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- 3 rem ** plenty of k, a computer sampler
- 4 rem by elizabeth oman
- 6 poke53280,0:poke53281,0
- 7 gosub6000
- 9 gosub5000
- 10 rem experiment with k
- 19 print"[147]"
- 20 a$="%"
- 30 gosub1000
- 100 printtab(11)c$spc(3)c$spc(8)b$
- 120 printtab(10)a$spc(3)a$spc(1)a$spc(3)a$spc(6)a$spc(2)a$
- 130 printtab(10)a$spc(1)a$spc(1)a$spc(1)a$spc(1)a$spc(1)a$spc(6)b$spc(1)b$
- 135 printtab(11)b$spc(1)c$spc(1)b$spc(10)b$
- 140 printtab(14)a$spc(1)a$spc(12)c$
- 150 printtab(14)a$spc(1)a$spc(11)c$
- 160 printtab(14)a$spc(1)a$spc(10)c$
- 170 printtab(14)a$spc(1)a$spc(8)d$
- 180 printtab(14)a$spc(1)a$spc(5)f$
- 190 printtab(14)a$spc(1)a$spc(3)e$
- 200 printtab(14)a$spc(1)a$spc(2)g$
- 210 printtab(14)a$spc(1)d$spc(4)c$
- 220 printtab(14)a$spc(1)a$spc(2)b$spc(4)b$
- 230 printtab(14)a$spc(1)a$spc(3)c$spc(1)b$
- 240 printtab(14)a$spc(1)a$spc(5)b$
- 260 printtab(14)a$spc(1)a$spc(3)a$spc(1)d$
- 270 printtab(14)a$spc(1)a$spc(3)a$spc(1)b$spc(1)b$
- 280 printtab(14)a$spc(1)a$spc(4)b$spc(2)b$
- 290 printtab(14)a$spc(1)a$spc(9)b$
- 300 printtab(14)a$spc(1)a$spc(9)b$
- 310 printtab(11)b$spc(1)a$spc(1)a$spc(1)b$spc(7)b$
- 320 printtab(10)a$spc(1)a$spc(1)a$spc(1)a$spc(1)a$spc(1)a$spc(6)b$
- 330 printtab(10)a$spc(3)c$spc(3)a$spc(7)b$spc(1)a$
- 340 printtab(11)c$spc(3)c$spc(9)c$
- 350 geta$:ifa$=""goto350
- 355 gosub6000: print"change cursor color if you want to"
- 360 forx=1to6:print :next:print"what symbol do you wish to change to?"
- 361 print"(1 only)"
- 365 forx=1to5:print :next:print"do not use a comma, colon, reverse "
- 366 print: print"on, reverse off, or quotes, please"
- 367 forx=1 to2:print:next:print"zz will exit this part of program"
- 370 print:inputa$
- 371 ifa$="zz"goto7
- 372 gosub1000
- 380 goto100
- 1000 b$=a$+a$
- 1010 c$=a$+a$+a$
- 1020 d$=a$+a$+a$+a$
- 1030 e$=a$+a$+a$+a$+a$
- 1040 f$=a$+a$+a$+a$+a$+a$
- 1050 g$=a$+a$+a$+a$+a$+a$+a$:return
- 2000 rem sampler
- 2001 gosub6000
- 2009 print
- 2010 print"[154] [209][160][209]"spc(3)"[158]lll l"spc(3)"[159]x xx"spc(2)"[209][209][209][160][160][209][209] [150]//// ///"
- 2011 print"[154] [209][160][209]"spc(4)"[158]l l"spc(4)"[159]x xx"spc(4)"[209][160][160][209]"spc(4)"[150]//"spc(3)"/"
- 2012 print"[154] [209][209]"spc(4)"[158]lll"spc(5)"[159]xxx"spc(5)"[209][209][209][209]"spc(4)"[150]// /"
- 2013 print"[154] [209][160][209]"spc(4)"[158]l l"spc(4)"[159]x xx"spc(4)"[209][160][160][209]"spc(4)"[150]////"
- 2014 print"[154] [209][160][209]"spc(3)"[158]lll l"spc(3)"[159]x xx"spc(2)"[209]"spc(4)"[209]"spc(3)"[150]// ///"
- 2015 printtab(21)"[209][209][209] [209][209][209]"spc(2)"[150]// ///"
- 2016 printtab(30)"//// ///"
- 2017 print"[158][166]"spc(3)"[166]"spc(2)"[155]x x x"spc(2)"[153][215][160][215]"spc(3)"[215]"
- 2018 print"[158][166] [160][166]"spc(3)"[155] x x "spc(2)"[153] [215]"spc(3)"[215]"
- 2019 print"[158][166] [166]"spc(5)"[155]x x"spc(5)"[153][215] [215]"
- 2020 print"[158][166][166]"spc(5)"[155]x x"spc(5)"[153][215][160][215][215]"
- 2021 print"[158][166][160][166]"spc(5)"[155]x x"spc(5)"[153][215][160][160][215]"spc(6)"[156]+++ +"spc(3)"++"
- 2022 print"[158][166][160][160][166]"spc(4)"[155]x x"spc(4)"[153][215]"spc(3)"[215]"spc(4)"[156]+"spc(3)"+++ ++ +"
- 2023 print"[158][166]"spc(3)"[166]"spc(2)"[155]x x x"spc(2)"[153][215][160][215]"spc(3)"[215]"spc(2)"[156]+";
- 2024 printspc(5)"+ ++"spc(3)"+"
- 2025 printtab(24)"+ + ++ +++ +"
- 2026 print"[209][209]"spc(4)"[209][209] [149][166][166][166][166][166] [166][166][166][166]"spc(5)"[156]++ ++ ++"
- 2027 print" [209]"spc(4)"[209]"spc(4)"[149][166] [166]"spc(3)"[166]"spc(10)"[156]++ +"
- 2028 print" [209]"spc(3)"[209]"spc(5)"[149][166][166][166] [166]"spc(9)"[156]++++ ++"
- 2029 print" [209][209][209][209]"spc(6)"[149][166] [166][160][166][166]"spc(9)"[156]+++"spc(3)"++"
- 2030 print" [209]"spc(3)"[209]"spc(5)"[149][166][166][166][166][166][166]"spc(4)"[156]++"spc(3)"++"spc(3)"+++ +"
- 2031 print" [209]"spc(4)"[209]"spc(4)"[149][166][160][166][160][166][160][166]"spc(3)"[156]+"spc(3)"++"spc(4)"+"spc(3)"+"
- 2032 print" [209]"spc(4)"[209]"spc(4)"[149][166][166][166][160][166][166][166]"spc(4)"[156]+++"spc(7)"+++"
- 2033 print"[209][209]"spc(4)"[209][209]"spc(3)"[149][166][160][166][160][160][166][160][166]"
- 2034 printtab(10)"[149][166][166][166][166][166][160][166][166][166][166]"
- 2035 geta$:ifa$=""goto2035
- 2036 print:gosub6000
- 2038 goto5000
- 2850 rem table for headings
- 2900 gosub6000
- 2910 forx=1to10:print:next:print"do you wish to figure sizes of letters"
- 2920 print"for a heading?"
- 2930 forx=1to2:print:next:print"y/n"
- 3000 geta$:ifa$=""goto3000
- 3010 if a$="y"thenprint"[147]":goto3020
- 3011 ifa$="n"goto7
- 3019 gosub6000
- 3020 forx=1to2:next:print"how many rows(1-4)?"
- 3025 forx=1to2:next:print:input m
- 3030 ifm>4then print"[158]too many" :goto3020
- 3031 ifm=0goto3020
- 3035 ifm<=4theny=int(25/m-1)
- 3040 forx=1to2:print:next:print"the maximum height of the letters is " y
- 3050 print:print"[156]give the number of letters in the longest row, please (1-10)"
- 3060 print:print:inputq
- 3070 ifq>10thenprint"too many":goto3060
- 3071 ifq=0goto3050
- 3080 ifq<=10thenw=int(40/q-1)
- 3090 forx=1to2:print:next:print "the maximum width of the letters is" w
- 3990 geta$:ifa$=""goto3990
- 4000 gosub 6000
- 5000 forx=1to4:print:next:printtab(18)"menu"
- 5010 forx=1to4:print:next:print"sampler":print:print"experiment with k":
- 5015 print:print"table for headings"
- 5020 forx=1to6:print:next:print"select by pressing the first letter of"
- 5025 forx=1to2:print:next:print"your selection"
- 5030 getc$:ifc$=""goto5030
- 5031 ifc$="s"goto2000
- 5032 ifc$="e"goto19
- 5033 ifc$="t"goto2900
- 5040 ifc$<>"s"thenprint"[147]"
- 5050 goto5000
- 6000 print"[147]":return