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- 100 rem*****stack*****
- 110 gosub2000
- 120 dimg(10,4)
- 130 forb=1to5:forl=1to3:g(b,l)=0:nextl:nextb
- 140 print"how many bars do you want to move
- 150 [153]"(2,3,4 or 5)?
- 160 input x
- 170 d=0
- 180 forz=1to5:ifz=xthen300:nextz
- 300 poke53281,5:print"[147]
- 310 [153]" wait
- 320 print" 3 [146]
- 330 [153]" 5 wait
- 340 print" 7 [146]
- 350 [153]" 9 wait
- 360 print" 11 [146]
- 370 [153]"123stop
- 400 n=5:b=11
- 410 forc=xto1step-1
- 420 g(n,1)=b:b=b-2:n=n-1:nextc:gosub1230
- 430 ifx=2thenmm$="9 & 11"
- 440 ifx=3thenmm$="7,9 & 11"
- 450 ifx=4thenmm$="5,7,9 & 11"
- 460 ifx=5thenmm$="3,5,7,9 & 11"
- 470 print"[144]you will be moving bars ";mm$
- 480 print"":input"which bar do you want to move";b
- 490 ifb=3andx=<4then530
- 500 ifb=5andx=<3then530
- 510 ifb=7andx=<2then530
- 520 if(b-3)*(b-5)*(b-7)*(b-9)*(b-11)=0then540
- 530 print"you may only use ";mm$;"":print spc(10)"enter again!":goto480
- 540 fory=1to5:forr=1to3:ifg(y,r)=bthen560
- 550 nextr:nexty
- 560 forz=yto1step-1
- 570 ifg(z,r)=0then590
- 580 ifg(z,r)<bthen600
- 590 nextz:goto700
- 600 print"that bar is under another one. makeanother choice.":print"
- 610 [137]480
- 700 [133]"place bar on which stack";l
- 710 [139](l[171]1)[172](l[171]2)[172](l[171]3)[178]0[167]800
- 720 [153]"you must choose '1', '2' or '3'":[137]700
- 800 [129]y[178]1[164]5:[139]g(y,l)[179][177]0[167]830
- 810 [130]y
- 820 [137]860
- 830 [139]b[179]g(y,l)[167]860
- 840 [153]"you can't place a longer bar on top of asmaller one...try again!
- 850 print"":goto480
- 860 forw=1to5:forc=1to3:ifg(w,c)=bthen910
- 900 nextc:nextw
- 910 forv=1to5:ifg(v,l)<>0then940
- 920 nextv
- 930 v=5:goto950
- 940 v=v-1
- 950 g(v,l)=g(w,c):g(w,c)=0:gosub1230
- 960 d=d+1
- 970 fory=1to5:forr=1to2:ifg(y,r)<>0then480
- 980 nextr:nexty
- 990 ifd<>2^x-1then1500
- 1000 gosub3190
- 1200 poke53281,13:print"[147][144]try again[160]('y' or 'n')";:input a$
- 1210 if a$="n" then 1330
- 1220 ifa$="y" then 130
- 1230 forj=1to5:p=7:fors=1to3
- 1240 ifg(j,s)=0then1300
- 1250 printtab(p-int(g(j,s)/2));
- 1260 forw=1tog(j,s)
- 1270 print"[159] [146]";
- 1280 nextw
- 1290 goto1310
- 1300 printtab(p);" [146]";
- 1310 p=p+11
- 1320 nexts:print:nextj:return
- 1330 poke53280,4:poke53281,7:print"[147]
- 1340 [153]"thank you...please play again soon.":[129]t[178]1[164]3000:[130]:[153]"load
- 1350 end
- 1500 poke53280,0:poke53281,8:print"[147]
- 1510 [139]x[178]2[167]m$[178]"3 moves"
- 1520 [139]x[178]3[167]m$[178]"7 moves"
- 1530 [139]x[178]4[167]m$[178]"15 moves"
- 1540 [139]x[178]5[167]m$[178]"31 moves"
- 1550 [153]"it took you";d;"moves.
- 1560 print"it could have been done in only ";m$;"
- 1570 [153]"try harder next time!":[129]t[178]1[164]5000:[130]:[137]1200
- 2000 [151]53280,8:[151]53281,3:[153]"load
- 2010 print"
- 2020 [153]"
- 2030 print"
- 2040 [153]"
- 2050 print"
- 2060 [153]"
- 2070 print"
- 2080 [153]"
- 2090 print" ":print"":fort=1to1500:next
- 3000 print"[144]123
- 3010 [153]" wait
- 3020 print" [146]
- 3030 [153]" wait
- 3040 print"[158] [144]3[158] [146]
- 3050 [153]"stop stop5stop wait
- 3060 print" [144]7 [146]
- 3070 [153]" stop9 wait
- 3080 print" [144]11 [146]":fort=1to3000:next
- 3090 poke53280,7:poke53281,15:print"[147]
- 3100 [153]"to play this game you must transfer the":[153]
- 3110 [153]"bars from the leftwait stack to the rightwait":[153]
- 3120 [153]"stack, one bar at a time, never putting":[153]
- 3130 [153]"a longer bar on a smaller one.":[153]"
- 3140 print"press <return>[146] to continue
- 3150 [153]"list":[133] c
- 3160 [151]53280,2:[151]53281,7:[153]"loadstop
- 3170 print"you may choose from 2 to 5 bars":print
- 3180 print"when you start the game.":fort=1 to 1500:next:return
- 3190 poke53280,7:poke53281,14:print"[147]
- 3200 [153]"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- 3210 print"xxxxxxxxx
- 3220 [153]"xxxxxxxx
- 3230 print"xxxxxxxx
- 3240 [153]"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- 3250 print"xxxxxxx
- 3260 [153]"xxxxxxx
- 3270 print"xxxxxxxx
- 3280 [153]"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
- 3290 print"you did it in the least possible
- 3300 [153]"number of moves!!!!!":[129]t[178]1[164]2500:[130]:[142]