home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 100 printchr$(142)chr$(8)chr$(30):poke53281,0:poke53280,0:gosub1230:poke198,0
- 105 q=0:qd=0
- 110 printchr$(147);"hello. i'm dr. rom. what's your name?"
- 115 gosub1160:a$=p1$:print
- 120 print"in one word, ";a$;",":print"what is your problem?":gosub1160:b$=p1$
- 130 print:printb$;"...?":print:print"can you tell me more?"
- 140 gosub1160:gosub900
- 150 print:print"i understand ";b$;" is difficult":print"for you."
- 160 gosub1160:ifp1$="no"thenprint"maybe i'm not quite understanding..."
- 170 print:print"can you be more specific? how is":printb$;" a problem for you?"
- 180 gosub1160:gosub900
- 190 print:print"how does this make you feel, ";a$;"?":gosub1160:c$=p1$
- 200 printchr$(147)
- 205 print"so what you're saying, ";a$;",":print"is that your problem with ";b$
- 210 print"is making you feel ";c$;".":gosub1160
- 220 print:print"can you elaborate on your feelings?":gosub1160:gosub900
- 230 print:print"has this been a problem for you before? (yes or no)":gosub1160
- 240 ifp1$<>"no"then260
- 250 print"i see. then this new situation must be difficult for you.":goto320
- 260 print:print"did you also feel ";c$;" then?"
- 270 gosub1160:print"tell me more."
- 280 gosub1160:gosub900
- 290 printchr$(147)"i think we have something here. do you see a pattern?"
- 300 gosub1160:print:print"go on..."
- 310 gosub1160:print:print"this sounds difficult for you.":gosub1160
- 320 print:print"do you have a plan to deal with this current situation?"
- 330 print"yes or no.":gosub1160
- 340 ifp1$<>"yes"then350
- 343 print"do you think this plan will be":print"successful?":goto360
- 350 print:print"why don't you make a list of possible solutions, then."
- 360 gosub1160:gosub900
- 370 fort=1to500:nextt:printchr$(147)
- 380 print"okay, what single word best describes"
- 385 print"how you are feeling right now?"
- 390 gosub1160:d$=p1$::print:printd$;"...?"
- 400 gosub1160:gosub900:print
- 410 print"i'm thinking of doing something here. let's try some word";
- 430 print" association":print"and see where it leads us."
- 440 print"what do you think(yes or no)?":gosub1160
- 450 ifp1$="yes"then490
- 460 print:print"you seem to be having some problems withthis."
- 470 print"can you tell me about it?":gosub1160:ifp1$="no"then840
- 480 print:print"i really think a word association would be useful right now."
- 490 print:print"let's do it."
- 500 print"i'll say a word. you say the first word that comes to your mind."
- 510 rem ***word association***
- 520 fort=1to5000:nextt:printchr$(147);"dog":print:gosub1160
- 530 print:print"drink":print:gosub1160
- 540 print:print"home":print:gosub1160:e$=p1$
- 550 print:printb$:print:gosub1160:f$=p1$
- 560 print:print"feelings":print:gosub1160
- 570 print:print"fun":print:gosub1160:g$=p1$
- 580 print:print"mom":print:gosub1160:i$=p1$
- 590 print:printc$:print:gosub1160:j$=p1$
- 600 fort=1to1000:nextt:printchr$(147)
- 610 print"i noticed when i said home":print"that you said ";e$;"."
- 620 print"does this somehow reflect how you feel about yourself?"
- 630 print"yes or no":gosub1160:ifp1$<>"yes"then650
- 640 print:print"in what way?":gosub1160:gosub900
- 650 print:print"how does this relate to your problem":print"with ";b$
- 660 gosub1160:gosub900:print:print"when i said ";b$;" you said ";f$
- 670 print"what do you think this means?":gosub1160:gosub900
- 680 print:print"are you distressed? do you want a kleenex?":gosub1160
- 690 ifp1$<>"yes"then710
- 700 print"here.":fort=1to1000:nextt
- 710 print:print"it's interesting that when i said fun, you said ";g$
- 720 gosub1160:gosub900:printchr$(147);"hmmmm..."
- 730 print:print"it seems to me, ";a$;","
- 735 print"that this all ties in to your problem"
- 740 print"with ";b$
- 750 gosub1160:goto770
- 760 rem ***dreams***
- 770 print:print"let's try a different":print"approach,";a$
- 780 print"tell me about one of your dreams.":gosub1160:gosub1040:ifqd=1then840
- 790 print:print"how would you describe your feelings in the dream?":gosub1160
- 800 print:print"did the dream have anything to do with ";i$
- 810 gosub1160:fort=1to1000:nextt
- 820 rem ***all done***
- 830 print:print"i think we're moving in a good direction.":print
- 840 print"we've discussed your problem with":printb$;" and how this makes you
- 850 [153]"feel ";c$;";"
- 860 [153]"and discussed some possible solutions."
- 870 [153]:[153]"i see your time is up. see you next week."
- 880 [128]
- 890 [143] ***keywords***
- 900 [139]q[177]0[167][142]
- 910 [129]j[178]1[164][195](p1$)[171]5
- 920 [139][202](p1$,j,5)[179][177]" fun "[167]930
- 925 [153]:[153]"what are your feelings about fun?":[137]950
- 930 [130]j
- 940 [142]
- 950 [141]1160:q[178]1:[153]:[153]"these feelings seem important."
- 960 [141]1160:[142]
- 1040 [143] ***dream keyword search***
- 1050 [129]j[178]1[164][195](p1$)[171]7
- 1060 [139][202](p1$,j,7)[178]" don't "[167]1120
- 1070 [130]j
- 1080 [129]j[178]1[164][195](p1$)[171]6
- 1090 [139][202](p1$,j,6)[178]" dont "[167]1120
- 1100 [130]j
- 1110 [142]
- 1120 [153][199](147)"why do you suppose that is?":[141]1160:[141]900
- 1130 [153]"this may be something that we'll want"
- 1140 [153]"to discuss later. we may find that it"
- 1150 [153]"relates to your problem with ";b$:qd[178]1:[142]
- 1160 [143] ***commodore punctuation input***
- 1170 p1$[178]""
- 1180 [161]p2$:[139]p2$[178]""[167]1180
- 1190 [153]p2$;
- 1200 [139]p2$[178][199](13)[167][142]
- 1210 p1$[178]p1$[170]p2$
- 1220 [137]1180
- 1230 [143] ***introduction***
- 1240 [153][199](147);[163]15)"therapy"
- 1250 [153]:[153]"would you like an introduction (y/n)"
- 1260 [161]q$:[139]q$[179][177]"y"[175]q$[179][177]"n"[167]1260
- 1270 [139]q$[178]"n"[167][142]
- 1280 [153][199](147);"welcome to your therapy session. dr. rom";
- 1285 [153]"will be with you in a ";
- 1290 [153]"moment. while you are waiting, here are some helpful"
- 1300 [153]"suggestions on how to get the most out of your therapy session."
- 1305 [153]:[153]
- 1310 [153]"as with most things in life, with therapy, the more you ";
- 1320 [153]"put in, the more you get out. you may find it fun to try and trip ";
- 1330 [153]"up the doctor; make fun of his grammar, or insult him mercilessly."
- 1340 [153]"however, even though this is a parlor game, you may still find ";
- 1350 [153]"yourself havinginteresting, and even important,"
- 1360 [153]"insights. this will only happen if you try your best to utilize ";
- 1370 [153]"this session asan enjoyable way to mull over the"
- 1380 [153]"problems and peeves of life."
- 1390 [153]:[153]:[153][199](18)"hit any key to continue"
- 1400 [151]198,0:[146]198,1
- 1410 [153][199](147):[153]:[153]"i see the doctor is in now."
- 1420 [153]:[153]:[153]"to talk to dr. rom, just type in your"
- 1430 [153]"response; and hit ";[199](18);"return";[199](146);" when you are"
- 1440 [153]"finished.":[153]:[153]:[153]"enjoy your therapy session."
- 1450 [153][166]240);[199](18);"hit any key to begin"
- 1460 [151]198,0:[146]198,1:[142]