How often have you seen Casablanca? Five, ten times? No matter, good films improve the more you see them. Likewise, great games can be played over and over without getting stale. Through scores of versions for scores of computers, they remain popular. They're classics. This game is a C-128 version of one of those classics: Bars.
You must move the bars one at a time from stack one to stack three, in as few moves as you can; 127 being the fewest possible. You can place short bars on top of long bars, but not vice-versa. That's it. Simple . . . right?
Not quite. You can "finish" the game hundreds of times without once solving the puzzle. There are thousands of permutations, but there's only one way to do it right. To end a game, press Q.
Load and run Bars from Menu 128. As with other ReRUN programs, you're all set and ready to play. The challenge, you might say, will soon mount up!