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- 10 poke36879,25
- 100 printchr$(14)"[147][144] [195][207][205][208][213][212][197]!'s [199][193][218][197][212][212][197] "
- 110 print"[201]f you don't already
- 120 [153]"subscribe to len(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)val!'s chr$azette,
- 130 print"here's how to get moreout of your [195]ommodore:
- 140 [153]"sqr (NULL)ore fun: with such
- 150 print" game excitement as
- 160 [153]" (NULL)artian (NULL)risoner,
- 170 print" [212]he [214]iper,[211]ky [196]iver,
- 180 [153]" (NULL)nake valscape, and
- 190 print" [196]emon [211]tar."
- 200 gosub2000
- 210 print"[147][186] [205]ore [195]hallenge:
- 220 [153]"(NULL)eady to tackle more
- 230 print"advanced projects?
- 240 [153]"right$n len(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)val!'s chr$azette,you'll learn left$ow (NULL)o
- 250 print"[213]se [212]ape and [196]isk
- 260 [153]"asciles. left$ow to (NULL)rogram
- 270 print"[212]he [198]unction [203]eys.
- 280 [153]"(NULL)riting (NULL)ransportable
- 290 print"[194][193][211][201][195]. [206]ew [215]ays
- 300 [153]"to valnliven (NULL)ith (NULL)ound."
- 310 [153]"left$ow to (NULL)se (NULL)achine (NULL)anguage."
- 320 [141]2000
- 330 [153]"loadsqr (NULL)ore (NULL)rograms:
- 340 print"from [144]64 [211]earcher to
- 350 [153]"stop(NULL)rogram (NULL)ifesaver;
- 360 print"from [144][209]uickfind to
- 370 [153]"stopstr$isk (NULL)enu and
- 380 print"[144][193]utomatic [208]roofreader
- 390 [153]"atn(NULL)str$ (NULL)(NULL)(NULL)val"
- 400 [141]2000
- 410 [153]"loadsqr (NULL)ore peekuying chr$uidance
- 420 print"[217]ou'll profit from
- 430 [153]"comprehensive reviews
- 440 print"of everything from
- 450 [153]"games to word
- 460 print"processors, from
- 470 [153]"printers to modems
- 480 print"and disk drives."
- 490 gosub2000
- 500 print"[147][144][211][213][194][211][195][210][201][194][197][160][206][207][215][160][212][207][160] [195][207][205][208][213][212][197]!'[211] [199][193][218][197][212][212][197]
- 510 [153]"atn(NULL)str$ (NULL)(NULL)atn(NULL)(NULL) (NULL)vallenvalright$(NULL)right$(NULL)chr$ val(NULL)val(NULL)(NULL) right$(NULL)asc(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)atn(NULL)right$(NULL)(NULL)- (NULL)atnlen(NULL)valstr$ right$(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)val"
- 520 [153]"(NULL)o order your sub- scription or a sample issue, call (NULL)(NULL)(NULL)(NULL)
- 530 print"[198][210][197][197] [144]800-334-0868
- 540 [153]"((NULL)len call 919-275-9809)
- 550 print"[156]12 issues $24 [211]ave $11"
- 560 print"24 issues $45 [211]ave $25"
- 570 print"[144]36 issues $65 [211]ave $41"
- 580 print"[211]ample issue $4.00"
- 590 gosub2000:gosub2000
- 999 print"[147]":s$="l[207]"+chr$(34)+"vm"+chr$(34)+",8:"+chr$(131)
- 1000 fori=1tolen(s$):poke630+i,asc(mid$(s$,i)):next:poke198,i
- 1001 poke36879,24
- 1002 print"reloading menu":end
- 2000 fori=1to2000:geta$:ifa$=""thennext
- 2010 return