home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 10 rem copyright 1989 compute! publications, inc. - all rights reserved
- 20 poke53280,0:poke53281,0:print"[147][158]"
- 30 printtab(10)" "
- 40 printtab(10)" disk inventory "
- 50 printtab(10)" "
- 60 print" 1) inventory all files"
- 70 print" 2) inventory 'prg' files only"
- 80 print" 3) inventory 'seq' files only"
- 90 print" insert first disk and make selection"
- 100 geta$:ifa$=""then100
- 110 ifa$<"1"ora$>"3"then100
- 120 b$="$"
- 130 ifa$="2"thenb$="$:*=p"
- 140 ifa$="3"thenb$="$:*=s"
- 150 dimr$(500):current=0
- 160 open15,8,15:open1,8,0,b$
- 170 print"[147]":print" filename type disk name"
- 180 print"[195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195] [195][195][195][195] [195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][158]"
- 190 get#1,d$,d$,d$,d$,d$,d$,d$,d$
- 200 dn$=""
- 210 fori=1to16:get#1,x$:dn$=dn$+x$:nexti
- 220 get#1,d$,d$,d$,d$,d$,d$,d$,d$
- 230 get#1,d$,d$,l$,d$,e$
- 240 ife$="b"then350
- 250 get#1,x$:ifx$<>chr$(34)then250
- 260 n$=""
- 270 get#1,x$:ifx$<>chr$(34)thenn$=n$+x$:goto270
- 280 get#1,d$:ifd$=" "then280
- 290 t$=d$:get#1,d$,d$
- 300 fori=len(n$)to16:n$=n$+chr$(32):nexti
- 310 r$(current)=n$+t$+chr$(32)+dn$
- 320 printr$(current):current=current+1
- 330 get#1,d$:ifd$=" "then330
- 340 goto230
- 350 print:print"insert next disk or press a key to stop"
- 360 q=16:gosub410:rem being removed?
- 370 q=0:gosub410:rem fully removed?
- 380 q=16:gosub410:rem being inserted?
- 390 q=0:gosub410:rem fully inserted?
- 400 close1:close15:goto160:rem read next disk
- 410 getw$:ifw$<>""then480
- 420 print#15,"m-r"chr$(30)chr$(0)
- 430 get#15,z$:ifz$=""thenz$=chr$(0)
- 440 ifasc(z$)=qthen410
- 450 return
- 460 print"[147] disk error: "en$;" "em$;" "et$;" "es$
- 470 close15:end
- 480 print"[147] select: [158]":print:print:print
- 490 print" 1) sort by filename":print
- 500 print" 2) save as an ascii file":print
- 510 print" 3) display to screen"
- 520 print" (use <ctrl> to slow listing)":print
- 530 print" 4) print list":print
- 540 print" 5) exit":print
- 550 getd$:ifd$=""then550
- 560 ifd$<"1"ord$>"5"then550
- 570 d=val(d$):on d goto660,750,590,810,580
- 580 close15:end
- 590 print"[147]":print" filename type disk name"
- 600 print"[195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195] [195][195][195][195] [195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][158]"
- 610 for i=1tocurrent:printr$(i):nexti
- 620 print:print" end (press any key)"
- 630 getd$:ifd$=""then630
- 640 goto480
- 650 rem *** sort routine ***
- 660 print"[147][159]sorting..."
- 670 m=current-1
- 680 m=int(m/2):ifm=0then480
- 690 j=0:k=current-1-m
- 700 i=j
- 710 l=i+m
- 720 if r$(i)>r$(l)thent$=r$(i):r$(i)=r$(l):r$(l)=t$:i=i-m:ifi>0then710
- 730 j=j+1:ifj>kthen680
- 740 goto700
- 750 input"[147]filename ";n$:n$=left$(n$,16)
- 760 open2,8,8,"0:"+n$+",s,w"
- 770 print#2," filename type disk name"
- 780 print#2,"------------- ---- -------------"
- 790 for i=1tocurrent:print#2,r$(i):nexti
- 800 print#2:close2:goto480
- 810 open4,4:cmd4
- 820 print#4," filename type disk name"
- 830 print#4,"------------- ---- -------------"
- 840 for i=1tocurrent:print#4,r$(i):nexti
- 850 print#4:close4:goto480