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- 10 rem copyright 1987 - compute! publications, inc. all rights reserved
- 20 data 0,0,0,127,192,0,127,192
- 30 data 0,126,0,0,127,0,0,119
- 40 data 128,0,115,192,0,113,224,0
- 50 data 0,240,0,0,120,0,0,60
- 60 data 0,0,30,0,0,15,0,0
- 70 data 7,128,0,3,192,0,1,224
- 80 data 0,0,240,0,0,120,0,0
- 90 data 60,0,0,30,0,0,12,255
- 100 data 102,102,100,102,102,100,102,102
- 110 data 100,102,102,100,102,102,100,102
- 120 data 102,100,102,102,100,102,102,100
- 130 data 102,102,100,102,102,100,102,102
- 140 data 100,102,102,100,255,254,100,238
- 150 data 238,100,251,190,100,238,238,100
- 160 data 251,190,100,238,238,100,251,190
- 170 data 100,238,238,100,255,254,100,250
- 180 print"[147]":poke53280,0:poke53281,0
- 190 printchr$(142):ford=1to24:print"":next
- 200 printspc(5)"[213][196][201] copyright 1987"
- 210 printspc(5)"[199]c[200] compute! publications inc."
- 220 printspc(5)"[202][198][203] all rights reserved"
- 230 forx=1to15:print"[145]";:next
- 240 printspc(11)"[154]sprite flip demo[146]"
- 250 ford=1to2500:next
- 260 poke53280,0:poke53281,0:print"[147]"
- 270 printchr$(14)"[155]":v=53248:fors=832to958:readx:pokes,x:next
- 280 poke2040,14:poke2041,13
- 290 pokev+21,7
- 300 pokev+40,5
- 310 poke53277,3:poke53271,3
- 320 pokev,240:pokev+1,202
- 330 poke53276,1:poke53287,1:poke53286,6:poke53285,2
- 340 pokev+2,70:pokev+3,202
- 350 printchr$(14)"[147][155]"
- 360 print"[212]his machine language routine will"
- 370 print"maximize the potential of your sprite"
- 380 print"data. [201]t allows you to flip sprites"
- 390 print"vertically or horizontally. [212]herefore,"
- 400 print"you can produce four sprites from only"
- 410 print"one definition. [193]nimated sprites are"
- 420 print"possible without using valuable memory."
- 430 print"[208][210][197][211][211] ([200])orizontal [207][210] ([214])ertical [212][207] [198][204][201][208]"
- 440 geta$:ifa$=""then440
- 450 ifa$="h"thenpoke781,13:sys49152:poke781,14:sys49155:goto440
- 460 ifa$="v"thenpoke781,13:sys49158:poke781,14:sys49158:goto440
- 470 goto440