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- 10 rem copyright 1989 compute! publications, inc. - all rights reserved
- 20 ifpeek(52224)<>76thenload"fader 64.ml",8,1
- 30 poke53280,0:poke53281,0:print"[159]";:poke700,0
- 40 print"[147] copyright 1989 compute! pub., inc."
- 50 printtab(11)"all rights reserved":gosub440:print"[147]"
- 60 sys52224,130,60,3:print"[147]";:gosub440
- 70 fori=1to4:reada$:sys52227,a$,0:fordy=1to300:nextdy,i
- 80 fori=1to100:x=int(rnd(1)*15)+1:y=int(rnd(1)*7):poke53287+y,x:nexti
- 90 data "compute's gazette"," presents...","the fantastic..."
- 100 data "sprite fader 64!"
- 110 gosub450:gosub440:print"[159][147]four different text sizes![158]"
- 120 fori=0to3:a$="size #"+str$(i+1):sys52224,80,26,i:sys52227,a$,0
- 130 gosub440:gosub450:next
- 140 print"[159]";:sys52224,120,100,2
- 150 print"[147][150]and movement too!";:gosub430
- 160 fori=1to5:reada$:sys52227,a$,1
- 170 geta$:ifa$=""then170
- 180 next:reada$:sys52227,a$,1:fori=53287toi+7:pokei,int(rnd(1)*14)+1:next
- 190 data "press any key...","see the text change ?","and again..."
- 200 data "this function is great","to make video banners!"
- 210 data "even with colors!"
- 220 geta$:ifa$=""then220
- 230 print"[147]move text in four directions!"
- 240 a$="this text moves up":sys52224,100,30,3:sys52227,a$,3:gosub440:gosub440
- 250 a$="this text moves down":sys52224,100,25,3:sys52227,a$,4:gosub440
- 260 gosub440:a$="this text moves left":sys52224,100,30,3:sys52227,a$,1
- 270 gosub440:gosub440:a$="this text moves right":sys52224,100,30,3
- 280 sys52227,a$,2:gosub440:gosub440
- 290 a$=" ":sys52227,a$,0
- 300 print"[147]custom characters may also be used![155]":sys52224,130,255,3
- 310 fori=0to15:reada:poke49392+i,a:next
- 320 data 0,3,31,255,255,31,3,0
- 330 data 63,255,252,248,248,252,255,63
- 340 a$="^_===<gazette>":sys52227,a$,1:poke198,0
- 350 print"";:gosub430
- 360 geta$:ifa$=""then360
- 370 a$=" ":sys52227,a$,1:poke700,0
- 380 print"[147]":sys52224,130,90,1
- 390 a$="press any key to restart"
- 400 sys52227,a$,0
- 410 geta$:ifa$<>""thenrun
- 420 gosub450:goto390
- 430 print"";:fori=1to22:print"";:next:printtab(8)"press any key to fade"
- 440 fordy=1to1000:next:return
- 450 fordy=1to300:next:a$=" ":sys52227,a$,0:return