home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 1 rem *********************************
- 2 rem * 'auto menu' *
- 3 rem * reads directory & auto loads *
- 4 rem * program selected by the user *
- 5 rem * by *
- 6 rem * joe w. rocke 7/27/84 *
- 7 rem *********************************
- 10 poke53280,6:poke53281,6
- 20 dim n$(100):cx=54272:print "[147]"
- 30 print"[147]"
- 40 x$=" "
- 50 forx=1to5:printx$:next
- 60 print"":print chr$(117);
- 70 for x=1 to 38:printchr$(100);:next
- 80 printchr$(105);:for x=1 to 5
- 90 printchr$(103)spc(38)chr$(104)" "chr$(157);:next
- 100 printchr$(106);:for x=1 to 38:printchr$(102);:next:printchr$(107)
- 110 print""tab(10)" instruction menu"
- 120 printtab(10)"loading the directory"
- 129 rem --- read disk directory ---
- 130 open1,8,0,"$"
- 140 get#1,b$:ifst<>0then260
- 149 rem --- line 150 limits to 26 files ---
- 150 iff>=27then260
- 160 ifb$<>chr$(34)then140
- 170 n$="":print"":poke 214,8:print
- 180 get#1,b$:ifb$<>chr$(34)thenn$=n$+b$:goto180
- 190 get#1,b$:ifb$=chr$(32)then190
- 199 rem -- following lines skip the loading files --
- 200 ifn$="stack"orn$="homerun derby"orn$="autorun"thenf=f-1:goto240
- 201 ifn$="pulsing pictures"orn$="songfest"orn$="autonumber"thenf=f-1:goto240
- 202 ifn$="label maker"orn$="arithme-sketch"orn$="disk keeper"thenf=f-1:goto240
- 203 ifn$="needlegraph"orn$="home inventory"orn$="murder by byte"thenf=f-1:goto240
- 204 ifn$="murder gamepad"orn$="menu 64"orn$="the instructions"thenf=f-1:goto240
- 205 ifn$="home inv. 64"orn$="home inv. 128"thenf=f-1:goto240
- 220 ifleft$(n$,1)=" "thenf=f-1:goto240
- 230 n$(f)=" "+n$
- 240 get#1,b$:ifb$<>""then240
- 250 ifst=0thenf=f+1:goto140
- 260 close1
- 269 rem - print first column of names -
- 270 fore=1tof/2:print"[144]"chr$(64+e)""n$(e):next
- 280 print"":poke214,8:print
- 289 rem -- then 2nd column of names ---
- 290 fore=f/2+1tof:printspc(20)"[144]"chr$(64+e)""n$(e):next
- 300 print"":poke53280,2:poke53281,2
- 304 fort=1to20
- 305 kk=54273:pokekk+23,21:pokekk+4,9:pokekk+5,0:pokekk,128:pokekk+3,2 :pokekk+3,33
- 306 next
- 310 printtab(10)"[144] press letter key "
- 320 printtab(5)"to load desired instructions"
- 325 print""tab(8)"[158]display instructions by":print
- 326 printtab(9)" pressing keys a - l
- 330 [161]m$:[139]m$[178]""[167] 330
- 335 [139]m$[178][199](13)[167][138]
- 350 [139]m$[179]"a"[176]m$[177][199](64[170]f)[167]330
- 360 p[178][198](m$)[171]64:[153]"load"
- 370 [139][195](n$(p))[177]15[167]n$(p)[178][200](n$(p),17)
- 380 n$(p)[178][202](n$(p),2,[195](n$(p)))
- 390 [153]"load"[199](34)n$(p)[199](34)",8ononon":[137]460
- 391 p[178][198](m$)[171]64:[153]"load"
- 392 [139][195](n$(p))[177]15[167]n$(p)[178][200](n$(p),16)[170]"*"
- 393 n$(p)[178][202](n$(p),2,[195](n$(p)))
- 394 [153]"load"[199](34)n$(p)[199](34)",8ononon"
- 400 [143] *******************************
- 410 [143] * if you know the pgm is 'ml' *
- 420 [143] * the example below will load *
- 430 [143] * and file & run it. examples *
- 440 [143] * (3) are shown below. *
- 450 [143] *******************************
- 460 [139][200](n$(p),5)[178]"curso"[167]510
- 470 [139][200](n$(p),7)[178]"blank-i"[167]a$[178]"sys890"[170][199](13):[137]500
- 480 [139][200](n$(p),5)[178]"ultra"[167]a$[178]"sys49152"[170][199](13):[137]500
- 490 a$[178]"run"[170][199](13)
- 500 [151]631,13:[129]b[178]1[164][195](a$):[151]631[170]b,[198]([202](a$,b,1)):[130]:[151]198,10
- 505 [162]
- 510 a$[178]"run 25"[170][199](13):[137]500