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- 10 poke 53280,15:poke 53281,15:poke 646,6
- 20 print"[147] speedprint [146] cannot be run from the "
- 30 print"menu. it is designed to work with "
- 40 print"speedscript 64. we suggest that you "
- 50 print"copy the following programs to another"
- 70 print"disk and then carefully read the "
- 71 print"corresponding article before running"
- 72 print"them."
- 73 print"the filenames are:[144]"
- 80 print"speedprint.bas fontcu/cursive"
- 90 print"sp font editor fontit/italic"
- 95 print"speedprint.ml fontst/standard"
- 130 forx=1 to 40:print"[164]";:next
- 140 print" press any key for menu [146]";
- 150 geta$:if a$="" then goto 150
- 160 poke 53280,15:poke53281,15
- 200 print"[147]";tab(14);"loading menu ..."
- 210 print"[155]load";chr$(34);"mn";chr$(34);",8"
- 220 print"[155]run"
- 240 poke198,8:poke631,19:poke632,13:poke633,13