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- 1 b=5:s=0
- 5 poke253,219:poke254,195:poke2,0:sys50096
- 10 print"[147]block bust"
- 20 print"instructions? (y/n)"
- 30 geta$:ifa$=""then30
- 40 ifa$<>"y"anda$<>"n"then30
- 50 ifa$="n"then131
- 60 print"[147]the object of block bust is to bust as"
- 70 print"many blocks as possible. you have to"
- 80 print"keep the ball in motion by moving your"
- 90 print"paddle underneath it so it can bounce"
- 100 print"off. you have 5 balls per game."
- 105 print"use joystick port 2."
- 110 print"good luck!"
- 120 print"press space[146] to play"
- 130 poke198,0:wait197,32
- 131 input"[147]speed (1-255),1=fastest";l
- 132 poke49392,l:poke50198,0
- 140 poke53280,13:poke53281,0:print"[147]":poke53281,1:sys49165
- 141 print"[154][166] [166] [166] [166] [166] [166] [166] [166] [166] [166] [166] [166] [166] [166] [166] [166] [166] [166] [166] "
- 142 print" [166] [166] [166] [166] [166] [166] [166] [166] [166] [166] [166] [166] [166] [166] [166] [166] [166] [166] [166]"
- 143 print"[166] [166] [166] [166] [166] [166] [166] [166] [166] [166] [166] [166] [166] [166] [166] [166] [166] [166] [166] "
- 144 print" [166] [166] [166] [166] [166] [166] [166] [166] [166] [166] [166] [166] [166] [166] [166] [166] [166] [166] [166]"
- 145 print"[166] [166] [166] [166] [166] [166] [166] [166] [166] [166] [166] [166] [166] [166] [166] [166] [166] [166] [166] "
- 146 poke50179,22:poke50178,12
- 147 poke50176,1:poke50177,1
- 148 fora=56216to56254:pokea,10:next
- 150 sys49421
- 151 ifpeek(50198)=95then1000
- 160 poke1024+peek(50178)*40+peek(50179),32
- 164 b=b-1:ifb=0then190
- 165 print"[144]press space[146] for next ball"
- 166 poke198,0
- 167 geta$:ifa$<>" "then167
- 168 print"[145] "
- 180 goto146
- 190 poke1024+peek(50178)*40+peek(50179),32
- 200 s=s+peek(50198)
- 205 print"[147]score:"s
- 210 print"play again? (y/n)"
- 220 geta$:ifa$=""then220
- 230 ifa$<>"y"anda$<>"n"then220
- 240 ifa$="n"thenprint"[147]":end
- 250 run
- 1000 print"[147]you won at speed"l
- 1005 s=s+peek(50198)
- 1010 print"press space[146] for next speed: speed"l-1
- 1020 poke198,0:wait197,32:l=l-1:goto132