home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 10 rem copyright 1989 compute! publications, inc. - all rights reserved
- 20 nl=39:rem number of address labels
- 30 ml=820:rem starting address
- 40 :
- 50 poke53281,0:poke53280,6
- 60 print"[147][152] copyright 1989 compute! pub., inc."
- 70 printtab(11)"all rights reserved"
- 80 print" s m a r t d i s a s s e m b l e r "
- 90 printtab(13)"please wait..."
- 100 dim op$(255),tp%(255),lc(nl),lb$(nl)
- 110 dg$="0123456789abcdef":s$=" "
- 120 sp$=" "
- 130 cl$=sp$+" ":fori=0to255:readop$(i)
- 140 if op$(i)="" then op$(i)="byte":tp%(i)=14:goto160
- 150 read tp%(i)
- 160 next
- 170 fori=mlto ml+38:reada:pokei,a:next
- 180 a=int(ml/256):poke786,a:poke785,ml-a*256
- 190 fori=1tonl:readlb$(i),lc(i):next
- 200 input" starting address";sa
- 210 input" ending address";ea
- 220 ifea=0thenea=65535
- 230 ifea<=sa then210
- 240 f=0:pr=0:h=0:rm=0:print:gosub830:print"[147]":pc=sa
- 250 a$=str$(pc):if h then gosub780:a$=s$+right$(a$,4)
- 260 p$=a$+" ":printp$;:j=usr(pc):tc=pc:printop$(j);
- 270 ontp%(j)gosub440,470,530,550,560,580,600,620,640,660,680,700,490,720
- 280 pc=pc+n:print a$;tab(20);
- 290 if pr then print#3,p$;op$(j);a$;
- 300 a=len(p$+op$(j)+a$):c=23:a$="":fori=tctopc-1
- 310 print tab(c)usr(i):print"[145]";
- 320 a$=a$+str$(usr(i)):c=c+4:next
- 330 if pr then print#3,right$(sp$,28-a);a$
- 340 print:ifpc>ea then420
- 350 a=fre(0):rem force garbage collect.
- 360 geta$:ifa$="" then250
- 370 print" space[146] - continue f1[146] - menu[145]"
- 380 geta$:ifa$=""then380
- 390 print cl$;"[145][145]"
- 400 ifa$="[133]"thengosub830
- 410 goto250
- 420 if pr then print#3:close3
- 430 print"end of disassembly":end
- 440 a$=str$(usr(pc+1))
- 450 if h then gosub820
- 460 a$=" #"+right$(a$,len(a$)-1):n=2:return
- 470 l=usr(pc+1):m=usr(pc+2):ad=256*m+l:a$=str$(ad):ifhthengosub780
- 480 n=3:return
- 490 l=usr(pc+1):m=usr(pc+2):ad=256*m+l
- 500 if f then gosub740:if k then520
- 510 a$=str$(ad):if h then gosub780
- 520 n=3:return
- 530 a$=str$(usr(pc+1)):ifhthengosub820
- 540 n=2:return
- 550 a$="":n=1:return
- 560 a$=str$(usr(pc+1)):ifhthengosub820
- 570 a$=" ("+right$(a$,len(a$)-1)+",x):n=2:return
- 580 ad[178][183](pc[170]1):a$[178][196](ad):[139]h[167][141]820
- 590 a$[178]" ("[170][201](a$,[195](a$)[171]1)[170]"),y":n[178]2:[142]
- 600 ad[178][183](pc[170]1):a$[178][196](ad):[139]h[167][141]820
- 610 a$[178]a$[170]",x":n[178]2:[142]
- 620 l[178][183](pc[170]1):m[178][183](pc[170]2):ad[178]256[172]m[170]l:a$[178][196](ad):[139]h[167][141]780
- 630 a$[178]a$[170]",x":n[178]3:[142]
- 640 l[178][183](pc[170]1):m[178][183](pc[170]2):ad[178]256[172]m[170]l:a$[178][196](ad):[139]h[167][141]780
- 650 a$[178]a$[170]",y":n[178]3:[142]
- 660 n[178][183](pc[170]1):[139]n[177]127[167]n[178]n[171]256:ad[178]pc[170]n[170]2:a$[178][196](ad):[139]h[167][141]780
- 670 n[178]2:[142]
- 680 l[178][183](pc[170]1):m[178][183](pc[170]2):ad[178]256[172]m[170]l:a$[178][196](ad):[139]h[167][141]780
- 690 a$[178]" ("[170][201](a$,[195](a$)[171]1)[170]")":n[178]3:[142]
- 700 ad[178][183](pc[170]1):a$[178][196](ad):[139]h[167][141]820
- 710 a$[178]a$[170]",y":n[178]2:[142]
- 720 a$[178][196](j):[139]h[167][141]820
- 730 n[178]1:[142]
- 740 i[178]1:k[178]0
- 750 [139] lc(i)[178]ad [167] a$[178]s$[170]lb$(i):k[178]1:[142]
- 760 i[178]i[170]1:[139] i[177]nl [167] [142]
- 770 [137]750
- 780 nn[178]4
- 790 h$[178]"":a[178][197](a$):[129]i[178]1[164]nn
- 800 t[178][181](a[173]16):h$[178][202](dg$,a[171]16[172]t[170]1,1)[170]h$:a[178]t:[130]
- 810 a$[178]s$[170]"$"[170]h$:[142]
- 820 nn[178]2:[137]790
- 830 [160]3
- 840 [153]"cont f1 - start/resume disassembly"
- 850 [153]" f3 - subroutine labels: ";:[139]f[167] [153]"on ":[137]870
- 860 [153]"off"
- 870 [153]"cont f5 - hex/decimal output: ";:[139] h [167][153]"hex ":[137]890
- 880 [153]"decimal"
- 890 [153]"cont f6 - disassemble under rom: ";:[139] rm [167][153]"yes":[137]910
- 900 [153]"no "
- 910 [153]"cont f7 - printer output: ";:[139]pr[167] [153]"yes":[137]930
- 920 [153]"no "
- 930 [153]"cont f8 - quitononononononononononononon"
- 940 [161]a$:[139]a$[178]""[167]940
- 950 a[178][198](a$):[139]a[178]140[167] [156]:[153]"load":[128]
- 960 [139]a[179][177]135[167]990
- 970 [139]h[167]h[178]0:[137]840
- 980 h[178]1:[137]840
- 990 [139]a[179][177]136[167]1020
- 1000 [139]pr [167] pr[178]0:[137]840
- 1010 pr[178]1:[137]840
- 1020 [139]a[179][177]134[167]1050
- 1030 [139]f[167]f[178]0:[137]840
- 1040 f[178]1:[137]840
- 1050 [139]a[179][177]139[167]1080
- 1060 [139] rm [167]rm[178]0:[137]840
- 1070 rm[178]1:[137]840
- 1080 [139]a[179][177]133[167]840
- 1090 [139]pr[167][159]3,4,0
- 1100 [151]2,rm
- 1110 [129]a[178]1[164]12:[153]cl$:[130]
- 1120 [153]"onononononononononononon";
- 1130 [142]
- 1140 :
- 1150 [131] brk,4,ora,5,,,,ora,3,asl,3,
- 1160 [131] php,4,ora,1,asl,4,,,ora,2
- 1170 [131] asl,2,,bpl,10,ora,6,,,
- 1180 [131] ora,7,asl,7,,clc,4,ora,9,,,
- 1190 [131] ora,8,asl,8,,jsr,13,and,5,,
- 1200 [131] bit,3,and,3,rol,3,,plp,4
- 1210 [131] and,1,rol,4,,bit,2,and,2
- 1220 [131] rol,2,,bmi,10,and,6,,,
- 1230 [131] and,7,rol,7,,sec,4,and,9,,,
- 1240 [131] and,8,rol,8,,rti,4,eor,5,,,
- 1250 [131] eor,3,lsr,3,,pha,4,eor,1
- 1260 [131] lsr,4,,jmp,13,eor,2,lsr,2,
- 1270 [131] bvc,10,eor,6,,,,eor,7,lsr,7,
- 1280 [131] cli,4,eor,9,,,,eor,8
- 1290 [131] lsr,8,,rts,4,adc,5,,,
- 1300 [131] adc,3,ror,3,,pla,4,adc,1
- 1310 [131] ror,4,,jmp,11,adc,2,ror,2,
- 1320 [131] bvs,10,adc,6,,,,adc,8,ror,7,
- 1330 [131] sei,4,adc,9,,,,adc,7
- 1340 [131] ror,8,,,sta,5,,,sty,3
- 1350 [131] sta,3,stx,3,,dey,4,,txa,4,
- 1360 [131] sty,2,sta,2,stx,2,,bcc,10
- 1370 [131] sta,6,,sty,7,,sta,7,stx,12,
- 1380 [131] tya,4,sta,9,txs,4,,,sta,8,,
- 1390 [131] ldy,1,lda,5,ldx,1,,ldy,3
- 1400 [131] lda,3,ldx,3,,tay,4,lda,1
- 1410 [131] tax,4,,ldy,2,lda,2,ldx,2,
- 1420 [131] bcs,10,lda,6,,,ldy,7,lda,7
- 1430 [131] ldx,12,,clv,4,lda,9,tsx,4,
- 1440 [131] ldy,8,lda,8,ldx,9,,cpy,1
- 1450 [131] cmp,5,,,cpy,3,cmp,3,dec,3,
- 1460 [131] iny,4,cmp,1,dex,4,,cpy,2
- 1470 [131] cmp,2,dec,2,,bne,10,cmp,6,,,
- 1480 [131] cmp,7,dec,7,,cld,4,cmp,9,,,
- 1490 [131] cmp,8,dec,8,,cpx,1,sbc,5,,
- 1500 [131] cpx,3,sbc,3,inc,3,,inx,4
- 1510 [131] sbc,1,nop,4,,cpx,2,sbc,2
- 1520 [131] inc,2,,beq,10,sbc,6,,,
- 1530 [131] sbc,7,inc,7,,sed,4,sbc,9,,,
- 1540 [131] sbc,8,inc,8,
- 1550 :
- 1560 [131] 32,247,183,165,101,133,251
- 1570 [131] 165,100,133,252,160,0,165,2,240,7,120,165
- 1580 [131] 1,41,252,133,1,177,251,168
- 1590 [131] 165,1,9,3,133,1,88,169,0
- 1600 [131] 76,145,179
- 1610 :
- 1620 [143] label data
- 1630 :
- 1640 [131] chrout,65490,getin,65508
- 1650 [131] setlfs,65466,setmsg,65424
- 1660 [131] setnam,65469,save,65496
- 1670 [131] load,65493,open,65472
- 1680 [131] chrin,65487,close,65475
- 1690 [131] clall,65511,chkin,65478
- 1700 [131] readst,65463,chkout,65481
- 1710 [131] clrchn,65484,plot,65520
- 1720 [131] listen,65457,ciout,65448
- 1730 [131] cint,65409,second,65427
- 1740 [131] scnkey,65439,restor,65418
- 1750 [131] talk,65460,iobase,65523
- 1760 [131] acptr,65445,ioinit,65412
- 1770 [131] membot,65436,memtop,65433
- 1780 [131] unlsn,65454,vector,65421
- 1790 [131] untlk,65451,settim,65499
- 1800 [131] settmo,65442,ramtas,65415
- 1810 [131] rdtim,65502,udtim,65514
- 1820 [131] tksa,65430,stop,65505
- 1830 [131] screen,65517
- 1840 :
- 1850 [143] add your own address labels
- 1860 [143] in data statements after
- 1870 [143] these lines