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- 10 rem copyright 1987 compute! publications, inc. - all rights reserved
- 20 print"[147][151]"chr$(14):poke53280,0:poke53281,15
- 30 print" [195]opyright 1987 [195][207][205][208][213][212][197]! [208]ub., [201]nc."
- 40 printtab(11)"[193]ll [210]ights [210]eserved"
- 50 printtab(13)"[144][212][210][193][211][200] [210][197][211][212][207][210][197][210][151]"
- 60 printtab(7)"[194]rings files back from the"
- 70 printtab(7)"[199][197][207][211] [196]esktop waste basket"
- 80 printtab(5)"[201]nsert disk and press <[210][197][212][213][210][206]>"
- 90 geta$:ifa$<>chr$(13)then90
- 100 print"[147][211]earching for discarded files..."
- 110 open15,8,15:open8,8,8,"#"
- 120 t=18:s=1:f1=0
- 130 print#15,"u1:";8;0;t;s:print#15,"b-p:";8;0:dr=1
- 140 get#8,nt$,ns$:nt=asc(nt$+chr$(0)):ns=asc(ns$+chr$(0)):f2=0
- 150 bp=3
- 160 print#15,"b-p:";8;bp:get#8,ve$:ve=asc(ve$+chr$(0))
- 170 ifve<1orve>35then420
- 180 bp=bp-1
- 190 print#15,"b-p:";8;bp:get#8,ft$:ft=asc(ft$+chr$(0))
- 200 ifft<>0then420
- 210 bn=bp+3:na$=""
- 220 print#15,"b-p:";8;bn
- 230 get#8,n$
- 240 ifn$=chr$(160)then260
- 250 na$=na$+n$:goto230
- 260 print"[147]"na$
- 270 print"has been discarded"
- 280 print"[201]f you want to restore it"
- 290 print"indicate file type"
- 300 print"or 0 to continue."
- 310 printtab(5)"[198][201][204][197] [212][217][208][197] [205][197][206][213]"
- 320 print"1. [211][197][209]uential
- 330 [153]"2. (NULL)(NULL)(NULL)chr$ram
- 340 print"3. [213][211][197][210]
- 350 [153]"4. (NULL)val(NULL)ative
- 360 input"[217]our choice...";ch$
- 370 ifch$<"0"orch$>"4"thenprint"[145] [145][145]":goto360
- 380 ifch$="0"then420
- 390 print#15,"b-p:";8;bp
- 400 ch=val(ch$)+128
- 410 print#8,chr$(ch);:f2=1:f1=1
- 420 dr=dr+1:bp=bp+33
- 430 ifdr<9then160
- 440 iff2=0then460
- 450 print#15,"u2:";8;0;t;s
- 460 ifnt<>0thent=nt:s=ns:goto130
- 470 iff1<>0then500
- 480 printtab(5)"[206]o discarded files restored."
- 490 goto570
- 500 print"[147][212]o complete the"
- 510 print"trash restorer process"
- 520 print"boot up [199][197][207][211]"
- 530 print"and [214][193][204][201][196][193][212][197] this disk"
- 540 print"using the [199][197][207][211] validate command."
- 550 printtab(9)"[196][207] [206][207][212] [213][211][197] [212][200][197] [206][207][210][205][193][204]"
- 560 printtab(9)"[196][207][211] [214][193][204][201][196][193][212][197] [195][207][205][205][193][206][196]!"
- 570 close8:close15
- 580 printtab(4)"[208]ress <[210][197][212][213][210][206]> to exit to [194][193][211][201][195]"
- 590 geta$:ifa$<>chr$(13)then590
- 600 print"[147][154]"chr$(142):poke53280,14:poke53281,6:end