home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 10 rem new rerun c64 automenu
- 20 rem lou wallace
- 40 poke53280,0:poke53281,0:printchr$(142)
- 50 dr=peek(186):v=54273
- 60 ch$="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
- 70 dr$=right$(str$(dr),len(str$(dr))-1)
- 80 dim n$(255),d$(255):cx=54272:print "[147]"
- 90 read f
- 100 for i=1 to f:read n$(i),d$(i)
- 110 if len(n$(i))>13 then n$(i)=left$(n$(i),13)+"*"
- 120 next
- 130 gosub 400
- 140 rem - print first column of names -
- 150 d$=""
- 160 for i=1 to f/2
- 170 print d$;
- 180 print""mid$(ch$,i,1)" "n$(i)
- 190 gosub 590:d$=d$+""
- 200 next
- 210 rem -- then 2nd column of names ---
- 220 d$=""
- 230 for i=(f/2+1) to f
- 240 print d$;
- 250 printspc(19)""mid$(ch$,i,1)" "n$(i)
- 260 gosub 590:d$=d$+""
- 270 next
- 280 getm$:ifm$=""then 280
- 290 ifm$<"a"orm$>chr$(64+f)then280
- 300 p=asc(m$)-64:print"[147]"
- 310 if d$(p)<>"run" then 340
- 320 iflen(n$(p))>12thenn$(p)=left$(n$(p),12)+"*"
- 330 print"load"chr$(34)n$(p)chr$(34)","dr$"[145][145][145]":goto360
- 340 iflen(n$(p))>15thenn$(p)=left$(n$(p),16)+"*"
- 350 print"load"chr$(34)n$(p)chr$(34)","dr$",1[145][145][145]"
- 360 a$=d$(p)
- 370 a$=a$+chr$(13)
- 380 poke631,13:forb=1tolen(a$):poke631+b,asc(mid$(a$,b,1)):next:poke198,10
- 390 new
- 400 poke 53280,0:poke 53281,0
- 410 ov=peek(53265)
- 420 poke 53265,peek(53265)and 247
- 430 poke 53265,(peek(53265)and248)+7
- 440 pr$="[209][165] [167][209]"
- 450 tp$="[209][165][213][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][196][201][167][209]"
- 460 md$="[209][165][194] [194][167][209]"
- 470 bt$="[209][165][202][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][195][203][167][209]"
- 480 hd$="march/april 1991 rerun"
- 490 print"[147]";
- 500 print tp$;:gosub 590
- 510 for i=1 to 2:print md$;:gosub 590:next
- 520 print"[145]";hd$;:gosub 590
- 530 print:print"[145]";
- 540 for i=1 to 1:print md$;:gosub 590:next
- 550 print bt$;:gosub 590
- 560 for i=1 to 19:print pr$;:gosub 590:next
- 570 poke 53265,27
- 580 return
- 590 rem sound routine here
- 600 poke v+23,15:poke v+4,9:poke v+5,0:poke v,1:poke v+3,32:poke v+3,33
- 610 return
- 1000 rem file list
- 1010 rem first entry is the number of programs on this disk
- 1020 rem followed by each filename
- 1030 rem second data item is run or sysxxxxx
- 1040 rem run if file is basic and sys xxxxx if ml
- 1050 data 10
- 1060 data search-replce,run
- 1070 data help screen,run
- 1080 data seq scanner,run
- 1090 data dir display,run
- 1100 data freeze key,run
- 1110 data double display,run
- 1120 data smart shopper,run
- 1130 data boot overkill,run
- 1140 data ade 64,run
- 1150 data calculator,run