home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 10 poke 53269,0:poke 53280,7:poke 53281,7:print"[147]"
- 20 print"[161] [146][157][157][157][161] [146][157][157][157][161][146][161][161][146][161][157][157][157][157][161][146][161][161][146][161][157][157][157][157][161][146][161][161][146][161][157][157][157][157][161][146][161][161][146][161]";
- 30 print"[157][157][157][157][161] [146][157][157][157][161] [146][157][157][157][161][146][161][157][157][161][146][161][157][157][161][146][161][157][157][161][146][161][157][157][161][146][161][157][157][161][146][161][145][145][145][145][145][145]"
- 40 print"[145][161][146][161] [161] [146][161][161] [146] [146] [161][146][161][161][146][161] [161][146][161] [146] [146] [146] [161][146][161][161][146][161] [161]";
- 50 print"[146][161] [161][146][161] [161][146][161][161][146][161][161][146][161][161][146][161][161][146][161][161][146][161] [146] [161][146][161][161][146][161] [161][146][161] [161][146][161][161][146][161][161] [161][146][161]";
- 60 print" [161][146][161] [161][146][161] [161][146][161][161][146][161][161][146][161] [161][146][161][161][146][161][161][146][161][161][146][161][161][146][161] [161][146][161] [161][146][161][161][146][161][161] ";
- 70 print"[146][161] [161][146][161] [161] [146][161] [161] [146] [146] [161][146][161][161][146][161][161] [146][161] [146] [161][146][161] [161][146][161][161][146][161][161] [146][161]";
- 80 print" [161][146][161] [161][146][161] [161] [146][161] [161][146][161][161][146][161][161][146][161][161][146][161][161][146][161] [161][146][161] [161][146][161] [161][146][161][161][146][161][161][146][161] [146]";
- 90 print"[161] [161][146][161] [161][146][161] [161][146][161] [146] [161][146][161][161][146][161][161][146][161][161][146][161][161][146][161][161][146][161][161][146][161][161][146][161] [161][146][161] [161][146][161][161][146][161]";
- 100 print"[161][146][161][161][146][161] [161][146][161] [161] [146][161][161][146][161][161][146][161] [146] [146] [161][146][161][161][146][161] [146] [146] [146] ";
- 110 print"[161][146][161][161][146][161]"chr$(8)
- 120 poke 53269,0:poke 53249,0:poke 53251,0:pl=1
- 130 for i=828 to 892:read a:poke i,a:next
- 140 dim c(1,15):for a=1to 6:read p:read c(0,p),c(1,p):next:for a=0 to 6
- 150 read x1(a),x2(a):next:for a=896 to 959:read b:poke a,b:next:poke 2040,14
- 160 poke 2041,14:poke 53269,3:x(0)=5:y(0)=0:x(1)=5:y(1)=6:w(0)=6:w(1)=11
- 170 poke 53288,7:poke 53287,0
- 180 print"[147]":sys 828:pc=1063:cp=55335
- 190 dn$="[151] ":d$="p[157]e[157]r[157]s[157]u[157]a[157]s[157]i[157]o[157]n"
- 200 e$=" [157] [157] [157] [157] [157] [157] [157] [157] [157] "
- 210 a$=" [157][157] [146]":b$="[158][206] [205]":c$="[158][205] [206]":sp=13:ac=3:for x=1 to 4:printspc(sp);
- 220 for i=1 to ac:printa$"[157][157][157]"b$"[145][145] ";:next:sp=sp-3:ac=ac+1:print"":nextx
- 230 goto 260
- 240 sp=sp+6:ac=ac-2:print"[145][145]":for x=1 to 3:print spc(sp);:for i=1 to ac
- 250 print a$"[157][157][157]"b$"[145][145] ";:next:sp=sp+3:ac=ac-1:print"":next
- 260 sp=sp+5:ac=ac-2:print"[145][145][145]":for i=1 to 3:print spc(sp);:for x=1 to ac
- 270 print c$"[157][157][157]"a$" [145][145]";:next:sp=sp+3:ac=ac-1:print"":next
- 280 print" ":mt$=" [146]":poke pc,160
- 290 poke cp,6:t=12:m=11:ae=14:for z=1 to 10
- 300 for i=1 to t:print mt$;:next:print"[169]"spc(ae);:print"[223]";
- 310 for i=1 to m:print mt$;:next
- 320 pc=pc+40:cp=cp+40:poke pc,160:poke cp,6:t=t-1:m=m-1:ae=ae+2:print
- 330 print"[145]":next:print" "spc(34)" [146]":print:poke pc+40,160:poke cp+40,6
- 340 poke pc+80,160:poke cp+80,11:pc=pc+80:cp=cp+80:print"[145][145]";
- 350 print"[151] "spc(34)" [146]":t=t+1:m=m+1:ae=ae-2:for z=1 to 10:for i=1 tot
- 360 print mt$;:next:print"[223]"spc(ae);:print"[169]";:for i=1 to m:print mt$;:next
- 370 pc=pc+40:cp=cp+40:poke pc,160:poke cp,11:t=t+1:m=m+1:ae=ae-2:print:print"[145]"
- 380 next:print" "
- 390 print" "
- 400 poke 1983,160:poke 2023,160:poke 56255,11:poke 56295,11
- 410 poke 53281,0:sp=53248:print" north[157][157][157][157]"sc(0)"[157] "
- 420 print"[151] south[157][157][157][157]"sc(1)"[157] "
- 430 jx(5)=-1:jy(5)=-1:jx(6)=-1:jy(6)=1:jx(9)=1:jy(9)=-1:jx(10)=1:jy(10)=1
- 440 gosub 730
- 450 pl=-(pl=0):ts=peek(53287):poke 53287,peek(53288):poke 53288,ts
- 460 ifpl=1thenpf=11:print""spc(39)e$:print"[151]"spc(39);:goto 480
- 470 print"[151]"spc(39)e$:pf=6:print""spc(39);
- 480 poke 646,pf:print d$""
- 490 jv=peek(56320):j=15-(jvand15):x=x(pl):y=y(pl):x=x+jx(j):y=y+jy(j)
- 500 if y<0 or y>6 then 490
- 510 if x<x1(y) or x>x2(y) or jy(j)=0 then 490
- 520 x(pl)=x:y(pl)=y:s=55380+x*3+y*120:c=peek(s)and15:qq=1:gosub 730
- 530 if c(pl,c)=w(pl) then sc(pl)=sc(pl)+1:qq=2
- 540 if c(pl,c)=2 then sc(pl)=sc(pl)-1
- 550 gosub 690
- 560 if c(pl,c)=15 then poke s,15:poke s+1,15:poke s+40,11:poke s+41,11:goto 590
- 570 if c(pl,c)=14 then poke s,14:poke s+1,14:poke s+40,6:poke s+41,6:goto 590
- 580 for a=0 to 1:for b=0 to 1:poke s+a+b*40,c(pl,c):nextb,a
- 590 print" north[157][157][157][157]"sc(0)"[157] "
- 600 print"[151] south[157][157][157][157]"sc(1)"[157] "
- 610 if sc(0)=15 and sc(1)=15 then 680
- 620 if sc(0)=16 or sc(1)=16 then 640
- 630 goto 450
- 640 if sc(1)>sc(0) then printdn$" the south is the winner ":goto660
- 650 print dn$" the north is the winner "
- 660 print dn$"[157]press any key to play again":poke 198,0:wait 198,1
- 670 print"[147]":poke 53281,7:run 120
- 680 print dn$" it's a tie":goto 660
- 690 for o=1 to qq:for l=54272 to 54295
- 700 poke l,0:next:poke 54296,15:poke 54277,8:poke 54278,255:poke 54276,23
- 710 poke 54287,40:poke 54278,15:for i=1 to 10:poke 54273,i:nexti,o:return
- 720 poke 646,pf:return
- 730 h1=51+x(0)*24:h2=51+x(1)*24:poke sp+1,0:poke sp+3,0
- 740 poke sp,h1 and 255:poke sp+2,h2 and 255:ms=int(h1/255)+2*int(h2/255)
- 750 poke sp+16,ms:poke sp+1,64+y(0)*24:poke sp+3,64+y(1)*24:return
- 760 data 169,27,141,17,208,169,127,141,13,220,169
- 770 data 86,141,20,3,169,3,141,21,3,169,129
- 780 data 141,26,208,96,169,1,141,25,208,162,5
- 790 data 160,11,173,18,208,201,10,176,4,162,146
- 800 data 160,6,140,32,208,142,18,208,173,13,220
- 810 data 41,1,240,3,76,49,234,76,188,254
- 820 data 2,5,5,5,14,15,14,6,5,15,5,11,6,2,6,11,11
- 830 data 2,3,7,2,8,1,9,0,10,1,9,2,8,3,7
- 840 data 0,0,0,0,0,0,31,255
- 850 data 252,31,255,252,28,0,28,28
- 860 data 255,156,28,193,156,28,193,156
- 870 data 28,193,156,28,193,156,28,255
- 880 data 156,28,192,28,28,192,28,28
- 890 data 192,28,28,192,28,28,192,28
- 900 data 28,0,28,31,255,252,31,255
- 910 data 252,0,0,0,0,0,0,0