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- 100 rem copyright 1989 compute! publications, inc. all rights reserved
- 105 poke53280,14:poke53281,6:poke646,14
- 110 print"[147]"tab(12)"copyright 1989":printtab(6)"compute! publications, inc."
- 120 printtab(9)"all rights reserved."
- 130 forj=4000to4113:readx
- 140 t=t+x:pokej,x
- 150 nextj
- 160 ift<>13861thenprint"error in data":stop
- 170 print""
- 180 printtab(14)"64 booter"
- 190 sys 4000
- 200 input"filename of program to boot";a$
- 210 n=872:gosub390:poke833,m
- 220 input"is it basic (y/n)";a$
- 230 if a$="n"then250
- 240 poke850,234:poke828,0:goto350
- 250 input"enter sys address";a
- 260 fori=1to4
- 270 a=a/16:x=int(a):y=a-x
- 280 ify>0theny=y*16:a=x
- 290 ifi=1thenv1=y
- 300 ifi=2thenv1=v1+16*y
- 310 ifi=3thenv2=y
- 320 ifi=4thenv2=v2+16*y
- 330 next
- 340 poke 851,v1:poke852,v2
- 350 input"name of the new boot program";a$
- 360 n=4113:gosub390:poke4085,m
- 370 sys 4075
- 380 end
- 390 m=len(a$)
- 400 fori=1tom
- 410 y$=left$(a$,i)
- 420 x$=right$(y$,1)
- 430 b=asc(x$)
- 440 poken+i,b
- 450 next
- 460 return
- 470 data 169,52,141,44,3,169,3,141,45,3,160,54,185,181,15,153,51,3,136,208
- 480 data 247,96,32,138,255,169,2,162,8,160,255,32,186,255,169,0,160,3,162
- 490 data 105,32,189,255,169,0,162,1,160,8,32,213,255,76,162,0,189,101,3,157
- 500 data 119,2,232,224,4,208,245,169,4,133,198,96,82,85,78,13,169,2,162,8
- 510 data 160,255,32,186,255,169,3,160,16,162,18,32,189,255,169,44,133,254,169
- 520 data 3,133,255,169,254,162,128,160,3,32,216,255,32,138,255,96