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- 10 rem copyright 1987 compute! publications, inc. - all rights reserved
- 20 if peek(65530)=5 then (NULL) 15
- 30 ba=53281:bo=53280:if peek(65530)=164 then ba=65301:bo=65305
- 40 x=rnd(-ti):deffnc(z1)=int(15*rnd(1))+1
- 50 pokeba,1:pokebo,0:printchr$(142)
- 60 print"[147] copyright 1987 compute! pub., inc."
- 70 printtab(10)"all rights reserved"
- 80 printtab(9)"fraction practice ii[146]"
- 90 printtab(9)"which operation?"
- 100 printtab(9)"1 = multiplication"
- 110 printtab(9)"2 = division ";
- 120 inputm:ifm<1orm>2then60
- 130 p=0:ti$="000000":print"[147]":pokeba,4:pokebo,7+5*16
- 140 cc=0:n=0:x=fnc(z1):y=fnc(z1):if x=y then140
- 150 a=fnc(z1):if a=x or a=y then150
- 160 b=fnc(z1):if b=a or b=x or b=y then160
- 170 p=p+1:if p>20 then1640
- 180 if m=2 then gosub1330
- 190 gosub1750
- 200 print"simplify which numbers?"
- 210 print"(if none, type 1)
- 220 [133] s1:[139] s1[178]1 [167]810
- 230 [139] s1[178]e [167]190
- 240 [139] s1[178]x [167][153]""[163]2)" cmdcmdcmd"x"wait":[137]290
- 250 [139] s1[178]y [167][153]""[163]2)" cmdcmdcmd"y"wait":[137]290
- 260 [139] s1[178]a [167][153]""[163]12)" cmdcmdcmd"a"wait":[137]290
- 270 [139] s1[178]b [167][153]""[163]12)" cmdcmdcmd"b"wait":[137]290
- 280 [153]"there isn't a";s1:s1[178]0:[141]1720:[137]190
- 290 [133] s2:[139] s2[178]e [167]190
- 300 [139] s2[178]b [167][153]""[163]12)" cmdcmdcmd"b"wait":[137]350
- 310 [139] s2[178]a [167][153]""[163]12)" cmdcmdcmd"a"wait":[137]350
- 320 [139] s2[178]y [167][153]""[163]2)" cmdcmdcmd"y"wait":[137]350
- 330 [139] s2[178]x [167][153]""[163]2)" cmdcmdcmd"x"wait":[137]350
- 340 [153]"there isn't a";s2:s2[178]0:[141]1720:[137]190
- 350 [139] (c[177]0 [175] s1[178]s2) [176] s1[179][177]s2 [167]370
- 360 [153]"only one "s1" can be used here":s1[178]0:s2[178]0:[141]1720:[137]190
- 370 [139] s1[178]x [176] s1[178]a [167]390
- 380 [139] s1[178]y [176] s1[178]b [167]410
- 390 [139] s2[178]y [176] s2[178]b [167]460
- 400 [137]420
- 410 [139] s2[178]x [176] s2[178]a [167]460
- 420 [139] s1[178]s2 [167]360
- 430 [153]"you can't simplify two numerators or "
- 440 [153]"two denominators"
- 450 s1[178]0:s2[178]0:[141]1720:[137]190
- 460 [139] s1[177]s2 [167] d[178]s1:[137]480
- 470 d[178]s2
- 480 [129] c[178]d [164] 2 [169] [171]1
- 490 [139] s1[173]c[178][181](s1[173]c) [175] s2[173]c[178][181](s2[173]c) [167]530
- 500 [130] c
- 510 [153]"can't simplify those numbers":[141]1720
- 520 s1[178]0:s2[178]0:[137]190
- 530 [153]"what is the largest number that can"
- 540 [153]"divide both"s1"and"s2"?"
- 550 [133] c1:[139] c1[178]e [167]190
- 560 [139]c1[179]c[167][153]"try a larger numberononononononon":[137]530
- 570 [139]c1[177]c[167][153]"too large ononononononon":[137]530
- 580 [153]" "
- 590 [153]s1"divided by"c1" = ";
- 600 [133] c2:[139] c2[178]e [167]190
- 610 [139] c2[178]s1[173]c1 [167]630
- 620 [153]"incorrect...onononon ":[137]580
- 630 [153]" "
- 640 [139] s1[178]x [167] x[178]s1[173]c1:[153]" "x;"cmd ":[137]680
- 650 [139] s1[178]a [167] a[178]s1[173]c1:[153]" "[163]11)a;"cmd ":[137]680
- 660 [139] s1[178]y [167] y[178]s1[173]c1:[153]" "y;"cmd ":[137]680
- 670 [139] s1[178]b [167] b[178]s1[173]c1:[153]""[163]11)s1[173]c1;"cmd "
- 680 [153]s2"divided by"c1" = ";
- 690 [133] c3:[139] c3[178]e [167]680
- 700 [139] c3[178]s2[173]c1 [167] [153]" ":[137]720
- 710 [153]"incorrect...ononon":[137]630
- 720 [139] s2[178]b [167] b[178]s2[173]c1:[153]""[163]11)b;"cmd ":[137]760
- 730 [139] s2[178]y [167] y[178]s2[173]c1:[153]" "y;"cmd ":[137]760
- 740 [139] s2[178]a [167] a[178]s2[173]c1:[153]" "[163]11)a;"cmd ":[137]760
- 750 [139] s2[178]x [167] x[178]s2[173]c1:[153]" "x;"cmd "
- 760 [153]"good job! press any key...
- 770 get bb$:if bb$=""then770
- 780 cc=cc+1
- 790 gosub1750
- 800 goto200
- 810 gosub1750
- 820 print" "
- 830 print"your answer is..."
- 840 printtab(4)"[195][195][195][145][157][157][157]"
- 850 print"[145]"tab(3);:input n1:if n1=e then190
- 860 print"[145]"tab(2)" "n1"[157] "
- 870 printtab(5)"[195][195]"
- 880 printtab(3);:input d1:if d1=e then190
- 890 print"[145]"tab(2)" "d1"[157] "
- 900 if n1=x*a then920
- 910 print"wrong numerator... [145][145][145][145][145][145][145][145]":goto830
- 920 if d1=y*b then940
- 930 print"wrong denominator...[145][145][145][145][145][145][145][145]":goto830
- 940 ifn1<d1 then n2=n1:d2=d1:goto1160
- 950 ifn1/d1<>int(n1/d1)then980
- 960 print"please change to a whole number...":printtab(7)"[145][145][145][145] =";:input w
- 970 goto990
- 980 print"please change to a mixed number...":printtab(7)"[145][145][145][145] =";:input w
- 990 if w=int(n1/d1) then1020
- 1000 if w=e then190
- 1010 print"incorrect...[145][145][145][145][157][157]"w"[157] ":printtab(9)"[145]";:inputw:goto990
- 1020 w$=str$(w):a$=left$(w$,2):l=val(a$):n=11:gosub1790
- 1030 if w<10 then1070
- 1040 a$=mid$(w$,3,1):l=val(a$):n=16:gosub1790
- 1050 if w<100 then1070
- 1060 a$=mid$(w$,4,1):l=val(a$):n=21:gosub1790
- 1070 n=n+4:if int(n1/d1)=n1/d1 then print"":goto1280
- 1080 print"[145]"tab(n);:input"[145]";n2
- 1090 if n2=e then190
- 1100 print"[145]"tab(n)" "n2"[157] ":printtab(n+2)"[195][195]":printtab(n);
- 1110 input d2:print"[145]"tab(n)" "d2"[157] "
- 1120 if d2=e then190
- 1130 if n2=n1-(w*d1)then1150
- 1140 print"wrong numerator... [145][145][145][145]": goto1080
- 1150 if d2<>d1 thenprint"wrong denominator...[145][145][145][145]":goto1080
- 1160 for g=b*y to 2 step -1
- 1170 ifn2/g=int(n2/g)andd2/g=int(d2/g)thenprinttab(8)"[145][145]= ":goto1190
- 1180 next g:goto1280
- 1190 if n=0 then n=10
- 1200 print"please simplify... [145][145][145][145]":printtab(n+2)"[195][195][145][145]"
- 1210 printtab(n);:input s4:print"[145]"tab(n-1)" "s4"[157] "
- 1220 if s4=e then190
- 1230 print""tab(n);:input t2
- 1240 if t2=e then190
- 1250 print"[145]"tab(n-1)" "t2"[157] "
- 1260 if s4=n2/g and t2=d2/g then1280
- 1270 print"incorrect...please simplify again [145][145][145][145][145][145]":goto1210
- 1280 fors=1to3:print" ":nexts
- 1290 print"well done![146]"
- 1300 t=ti+150
- 1310 ift>tithen1310
- 1320 goto140
- 1330 print"[147]this is problem number";p;"[157]."
- 1340 print" "xtab(7)"[209]"tab(11)b
- 1350 print" [195][195][195] [195][195][195] [195][195][195] ="
- 1360 print" "ytab(7)"[209]"tab(11)a
- 1370 print"please rewrite the problem correctly
- 1380 [153]" lenlenlen lenlenlen"
- 1390 [133]"";x1
- 1400 [139] x1[178]e [167]1330
- 1410 [153]" "x1"cmd "
- 1420 [139] x1[179][177]x [167][153]"incorrect...":[137]1390
- 1430 [153]" "
- 1440 [133]"";y1
- 1450 [139] y1[178]e [167]1330
- 1460 [153]" "y1"cmd "
- 1470 [139] y1[179][177]y [167][153]"incorrect...":[137]1440
- 1480 [153]" "
- 1490 [153]""[163]5);:[133] o$
- 1500 o$[178][200](o$,1):[139] o$[178]"e" [167]1330
- 1510 [153]"on"[163]5)" "o$" "
- 1520 [139] o$[179][177]"*" [167] [153]"please use stop* for multiplication...":[137]1490
- 1530 [153]""[163]10);:[133] a1
- 1540 [139] a1[178]e [167]1330
- 1550 [153]""[163]9)" "a1"cmd "
- 1560 [139] a1[179][177]a [167] [153]"incorrect... ":[137]1530
- 1570 [153]" "
- 1580 [153]""[163]10);
- 1590 [133] b1:[139] b1[178]e [167]1330
- 1600 [153]""[163]9)" "b1"cmd "
- 1610 [139] b1[179][177]b [167] [153]"incorrect...":[137]1580
- 1620 [141]1720
- 1630 [142]
- 1640 [153]"load this set of problems took you
- 1650 print" "left$(ti$,2)" hours, ";
- 1660 printmid$(ti$,3,2)" minutes and "right$(ti$,2)" seconds!
- 1670 [139] ti$[179]"002000" [167] [153]" good job!wait":[137]1690
- 1680 [153]" it takes practice"
- 1690 [153]" more problems (y/n)";:[133] q$
- 1700 [139] [200](q$,1)[179][177]"y"[167] [153]"load":[128]
- 1710 [137]50
- 1720 [153]"press any key...
- 1730 get aa$:if aa$="" then1730
- 1740 return
- 1750 print"[147]this is problem #";p;"[157]."
- 1760 print" "xtab(11)a
- 1770 print" [195][195][195] * [195][195][195] ="
- 1780 print" "ytab(11)b:return
- 1790 printtab(n);:if l=1 then print"[145][145] [206][180][157][157][157][157][157] [180][157][157][157] [175][204][145]"
- 1800 if l=2 then print"[145][145][206][183][205][157][157][157][157][157] [175][175][206][157][157][157][204][175][175][145]"
- 1810 if l=3 then print"[145][145][183][183][205][157][157][157][157][157] [195]<[157][157][157][175][175][206][145]"
- 1820 if l=4 then print"[145][145][180] [180][157][157][157][157][157] [204][175][204][157][180][145]"
- 1830 if l=5 then print"[145][145][207][183][183][157][157][157][157][157] [183][183][205][157][157][157][205][175][206][145]"
- 1840 if l=6 then print"[145][145][206][183][183][157][157][157][157][157] [207][183][205][157][157][157][205][175][206][145]"
- 1850 if l=7 then print"[145][145][207][183][208][157][157][157][157][157] [206][157][180][145]"
- 1860 if l=8 then print"[145][145][206][183][205][157][157][157][157][157] >[195]<[157][157][157][205][175][206][145]"
- 1870 if l=9 then print"[145][145][206][183][205][157][157][157][157][157] [205][175][186][157][157][157] [175][206][145]"
- 1880 if l=0 then print"[145][145][206][183][205][157][157][157][180] [170][157][157][157][205][175][206][157][145][145]"
- 1890 return