As you can see, ReRUN has undergone a major facelift in this edition. Say good-bye to the documentation booklet and say hello to the new interactive user interface. Written by noted programmer Robert Rockefeller, the interface comes in both C-64 and C-128 versions and makes it easy for ReRUN users to access the applications, utilities and games on the disk.
Rather than spend a lot of time talking about the programs from the November/December 1991 issue of RUN found on this disk, I'll give a quick run-down, then devote most of this editorial to explaining how this interface works and the features it offers. By reading this editorial, you can learn to access the accompanying documentation for each program and print it to either screen or printer.
The first program on this disk is Mark Jordan's Ultimate Sprite Editor (U.S.E 64, for short). Creating, editing and saving sprites to disk is a breeze with this program. Next is Tony Brantner's Volleybound program, a fast-paced three-level game of volleyball for the C-64. Volleybound offers both 1- and 2-player modes, and is one of the best action games we've published in recent history.
Long-time RUN Magic contributor Richard Penn wrote the Commodore Port Authority program, better known as Uniport. Best described as a joystick port driver, Uniport allows you to use joystick port 2 with programs that normally use port 1.
Muggins 128, the next program from the November/December issue of RUN, is a computerized version of the popular Dominoes game. Another 128-specific offering from the same issue is Composite Man. No, this program has nothing to do with carbon fibers or stealth technology; rather, you must memorize a man's face, then assemble a composite drawing based on what you recall.
We've also packed this edition of ReRUN with a sizable collection of bonus programs. Cassette Timekeeper lets your Commodore calculate exactly how many songs you can record on 30-, 60-, 90- and 100-minute cassette tapes.
InterLace 128 gives GEOS 128 and a C-128 fitted with 64K of video RAM a full-color interlace screen in 80-column mode.
Finally, there's a useful collection of three disk and menu utilities, called Automenu 64, Autoboot 64 and Generic Diskmenu 64, all written by our popular Magic contributor, Ward Shrake.
Now that you have a good idea of the program offerings on this disk, let's look at the features and options offered by this new interface. First, if you run Menu 64, you'll see those programs that run in 64 mode, or both 64 and 128 mode; you will not see any that are specific to 128 mode. Likewise, if you run Menu 128, you'll only see programs that run in 128 mode, or both 64 and 128 mode; you will not see programs that run in 64 mode only.
Second, not only can you use this interface for accessing program documentation, and loading and executing both machine-language and Basic programs, but it also lets you effortlessly copy applications to other disks. We've automated the process so all associated data and other program files are copied when this feature is selected (see Copy Command below for more details).
Features, Features, Features!
Additionally, both the C-64 and C-128 versions of the interface contain four system files: Welcome to ReRUN, ReRUN Contest, Send Us a Letter and Quit.
When you run the interface, the main title appears at the top of the menu screen. The rest of the screen is divided into three areas or boxes. The top box is where application names are displayed, and is known as the Names area. The middle box displays a summary of what each application does, and is known as the Summary area. The bottom box is used for error and other messages, and is known as the Message area.
You can use either the cursor keys on the keyboard or a joystick plugged into either port to position the cursor on a selection. Pressing the return key (clicking) activates that selection.
Clicking on a disk application will bring up a menu from which you can select to execute the program, copy the program's files to a work disk or read and print out the program's accompanying documentation.
The Send Us a Letter option in the main menu provides you an opportunity to give us feedback on ReRUN's new look. Use it to compose and print a letter to us. Just type in a short letter, and when you exit you'll be prompted to enter your name and address. After answering the name and address prompts, your letter will be output on your printer, complete with both your address and our address. Fold it into thirds, put a stamp on it and drop it in the mail. Send in your letters and we'll publish as many as space allows on our next ReRUN disk. If you don't have a printer, or prefer to use another word processor, send a letter to the following address:
ReRUN Reader Feedback
80 Elm St.
Peterborough, NH 03458
Your name is automatically entered in a contest where you can win hardware and software prizes when you send us a ReRUN Reader Feedback letter.
Documentation on Disk
Since the ReRUN booklet is now history, you'll find all of the documentation included on the ReRUN disk. Selecting the Read Documentation option for a program automatically loads the corresponding text file within a file displayer, or text reader, program.
There are several commands available in the file displayer. They include the following:
cursor keys = Use the cursor keys to move up or down one line at a time.
Home = Go to the first screen.
Control/L = Go to the last screen.
Control/P = Print the file on the printer.
Control/H = Display the help screen.
Control/X = Exit to the main screen.
Control/F = Page forward to the next screen.
Control/B = Page backwards to the previous screen.
Copy Command
Also included in the ReRUN interface is a Copy command. Selecting this option copies all the files of an application to another disk. This comes in handy when copying files such as GEOS applications to a GEOS work disk. To aid in the process, you'll see "Insert destination disk" and "Insert source disk" prompts to swap disks when copying files.
That covers the information needed to use this interface. We'll continue to upgrade the program in subsequent editions, all in an effort to make life easier for our readers. After all, isn't that why you buy ReRUN disks in the first place?