calculate length * *
- 830 ro[178]12:co[178]10:[141]1270:[153]"doing the calculation!":co[178]1:[141]1270
- 840 [139][165]nn(1)[177][165]pu(1)[167]940
- 850 [129]i[178]1[164]4[169].1
- 860 [139][180]([165]nn(i)[171][165]pu(i))[178][171]1[167]df[178][182]([165]nn(i)[171][165]pu(i)):[130]:[137]980
- 870 [139]df[179][182]([165]nn(i)[171][165]pu(i))[167]i[178]i[171].1
- 880 [153]"for an inductance of "in$" microhenries"
- 890 [153]"and the above parameters, coil length"
- 900 [153]"required is:"i" inches,":n1[178][181](10[172]tn(ga)[172]i[170].5)[173]10:cd[178][197](cd$):cl[178]i
- 910 [141]1240:[153]"with"n1"turns."
- 920 [153]"tolerance "[181](1000[172](l[173][197](in$)[171]1)[170].5)[173]10"%"
- 930 [153]"for better accuracy try custom design":[137]1060
- 940 [129]i[178]1[164].05[169][171].05
- 950 [139][180]([165]nn(i)[171][165]pu(i))[178]1[167]df[178][165]nn(i)[171][165]pu(i):[130]:[137]1010
- 960 [139]df[179][182]([165]nn(i)[171][165]pu(i))[167]i[178]i[170].05
- 970 i[178][181](100[172]i[170].5)[173]100:[137]880
- 980 [153]"for these parameters the length is":[153]" greater than 4 inches. ";
- 990 [153]"try a larger":[153]" diameter";
- 995 [139]ga[179]40[167][153]", and/or smaller ga."
- 1000 [141]1310:[137]400
- 1010 [153]"for these parameters the length is":[153]" less than .05 inches. ";
- 1020 [153]"try a smaller":[153]" diameter";
- 1025 [139]ga[177]8[167][153]", and/or larger ga."
- 1030 [141]1310:[137]400
- 1040 [143] * * custom * * *
- 1050 [153]"for loose spacing of fewer turns select":[153]"custom!"
- 1060 [153]"shiftwait to end. . . ctrlwait custom design"
- 1070 [145][194](653)[137]1260,1070,1070,1090
- 1080 [137]1070
- 1090 [153]"loadcustom "hd$
- 1100 [153]"an inductor with:"
- 1110 [153]"# of turns of awg#"ga
- 1120 [153]"coil diameter of ":[153]"coil length of "
- 1130 co[178]25:ro[178]4:[141]1270:[133]n1:ro[178]ro[170]2:[141]1270:[133]cd
- 1140 ro[178]ro[170]2:[141]1270:[133]cl
- 1150 [139]tn(ga[170]gc)[172]cl[179]n1[167]gc[178]gc[170]1
- 1160 [139]tn(ga[170]gc[171]1)[172]cl[178][177]n1[167]gc[178]gc[171]1
- 1170 [139]n1[177]tn(ga)[172]cl[170].0001[167][153]"more turns/inch!wait - awg# now"ga[170]gc
- 1180 cd[178]cd[170][181](100[172]1[173]tn(ga)[170].5)[173]100:l[178][181](100[172].2[172]cd[174]2[172]n1[174]2[173](3[172]cd[170]9[172]cl)[170].5)[173]100
- 1190 [153]"inductance is"l"uh"
- 1200 [153]"change :";
- 1210 [153][181](1000[172](l[173]in[171]1)[170].5)[173]10"%"
- 1220 [137]1060
- 1230 [143] * calculate l * * *
- 1240 cd[178]cd[170][181](100[172]1[173]tn(ga)[170].5)[173]100:l[178][181](100[172].2[172]cd[174]2[172]n1[174]2[173](3[172]cd[170]9[172]cl)[170].5)[173]100
- 1250 [142]
- 1260 [128]
- 1270 [151]783,[194](783)[175]254:[151]782,co:[151]781,ro:[158]65520:[142]
- 1280 [153]"with inductance unknown all parameters ":co[178]16:ro[178][194](214)
- 1290 [141]1270:[153]"onrequired!":[142]
- 1300 [153]"wire gauge is outside range! ":[142]
- 1310 [153]"shiftwait to continue!":[146]653,1:[142]
- 1320 [143] * * data statements * * *
- 1330 [131]7.6,8.6,9.6,10.7,12,13.5,15,16.8
- 1340 [131]18.9,21.2,23.6,26.4,29.4,33.1,37,41.3
- 1350 [131]46.3,51.7,58,64.9,72.7,81.6,90.5,101
- 1360 [131]113,127,143,158,175,198,224,248,282