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- 10 rem copyright 1989 compute! publications, inc. - all rights reserved
- 20 poke53280,11:poke53281,11:print"[147][144] copyright 1989 compute! pub., inc."
- 30 printtab(11)"all rights reserved":fori=1to1750:nexti
- 40 print"[147]15"
- 50 rem define bell sound
- 60 b$="[133]2 255 10207 0 9 0 0 5 "
- 70 rem define gunshot
- 80 g$="[134]4 24278 0 0 15 10 1 "
- 90 rem define explosion
- 100 e$="[135]4 536 1 0 15 12 10 "
- 110 rem define harp
- 120 h1$="[133]2 9 0 15 7 "
- 130 h2$="[134]2 9 7 0 0 "
- 140 rem note that frequency isn't included in the harp
- 150 rem definition. it's added later, and changes along with the length
- 160 print"printing b$ rings a bell...";b$
- 170 print"g$ is a gunshot...";g$
- 180 fori=1to1000:nexti
- 190 print"e$ is an explosion!";e$
- 200 fori=1to2000:nexti
- 210 restore
- 220 print "";h1$;"0 1 ";h2$;:rem set up the harp
- 230 reada,b,l:ifa<0then260
- 240 print"[133]";a;"[134]";b;"";l;"[134]";:rem play the harps
- 250 goto230
- 260 print"[133]1":fori=1to1000:nexti
- 270 b$="15 ":rem clear registers-volume up
- 280 b$=b$+"[133]":rem select voice 1 and clear it
- 290 b$=b$+"0 9 0 0 ":rem set envelope
- 300 b$=b$+"3 255 ":rem pulse waveform-pulse rate 255
- 310 b$=b$+"5 ":rem half-second
- 320 b$=b$+"18188 ":rem c# in fifth octave
- 330 b$=b$+"":rem play the note
- 340 rem now printing b$ plays the note
- 350 print"";:rem momentarily deactivate the wedge to change colors
- 360 print"[147][144]":gosub510
- 370 print"[147][134]2 0 0 15 0 0 1":rem set up voice 2 and turn it on
- 380 forb=0to2*(NULL)step(NULL)/100
- 390 x=sin(b)*8191+16384:rem generate a sine wave
- 400 print""int(x);"*";:rem change frequency and print an asterisk
- 410 nextb
- 420 print:print"1":rem turn off voice 2
- 430 gosub510
- 440 c$="[133]1 3 0 15 15 2145 10 ":rem 3rd octave c
- 450 e$="[134]1 3 0 15 15 2703 10 ":rem 3rd octave e
- 460 g$="[135]1 3 0 15 15 3215 10 ":rem 3rd octave g
- 470 printc$""e$""g$"";:rem play each note with a 1 sec delay
- 480 print"[133]4190 [134]5406 [135]6430"
- 490 printc$"[136]";:rem play all three voices together
- 500 fori=1to5000:nexti:print"that's it!":end:rem turn off wedge
- 510 print"press any key..."b$
- 520 geta$:ifa$=""then520
- 530 return
- 540 data 4050,4817,4
- 550 data 4050,4817,4
- 560 data 4050,4817,4
- 570 data 3215,5407,8
- 580 data 3215,5407,4
- 590 data 3608,5728,4
- 600 data 3608,5407,4
- 610 data 3608,4817,4
- 620 data 2864,4241,4
- 630 data 2864,4817,4
- 640 data 2864,5407,4
- 650 data -1,0,0