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- 10 ifll=1then260
- 20 s1$=" ":rem animator data filename
- 30 s2$=" ":rem program name to boot
- 40 s3$=" ":rem command to run program
- 50 dimpo(10,2)
- 60 forr=0to9:po(r,1)=18432+(r*2048):po(r,2)=po(r,1)+1024
- 70 po(r,1)=po(r,1)/256:po(r,2)=po(r,2)/256:nextr
- 80 po=679
- 90 reada:ifa=-1then170
- 100 pokepo,a:po=po+1:su=su+a
- 110 goto90
- 120 data 169,0,160,0,162,0,173,0,6,141,0,8,173,0,36,141,0,220,238,174
- 130 data 2,173,174,2,201,0,208,3,238,175,2,238,177,2,173,177,2,201,0
- 140 data 208,3,238,178,2,238,180,2,173,180,2,201,0,208,3,238,181,2,238
- 150 data 183,2,173,183,2,201,0,208,3,238,184,2
- 160 data 232,224,128,240,3,76,173,2,200,192,8,240,3,76,171,2,96,-1
- 170 ifsu<>9869thenprint"[147]error in data":stop
- 180 fi$=s1$
- 190 print:print:print"[147]** please standby **"
- 200 f1$=fi$+".dat,s,r":f2$=fi$+".scr"
- 210 open2,8,2,f1$
- 220 input#2,bg:input#2,bf:input#2,nu
- 230 forr=1to10:input#2,pa(r):nextr:close2
- 240 poke53281,bg-1:poke53280,bg-1
- 250 ll=1:loadf2$,8,1
- 260 geta$:geta$
- 270 forr=1to500:nextr:ub=1
- 280 ifub=-1andbf=1thenforlo=nu-1to1step-1:goto300
- 290 forlo=0tonu
- 300 xx=lo:gosub340
- 310 forpa=1topa(xx):nextpa
- 320 geta$:ifa$<>""then370
- 330 nextlo:ub=-ub:goto280
- 340 poke690,1024/256:poke696,55296/256
- 350 poke687,po(xx,1):poke693,po(xx,2)
- 360 sys679:return
- 370 print"[147]booting main program...":poke53280,0:poke53281,0
- 380 li$="[144]load"+chr$(34)+s2$+chr$(34)+",8,1"+s3$+""
- 390 printli$:poke631,13:poke632,13:poke198,2:stop