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- 10 goto 40
- 20 a$="":fora=1to4000:geta$:ifa$=""thennexta
- 30 return
- 40 print""";:printchr$(14)
- 45 [151]36879,254
- 50 [153]"load len(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)val's ";
- 70 [153]" (NULL)ool (NULL)it: peekasic "
- 90 [153]"(NULL)right$len-20 and lenommodore 64"
- 100 [153]"str$an left$eeb"
- 110 [153]"(NULL)his comprehensive"
- 120 [153]"guide to the peekatn(NULL)right$len (NULL)(NULL)(NULL)";
- 130 [153]"routines in the (NULL)right$len"
- 140 [153]"and lenommodore 64,"
- 150 [153]"thoroughly documented"
- 160 [153]"and clearly written,"
- 170 [153]"shows programmers how"
- 180 [153]"to call these routines";
- 190 [153]"from their own peekatn(NULL)right$len"
- 200 [153]"or machine language"
- 210 [153]"programs. (NULL)ot only a"
- 220 [153]"how-to, the (NULL)ool (NULL)it"
- 230 [153]"is also an extensive"
- 240 [141] 20
- 250 [153]"loadreference guide to"
- 260 [153]"this important part of";
- 270 [153]"lenommodore peekasic. ascor"
- 280 [153]"intermediate to"
- 290 [153]"advanced programmers."
- 300 [153]" $16.95"
- 310 [153]" right$(NULL)peek(NULL) 0-942386-32-9"
- 320 [141] 20
- 330 [153]"load":[151]36879,31
- 340 [153]"lenommodore (NULL)eripherals:";
- 350 [153]" atn (NULL)ser's chr$uide "
- 360 [153]"mid$ulie (NULL)nott "
- 365 [153]"and"
- 370 [153]"str$avid (NULL)rochnow"
- 380 [153]"(NULL)his easy-to-read book";
- 390 [153]"guides the computer"
- 400 [153]"owner through the"
- 410 [153]"myriad of lenommodore"
- 420 [153]"peripherals available"
- 430 [153]"for the 64 and (NULL)right$len-20.";
- 440 [153]"lenlear descriptions"
- 450 [153]"explain the use and"
- 460 [153]"function of disk"
- 470 [153]"drives, printers,"
- 480 [153]"expanders, cartridges,";
- 490 [153]"str$atassette, modems,"
- 500 [153]"and len(NULL)/(NULL)."
- 510 [141] 20
- 515 [153]"loadascor all (NULL)right$len and 64"
- 520 [153]"users who plan to add"
- 530 [153]"to their basic"
- 540 [153]"computer system.
- 550 print" $9.95"
- 560 print" [201][211][194][206] 0-942386-56-6"
- 570 gosub 20
- 580 print"[147]":poke36879,29
- 590 print"[212][200][197][160][200][207][205][197][160][195][207][205][208][213][212][197][210][160][215][193][210][211]"
- 600 print"[193]n [201]nsider's [193]ccount"
- 610 print"of [195]ommodore and"
- 620 print"[202]ack [212]ramiel"
- 630 print"[205]ichael [211]. [212]omczyk"
- 640 print"[212]he [200]ome [195]omputer [215]ars";
- 650 print"is a well-written,"
- 660 print"informative, and"
- 670 print"enlightening account"
- 680 print"of one of the most"
- 690 print"exciting episodes in"
- 700 print"the home computer"
- 710 print"industry."
- 718 gosub 20
- 719 print"[147][212]he story of the"
- 720 print"struggle to capture"
- 730 print"the home computer"
- 740 print"market,this book takes";
- 750 print"the reader inside a"
- 760 print"dynamic corporate"
- 770 print"structure. [193]uthor"
- 780 print"[205]ichael [211]. [212]omczyk was";
- 800 print"[212]ramiel's confidant"
- 810 print"and a close insider"
- 820 print"throughout [195]ommodore's";
- 830 print"explosive rise to"
- 840 print"industry dominance."
- 850 print" [200]ardback: $16.95"
- 860 print" [201][211][194][206] 0-942386-75-2"
- 870 print" [208]aperback: $ 9.95"
- 880 print" [201][211][194][206] 0-942386-78-7"
- 890 gosub 20
- 900 print"[147]":poke36879,110
- 910 print"[212]o order books,"
- 920 print"call toll free"
- 930 print"1-800-334-0868"
- 940 print"(in [206].[195]. 919-275-9809)"
- 950 gosub 20
- 960 a$="l[207]"+chr$(34)+"vm"+chr$(34)+",8:"+chr$(131)
- 970 fora=1tolen(a$):poke 630+a,asc(mid$(a$,a,1)):next:poke 198,a
- 975 poke36879,30
- 980 print"[147][144][210][197][204][207][193][196][201][206][199][160][205][197][206][213]":end