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- 10 rem math worksheet by f. colosimo
- 20 rem com 64 vs 19 12/24/83
- 30 open1,4 :rem use approp. cmd for your printer/interface
- 40 rem set constants and get paper ready
- 50 un$=chr$(14):rem this cmd turns on dbl width
- 60 off$=chr$(15): rem this turns off dbl wid.
- 70 di$="(1-3)":x=0:poke53280,0:poke53281,12
- 80 dima%(28),b%(28),a$(7),b$(7),n1%(28),n2%(28),an%(42)
- 90 print"[144][147] ******* math worksheet *******":print" position paper now "
- 100 print" with perf at printhead..."
- 110 rem define problem characteristics
- 120 print" do you want addition, subtraction or multiplication?(+,-,x)"
- 130 geto$:ifo$=""then130
- 140 printspc(6)" operation = [144]"o$
- 150 ifo$="x"thend1$="(1-2)":goto170
- 160 ifo$<>"+"ando$<>"-"then120
- 170 print" how many digits do you want?"d1$
- 180 getd$:ifd$=""then180
- 190 d=val(d$):ifd<1ord>3then170
- 200 ifd>2ando$="x"then170
- 210 printspc(6)" problems will have "d"digits[144]"
- 220 ifd=1oro$="x"thenca$="y":goto270
- 230 print" do you want carrying/borrowing? (y/n)"
- 240 getca$:ifca$=""then240
- 250 ifca$<>"y"andca$<>"n"then230
- 260 printspc(7)" carry/borrow = [144]"ca$
- 270 ifd>1thenaa=9:goto310
- 280 print" what is the highest number you want in the problems? (1-9)"
- 290 getaa$:ifaa$=""then290
- 300 aa=val(aa$):ifaa<1then280
- 310 printspc(4)" highest number in problems =[144]"aa
- 320 print" do you want answers on wksht? (y/n)"
- 330 getan$:ifan$=""then330
- 340 gosub960:rem print title
- 350 rem ***we create 6 rows of problems
- 360 form=1to6
- 370 gosub490:gosub810:nextm:as=d
- 380 ifan$<>"n"then410
- 390 forn=1to3:print#1,chr$(13):next:goto430
- 400 rem *** print answers ***
- 410 forn=1to6:print#1,off$spc(1+as);:form=1to7:du=an%((n-1)*7+m):d=10:gosub920
- 420 print#1,du$;:next:print#1:next
- 430 print#1,chr$(13)chr$(13):close1
- 440 print"[147]would you like to make another worksheet?(y/n)"
- 450 getc$:ifc$=""then450
- 460 ifc$="y"thenrun
- 470 end
- 480 rem ** subroutine to create random digits
- 490 forn=1tod*7:a%(n)=(aa-1)*rnd(0)+2:next
- 500 ifca$="n"ando$="+"then570
- 510 forn=1tod*7:b%(n)=aa*rnd(0)+1:next
- 520 ifo$<>"-"then630
- 530 rem for minus, a% always > b%
- 540 forn=1tod*7:ifa%(n)<b%(n)thenc%=a%(n):a%(n)=b%(n):b%(n)=c%
- 550 next:goto580
- 560 rem ** 2nd line of digits for no carry, o$=+, and d>1
- 570 forn=1tod*7:b%(n)=rnd(0)*(9-a%(n))+1+(a%(n)=9):next
- 580 ifca$="n"then630
- 590 rem ** increase freq of borrows
- 600 forn=1tod*7stepd:c%=a%(n):a%(n)=b%(n):b%(n)=c%
- 610 next
- 620 rem ** form numbers from sep digits
- 630 forn=1to7:pl=0:n1%(n)=0:n2%(n)=0
- 640 fornn=d*(n-1)+1to(n-1)*d+d
- 650 n1%(n)=n1%(n)+a%(nn)*10^pl
- 660 n2%(n)=n2%(n)+b%(nn)*10^pl:pl=pl+1:next
- 670 ifo$<>"-"then710
- 680 rem if minus put bigger # on top
- 690 ifn1%(n)<n2%(n)thenc%=n1%(n):n1%(n)=n2%(n):n2%(n)=c%
- 700 rem calc answers
- 710 x=x+1
- 720 ifo$="+"thenan%(x)=n1%(n)+n2%(n)
- 730 ifo$="-"thenan%(x)=n1%(n)-n2%(n)
- 740 ifo$="x"thenan%(x)=n1%(n)*n2%(n)
- 750 next
- 760 rem *** send n1% and n2% for string conversion
- 770 forn=1to7:du=n1%(n):gosub920:a$(n)=du$
- 780 du=n2%(n):gosub920:b$(n)=du$:next:return
- 790 rem *** subroutine to print a row of problems
- 800 rem *** print first line (a$)
- 810 l=len(a$(1)):print#1,un$spc(4);:forn=1to7
- 820 print#1," "a$(n)spc(4-l);:next
- 830 rem *** print second line (b$)
- 840 print#1,chr$(10):print#1,un$spc(4);
- 850 forn=1to7:print#1,o$b$(n)spc(4-l);:next
- 860 rem print underline
- 870 print#1:print#1,un$spc(4);:forn=1to7
- 880 fornn=0tol:print#1,"-";:next:print#1,spc(4-l);:next
- 890 print#1,chr$(10)chr$(10)chr$(10)chr$(10)
- 900 return
- 910 rem subroutine to convert fl. pt. to string and adj alignment
- 920 du$=str$(du)
- 930 iflen(du$)<d+1thendu$=" "+du$:goto930
- 940 du$=right$(du$,d):return
- 950 rem subroutine to print wksht header
- 960 print#1,chr$(13)chr$(13)
- 970 print#1,un$spc(18)"name:":print#1,un$spc(23)"---------------"
- 980 print#1,chr$(10)un$spc(12)"math worksheet"chr$(13)chr$(13):return