RUN would like you to help us celebrate the launch of our new ReRUN disk. We're sponsoring a contest that offers you a chance to win some super prizes for your Commodore system. And all you have to do is sound off. That's right. Just tell us what you think of the ReRUN disk's new look. Is it an improvement? Are there any features you would like to see added? Do you think our new interface makes this disk easier to use? What about the content?
We've made it easy to send us your comments. Simply use the word processing feature of the "Send Us a Letter" section. Just type in a short letter using that option. When you exit the ReRUN word processor, you'll be prompted to enter your name and address. After answering the name and address prompts, your letter will be output on your printer, complete with both your address and our address. Fold it into thirds, put a stamp on it and drop it in the mail. It's as easy as that.
We'll select three winners from the responses. Prizes will include hardware, such as a 1200-baud modem or a back-up power supply, and a selection of entertainment and productivity software from the RUN catalog.
This is your chance to toss either bouquets or bricks. Your comments will help us to develop the best disk product we can. And they could also help you to win some valuable prizes.
So enter now. No puzzles, no gimmicks, just tell us what you think.