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- S{CBM-E}tantangent
- coscosine
- orboolean or
- sqrsquare root
- acall clear
- atnarc-tangent
- sinsine
- (open parenthesis
- )close parenthesis
- ^exponentiation
- msmemory store
- 77
- 88
- 99
- /division
- mcmemory clear
- 44
- 55
- 66
- *multiplication
- mrmemory recall
- 11
- 22
- 33
- -subtraction
- ceclear entry
- 00
- .decimal point
- =evaluate expression
- +addition
- offturn calculator off
- Qscroll display left
- Qscroll display right
- andboolean and
- absabsolute value
- expnat log raised to power
- intinteger value
- lognatural logarithm
- notboolean not
- sgnvalue of sign
- ee*10e (sci notation)