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- 10 rem ********************************
- 20 rem ******** 1650 autodial *********
- 30 rem ********************************
- 40 rem ************* by ***************
- 50 rem ********************************
- 60 rem ******** david bradley *********
- 70 rem ********************************
- 80 :
- 90 :
- 100 rem *********************
- 110 rem *** variable list ***
- 120 rem *********************
- 130 :
- 140 rem ab = abort check
- 150 rem ab$ = abort get
- 160 rem b1 = pulse phone
- 170 rem b2 = ready modem
- 180 rem d = length of input
- 190 rem d$ = number to dial input
- 200 rem g$ = yes/no
- 210 rem i = misc counting
- 220 rem l = sound routine counter
- 230 rem n = number of pulses
- 240 rem n$ = used to break up d$
- 250 rem n1 = count pulses
- 260 rem na = number of attempts
- 270 rem s = sid reference value
- 280 rem sa = delay for carrier detect
- 290 rem sd = false carrier
- 300 rem t = time delay/pulse length
- 310 rem ti = built in clock
- 320 rem x = counting
- 330 rem xx = time delay
- 340 :
- 350 rem *************
- 360 rem *** setup ***
- 370 rem *************
- 380 :
- 390 poke53280,0:poke53281,0:print"[147]":printchr$(14):printchr$(8)
- 400 rem open15,8,15,"s0:1650":save"1650",8:verify"1650",8
- 410 b1=56577:b2=56579
- 420 na=1
- 430 poke b2,32
- 440 poke b1,0
- 450 :
- 460 rem *************
- 470 rem *** start ***
- 480 rem *************
- 490 :
- 500 print" 1650 [193][213][212][207][196][201][193][204][197][210] [194][217] [196][193][214][201][196] [194][210][193][196][204][197][217]"
- 510 print" --------------------------------"
- 520 print"[205]ove [212]-[196] [211]witch [212]o [196]ata"
- 530 print"([208]ress [210][197][212][213][210][206] [212]o [209]uit)"
- 540 print"[212]o [193]bort [196]ialing [207]peration [208]ress [193]ny [203]ey"
- 550 print" [193]nd [215]ait "
- 560 print"[197]nter [206]umber [212]o [196]ial*[157][157][157]";
- 570 input d$
- 580 fori=1tolen(d$)
- 590 ifmid$(d$,i,1)="-"then640
- 600 ifmid$(d$,i,1)="*"then640
- 610 ifasc(mid$(d$,i,1))>57then650
- 620 ifasc(mid$(d$,i,1))<48then650
- 630 nexti
- 640 goto660
- 650 print"[197]rror [201]n [206]umber [201]nput...[210]e-[197]nter":xx=1000:gosub1540:goto390
- 660 ifd$="*"thenprint"[209]uit? ([217]/[206]) ":goto680
- 670 goto720
- 680 get g$
- 690 if g$=""then680
- 700 if g$="y"thenprint"[147]":end:print"[195]ont [206][207][212] [193]llowed":g$="y":goto700
- 710 goto390
- 720 iflen(d$)<7then750
- 730 iflen(d$)>15then810
- 740 goto850
- 750 print"";d$;" [201]s [204]ess [212]han 7 [196]igits!":xx=500:gosub1540
- 760 print"[196]ial [193]nyway?"
- 770 getg$
- 780 ifg$=""then770
- 790 ifg$<>"y"thenprint"[147]":goto390
- 800 goto850
- 810 print"";d$;" [201]s [193] [194]it [204]ong ":xx=500:gosub1540
- 820 print"[196]ial [193]nyway?"
- 830 getg$:ifg$=""then830
- 840 ifg$<>"y"thenprint"[147]":goto390
- 850 poke b1,32
- 860 t=1000
- 870 t=t-1:ift<>0 goto870
- 880 print"[196]ialing ";d$; " [193]ttempt [206]umber";na
- 890 print" [145][145]"
- 900 d=len(d$)
- 910 forx=1tod
- 920 getab$:ifab$<>""thenab=1
- 930 n$=mid$(d$,x,1)
- 940 ifn$="-"thengoto980
- 950 n=val(n$)
- 960 ifn=0thenn=10
- 970 gosub1080
- 980 nextx
- 990 print
- 1000 print "[196]ial [195]omplete! "
- 1010 ifab=1thenab=0:goto390
- 1020 xx=5000:gosub1540
- 1030 ifpeek(b1)<>127thengoto1190
- 1040 getab$:ifab$<>""thenab=1
- 1050 ifab=1thenab=0:goto390
- 1060 t=t+1:ift>1000thent=0:pokeb1,0:xx=1000:gosub1540:na=na+1:goto850
- 1070 goto1030
- 1080 forn1=1ton
- 1090 pokeb1,0
- 1100 t=6
- 1110 t=t-1:ift<>0then1110
- 1120 pokeb1,32
- 1130 t=4
- 1140 t=t-1:ift<>0then1140
- 1150 next n1
- 1160 t=70
- 1170 t=t-1:ift<>0then1170
- 1180 return
- 1190 sd=0:sa=ti
- 1200 ifti-sa<60then1220
- 1210 goto1240
- 1220 ifpeek(b1)<>127thensd=1
- 1230 goto1200
- 1240 ifsd=0thenprint"[194]usy!":pokeb1,0:xx=1000 gosub1540:goto760
- 1250 gosub 1340
- 1260 print"[215]e [200]ave [193] [195]onnection!"
- 1270 print"[204]oading [210][213][206][212][197][210][205] [208][204][213][211]"
- 1280 load"runterm plus",8
- 1290 :
- 1300 rem *****************************
- 1310 rem *** alarm/bell subroutine ***
- 1320 rem *****************************
- 1330 :
- 1340 s=54272
- 1350 forl=0to24
- 1360 pokes+l,0
- 1370 nextl
- 1380 poke s+1,100
- 1390 poke s+5,10
- 1400 poke s+15,255
- 1410 poke s+24,15
- 1420 poke s+4,21
- 1430 xx=500:gosub1540
- 1440 pokes+24,0
- 1450 forl=0to24
- 1460 pokes+l,0
- 1470 nextl
- 1480 return
- 1490 :
- 1500 rem *****************************
- 1510 rem *** time delay subroutine ***
- 1520 rem *****************************
- 1530 :
- 1540 fori=1toxx:nexti:return