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- 10 ad=22528:poke53281,0:poke53280,0:print"[147]"
- 20 print" [158][176][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][174]"
- 30 print" [194]print shop to geos converter[194]"
- 40 print" [173][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][189]"
- 50 forn=1to11:print:next:goto190
- 60 ff=0:print#15,"u1:2 0"+str$(t)+str$(s)
- 70 get#2,a$:tn=asc(a$+chr$(0)):get#2,a$:sn=asc(a$+chr$(0))
- 80 forn=0to7:print#15,"b-p:2,"+str$(32*n+2)
- 90 get#2,a$:ifa$<>chr$(131)then160
- 100 get#2,a$:tp=asc(a$+chr$(0)):get#2,a$:sp=asc(a$+chr$(0)):h$=""
- 110 get#2,a$:ifa$<>chr$(160)thenh$=h$+a$:goto110
- 120 ifh$<>di$then160
- 130 ff=1:kp=n:n=7
- 140 print#15,"b-p:2,"+str$(32*kp+30)
- 150 get#2,a$:sl=asc(a$+chr$(0)):get#2,a$:sh=asc(a$+chr$(0))
- 160 next:iftn=0thenreturn
- 170 ifff=1thenreturn
- 180 t=tn:s=sn:goto60
- 190 print"[145][145][145][145][145][145][145][145][145] place print shop data disk in drive"
- 200 print" press return[146] when ready..."
- 210 geta$:ifa$<>chr$(13)thengosub970:goto210
- 220 poke53280,0
- 230 print"[147] are these graphics for a c[146]ommodore"
- 240 print" or o[146]ther printer?";
- 250 geta$:ifa$="c"thensf=2:w=6:h=45:goto280
- 260 ifa$="o"thensf=3:w=11:h=52:goto280
- 270 goto250
- 280 nl=int(h/8+1)*8:print"[147]"
- 290 print"type file name or press return[146] for list":inputn$
- 300 ifn$=""thengosub680
- 310 open15,8,15:open8,8,0,n$:input#15,en,eb$,et,es
- 320 ifen<>0thenclose8:close15:print"[147]";spc(20-len(eb$)/2)eb$:n$="":goto290
- 330 print"[147]"spc(16-len(n$)/2)"loading "+n$
- 340 poke185,0:poke780,0:poke781,0:poke782,88:sys65493:close8:close15
- 350 print"[147] place geos disk in drive"
- 360 print" press return[146] when ready..."
- 370 geta$:ifa$<>chr$(13)thengosub970:goto370
- 380 poke53280,0:print" saving photoscrap file"
- 390 open15,8,15,"i0":input#15,en,eb$,et,es:ifen<>0then1000
- 400 open2,8,2,"s,u,w":input#15,en,eb$,et,es:ifen<>0then1000
- 410 print#2,chr$(w)chr$(nl)chr$(0)chr$(2*w)chr$(0);
- 420 forn=0toh-1:print#2,chr$(128+w);:form=0tow-1
- 430 print#2,chr$(peek(ad+w*n+m));:next:next
- 440 print#2,chr$((nl-h-2)*w)chr$(0)chr$(w*nl/8)chr$(191)chr$(0);:close2
- 450 data80,104,111,116,111,32,83,99,114,97,112
- 460 p$="":forn=0to10:readx:p$=p$+chr$(x):next
- 470 open2,8,2,"#":t=18:s=1:di$=p$:gosub60
- 480 ifff=0thenprint"no photo scrap file":goto640
- 490 t1=t:s1=s:fs=256*sh+sl-1:t2=tp:s2=sp:k1=kp
- 500 t=18:s=1:di$="s":gosub60
- 510 print#15,"b-p:2,"+str$(32*kp+3)
- 520 print#2,chr$(t2)chr$(s2);
- 530 print#15,"b-p:2,"+str$(32*kp+30)
- 540 fh=int(fs/256):fl=fs-256*fh
- 550 print#2,chr$(fl)chr$(fh);
- 560 print#15,"u2:2 0"+str$(t)+str$(s)
- 570 print#15,"u1:2 0"+str$(t1)+str$(s1)
- 580 print#15,"b-p:2,"+str$(32*k1+3)
- 590 print#2,chr$(tp)chr$(sp);
- 600 print#15,"b-p:2,"+str$(32*k1+30)
- 610 print#2,chr$(sf+1)chr$(0);
- 620 print#15,"u2:2 0"+str$(t1)+str$(s1)
- 630 print#15,"s0:s"
- 640 close2:close15
- 650 print"[147]done"
- 660 print" place geos[146] master disk in drive"
- 670 print" hit restore[146] to reboot geos":end
- 680 open15,8,15,"i0":open2,8,2,"#":x=0:m=0:t=18:s=1:n=0
- 690 print"[147] the graphic files on this disk are:"
- 700 print#15,"u1:2 0"+str$(t)+str$(s)
- 710 get#2,a$:tn=asc(a$+chr$(0)):get#2,a$:sn=asc(a$+chr$(0))
- 720 print#15,"b-p:2,"+str$(n*32+2)
- 730 get#2,a$:ft=asc(a$+chr$(0)):if(191andft)<>130thenn=n+1:goto810
- 740 print#15,"b-p:2,"+str$(n*32+30)
- 750 get#2,a$:fs=asc(a$+chr$(0)):get#2,a$:fs=fs+256*asc(a$+chr$(0))
- 760 iffs<>sfthenn=n+1:goto810
- 770 print#15,"b-p:2,"+str$(n*32+5):d$=""
- 780 get#2,a$:ifa$<>chr$(160)thend$=d$+a$:goto780
- 790 x=x+1:m=m+1:ifm=16thenm=0:goto840
- 800 print" "+chr$(34)+d$+chr$(34):n=n+1
- 810 ifn<8then720
- 820 n=0:t=tn:s=sn:ift<>0then700
- 830 ift=0then860
- 840 print" press return[146] to see more"
- 850 print" type _ and press return[146] to abort"
- 860 ifx=0thenprint" none":goto930
- 870 print" place cursor next to name or"
- 880 print" type name and press return[146] to load":inputn$
- 890 ifn$="_"thenn$="":goto920
- 900 ifn$<>""thenclose2:close15:return
- 910 ift<>0then690
- 920 print"[147]";
- 930 close2:close15:print" place another data disk in drive"
- 940 print" press return[146] when ready..."
- 950 geta$:ifa$<>chr$(13)thengosub970:goto950
- 960 poke53280,0:goto680
- 970 a=a+1:ifa>10thenpoke53280,2
- 980 ifa>20thenpoke53280,0:a=0
- 990 return
- 1000 print"[147]";spc(20-len(eb$)/2)""+eb$
- 1010 print" resetting drive..."
- 1020 print#15,"uj":forn=1to1500:next:close15:close2:goto380