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- 10 rem copyright 1989 compute! publications, inc. - all rights reserved
- 20 poke53280,14:poke53281,14:poke169,1
- 30 print"[147]";chr$(14);chr$(8);spc(10);
- 40 print"[147]":printtab(6)"[195]opyright 1989 [195][207][205][208][213][212][197]!"
- 50 printtab(8)"[208]ublications, [201]nc."
- 60 printtab(8)"[193]ll [210]ights [210]eserved":print
- 70 for jf=1to3000:next:print:print
- 130 print"[203]ermit [198]ile [212]ransfer":print
- 140 input"[206]umber of [196]ata [194]its ? 8[157][157][157]";b
- 150 if b<>7 then open 2,2,0,chr$(6)+chr$(0):b=0
- 160 if b=7 then open 2,2,0,chr$(38)+chr$(96):b=128
- 170 open 15,8,15:z$=chr$(0):print
- 180 gosub420:dim r(255),s(255),n$(143)
- 190 h(1)=32:h(2)=192:h(3)=64:print
- 200 for i=0 to 31:s(i)=i:next
- 210 r(8)=20:r(13)=13:s(20)=8:s=32
- 220 for j=1 to 3:g=h(j):for i=g to g+31
- 230 s(i)=s:r(s)=i:s=s+1:next:next
- 240 def fnc(i)=32+(i+(i and 192)/64 and 63)
- 250 def fnt(i)=(i or 64)-(i and 64)
- 260 b$=chr$(20):c$="[175]":print"[144]";c$;
- 270 get#2,g$:if g$="" then 290
- 280 g=asc(g$):gosub370:goto270
- 290 get g$:g=asc(g$+z$):if g=0 then 270
- 300 if g>132 and g<137 then 330
- 310 g=s(g):if h then gosub370
- 320 print#2,chr$(g);:goto270
- 330 printb$;"":n$="":t$="":e=0
- 340 on g-132 gosub390,450,760,420
- 350 print:goto260
- 360 rem ++ print byte ++
- 370 printb$;chr$(r(g));c$;:return
- 380 rem ++ f1, echo ++
- 390 print"[197]cho: ";mid$("[207]n [207]ff",h+1,3)
- 400 h=3-h:return
- 410 rem ++ f7, help ++
- 420 print"[198]1[146]=[197]cho [198]3[146]=[210]eceive [198]5[146]=[211]end [198]7[146]=[200]elp"
- 430 return
- 440 rem ++ f3, receive ++
- 450 input"[210]eceive: [198]ile [212]ype ? s[157][157][157]";t$
- 460 if t$="" then return
- 470 gosub1890:gosub1670:p=4:gosub670
- 480 if e=0 then gosub1920
- 490 if e>1 then 630
- 500 e=0:gosub1320:p=0:p$=""
- 510 gosub670:if w$="b" then e=2
- 520 if e then 630
- 530 gosub2050:i$=i$+","+t$
- 540 open 8,8,8,i$+",w":gosub2020
- 550 if e then 620
- 560 gosub1320:gosub670
- 570 if w$="z" then e=1
- 580 if e then 620
- 590 print#8,i$;
- 600 if st then e=5:i$="write error"
- 610 goto550
- 620 close 8:gosub2020:goto490
- 630 if e>4 then u$="e"+i$
- 640 p=0:p$="":if e<>4 then gosub1320
- 650 goto1150
- 660 rem ++ receive packet ++
- 670 for j=1 to 5:x=p:gosub1490
- 680 printmid$("+o.o",y,1);
- 690 u$=mid$("yynn",y,1):u=k
- 700 on y goto730,710,720,720
- 710 u=k-1 and 63:u$=u$+a$:x=a
- 720 gosub1320:next:e=4:return
- 730 k=k+1 and 63:u$=u$+p$
- 740 a$=p$:a=p:return
- 750 rem ++ f5, send ++
- 760 input"[211]end: [215]hich [198]ile(s) ";n$
- 770 if n$="" then return
- 780 open 8,8,0,"$:"+n$
- 790 gosub2020:if e then 910
- 800 get#8,g$,g$:for n=0 to 143
- 810 get#8,g$,g$,g$,i$
- 820 if st then 910
- 830 n$=str$(asc(g$+z$)+asc(i$+z$)*256)
- 840 for i=1 to 40:get#8,g$,i$
- 850 n$=n$+g$+i$:if i$>"" then next
- 860 t$=mid$(n$,25,1)
- 870 if t$<>"p" and t$<"s" then 810
- 880 for i=7 to 23
- 890 if mid$(n$,i,1)<>chr$(34) then next
- 900 n$(n)=mid$(n$,7,i-7):next n
- 910 close 8:gosub2020:if e then 1150
- 920 print"[206]umber of [198]iles:";n
- 930 if n=0 then return
- 940 gosub1890:u$="s"+p$:x=4:gosub1250
- 950 x=0:if e then 1120
- 960 gosub1920:f=0
- 970 e=0:if f=n then e=2:goto1110
- 980 i$=n$(f):gosub2050
- 990 u$="f"+i$:gosub1200:if e then 1110
- 1000 open 8,8,8,n$(f):gosub2020
- 1010 if e then 1090
- 1020 u$="":v=0:for i=1 to 96
- 1030 get#8,g$:g=asc(g$+z$):u$=u$+chr$(g)
- 1040 if g and b then v=v+1:g=g-b
- 1050 if g<32 or g=35 or g=q or g=127 then v=v+1
- 1060 if st then e=1:goto1080
- 1070 if i+v<p(1) then next
- 1080 u$="d"+u$:gosub1250:goto1010
- 1090 if e<3 then u$="z":gosub1200:f=f+1
- 1100 close 8:gosub2020:if e<2 then 970
- 1110 if e<3 then u$="b":gosub1200
- 1120 if e<5 then 1150
- 1130 u$="e"+i$:gosub1200:i$=mid$(u$,2)
- 1140 rem ++ end message ++
- 1150 u$="[195]omplete[210]emote [157][212]imeout [204]ocal"
- 1160 print:printmid$(u$,e*8-15,8);
- 1170 if (e and 1)=0 then print:return
- 1180 gosub2050:print" ";i$:return
- 1190 rem ++ send string ++
- 1200 v=0:for i=1 to len(u$)
- 1210 g=asc(mid$(u$,i,1)+z$)
- 1220 if g<32 or g=35 or g=q then v=v+1
- 1230 next
- 1240 rem ++ send packet ++
- 1250 for j=1 to 5:u=k:gosub1320
- 1260 gosub1490
- 1270 if w$="n" and (y=1 or p) then y=4
- 1280 printmid$("++.o",y,1);
- 1290 if y<3 then k=k+1 and 63:return
- 1300 next:e=4:return
- 1310 rem ++ put packet ++
- 1320 i=1:c=66+len(u$)+v+u:gosub1670
- 1330 if i>p(3) then 1350
- 1340 print#2,chr$(p(4));:i=i+1:goto1330
- 1350 print#2,chr$(1);chr$(len(u$)+v+34);chr$(u+32);
- 1360 for i=1 to len(u$)
- 1370 g=asc(mid$(u$,i,1)):if x then 1410
- 1380 if g and b then s=q:gosub1470:g=g-b
- 1390 if g<32 or g=127 then gosub1450:g=fnt(g):goto1410
- 1400 if g=35 or g=q then gosub1450
- 1410 s=g:gosub1470:next
- 1420 print#2,chr$(fnc(c));chr$(p(5));
- 1430 return
- 1440 rem ++ put byte '#' ++
- 1450 s=35
- 1460 rem ++ put byte s ++
- 1470 c=c+s:print#2,chr$(s);:return
- 1480 rem ++ get packet ++
- 1490 i$="":y=2:w$="":t=ti+p(2)
- 1500 get#2,g$:if st and 247 then 1500
- 1510 if g$<>chr$(1) and ti<t then 1500
- 1520 c=0:if g$<>chr$(1) then 1650
- 1530 gosub1700:if y then 1650
- 1540 d=g-32:gosub1700:if y then 1650
- 1550 u=g-32:gosub1700:if y then 1650
- 1560 w$=g$:w=x+1:if d<4 then 1610
- 1570 for i=4 to d
- 1580 gosub1700:if y then 1650
- 1590 on w gosub1750,1800,1830,1860,1780
- 1600 next
- 1610 c=-fnc(c):gosub1700:if y then 1650
- 1620 if c then y=2:w$="":goto1650
- 1630 gosub1700:if y then 1650
- 1640 c=u<>k:if w$="e" then e=3
- 1650 y=y+1:if c then y=y+1
- 1660 rem ++ clear input buffer ++
- 1670 get#2,g$:if g$="" then return
- 1680 goto1670
- 1690 rem ++ get byte ++
- 1700 get#2,g$:y=st:if y then 1720
- 1710 g=asc(g$):c=c+g:return
- 1720 if y=8 and ti<t then 1700
- 1730 y=2:w$="":return
- 1740 rem ++ decode byte ++
- 1750 if g=p(6) then w=2:return
- 1760 if g=q then w=3:return
- 1770 rem ++ add byte ++
- 1780 i$=i$+chr$(g):return
- 1790 rem ++ control byte ++
- 1800 if g<>p(6) and g<>q then g=fnt(g)
- 1810 i$=i$+chr$(g):w=1:return
- 1820 rem ++ quoted byte ++
- 1830 if g=p(6) then w=4:return
- 1840 i$=i$+chr$(g or 128):w=1:return
- 1850 rem ++ quoted control byte ++
- 1860 if g<>p(6) and g<>q then g=fnt(g)
- 1870 i$=i$+chr$(g or 128):w=1:return
- 1880 rem ++ initialize parameters ++
- 1890 k=0:v=0:q=0:i$=""
- 1900 d$=chr$(112)+"% @-#n"
- 1910 rem ++ set parameters ++
- 1920 for i=1 to 7:g$=mid$(i$,i,1)
- 1930 if g$<"!" then g$=mid$(d$,i,1)
- 1940 p(i)=asc(g$):next:p(1)=p(1)-36
- 1950 p(2)=60*(p(2)-32):p(3)=p(3)-32
- 1960 p(4)=p(4)-32:p(5)=p(5)-32
- 1970 g=((p(7) and 63)+1 and 63)>32
- 1980 g$="y":if g then q=p(7):goto2000
- 1990 if b then g$="&":if p(7)=89 then q=38
- 2000 p$=chr$(126)+", @-#"+g$:return
- 2010 rem ++ check drive ++
- 2020 input#15,g,g$:if g then e=5:i$=g$
- 2030 return
- 2040 rem ++ convert i$ ++
- 2050 g$="":for i=1 to len(i$)
- 2060 g=asc(mid$(i$,i,1)+z$)
- 2070 if g>95 then g=g and 95
- 2080 g$=g$+chr$(g):next:i$=g$:return