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- 10 poke53280,14:poke53281,14:f$="nt"
- 20 print"[147] the gazette disk is write protected!
- 30 [153]" to use stopvariable saver you must copy
- 40 print" the file [144]"chr$(34)"variable saver"chr$(34)" onto
- 41 [153]" another disk.
- 50 print"[144] [press any key to reload menu][154]"
- 60 poke198,0:wait198,1:getmt$
- 70 print"[147][154]load";chr$(34);f$;chr$(34);",8"
- 80 a$=chr$(13)+"run"+chr$(13)
- 90 fori=1tolen(a$):poke630+i,asc(mid$(a$,i)):next:poke198,i-1
- 100 new