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- 10 poke 53280,0:poke 53281,0:poke 646,5
- 20 print"[147]cricket is the machine language program"
- 30 print"accessed by the two demo programs. for"
- 40 print"instructions on how to use this program"
- 50 print"please consult the horizons article in"
- 55 print"the magazine. the file is saved with"
- 60 print"the name [153]"chr$(34)"cricket"chr$(34)". the two demo"
- 70 print"programs included with the article are"
- 75 print"also included on the menu.[155]"
- 100 ford=1to40:print"[164]";:next
- 110 print"[155] press any key to reload the menu [146]"
- 120 poke198,0:wait198,1:getdh$
- 130 print"[147]":s$="l[207]"+chr$(34)+"mn"+chr$(34)+",8:"+chr$(131)
- 140 fori=1tolen(s$):poke630+i,asc(mid$(s$,i)):next:poke198,i
- 150 poke53281,15:poke53280,15
- 160 printchr$(142)"[145] reloading the menu[155]":end