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/ Run Magazine ReRun 1984 Half 2 / rerun-1984-07-12.d64 / speller (.txt) < prev    next >
Commodore BASIC  |  1984-01-01  |  4.6 KB  |  155 lines

  1. 0 rem *** the 64 speller ***
  2. 10 poke53281,1:poke53280,1:printchr$(144);chr$(14);chr$(147)
  3. 15 clr
  4. 20 s=54272:v=53248
  5. 25 restore
  6. 49 rem *** title ***
  7. 50 forx=1to6:print:nextx
  8. 55 printtab(13)"[212]he 64 [211]peller"
  9. 60 print:printtab(13)"by [199]ary [198]ields"
  10. 70 print:print:print:print
  11. 75 printchr$(18)"   [206][207][212][197] to parent/teacher               "
  12. 80 print:printtab(4)"[212]o change [215][207][210][196][211]/[196][197][198][201][206][201][212][201][207][206][211] - [198]1"
  13. 85 forx=1to40:printchr$(183);:nextx:gosub2000
  14. 87 for pr=0to62:readpq:poke832+pr,pq:nextpr
  15. 90 for x=1to100
  16. 92 getf1$:iff1$=""then95
  17. 93 iff1$=chr$(133)then2500
  18. 95 nextx
  19. 99 rem *** display words ***
  20. 100 printchr$(147)
  21. 105 print:printchr$(18)"[200]ere are the words you will be spelling":printchr$(146)
  22. 110 reada1$
  23. 120 ifa1$="-1"then150
  24. 125 readb1$,a2$,b2$
  25. 130 printa1$:gosub2000
  26. 135 printchr$(145);tab(20)a2$:gosub2000
  27. 140 goto110
  28. 150 print:printchr$(18)" [208][210][197][211][211] any key to begin                "
  29. 155 print:print:printtab(3)"[212]o change [215][207][210][196][211]/[196][197][198][201][206][201][212][201][207][206][211] - [198]1"
  30. 158 forx=1to40:printchr$(183);:nextx:gosub2000
  31. 160 getf1$:iff1$=""then160
  32. 165 iff1$=chr$(133)then2500
  33. 190 restore:forpr=0to62:readpq:nextpr
  34. 200 printchr$(147)
  35. 210 read a$,b$:cc=0
  36. 215 if a$="-1"goto 1500
  37. 219 rem *** display of b$ 220-245
  38. 225 forx=1to6:print:nextx
  39. 227 print:print
  40. 229 print"[212]his defines a word you know."
  41. 230 forx=1to40:printchr$(183);:nextx:print:print
  42. 232 fori=0tolen(b$)
  43. 235 pokes+24,6:pokes+1,126:pokes,6:pokes+5,120:pokes+6,30:pokes+4,33
  44. 240 printleft$(b$,i+1):pokes+24,0
  45. 245 printchr$(145);chr$(145):forx=1to40:nextx
  46. 247 pokes+1,0:pokes,0:pokes+5,0:pokes+6,0:pokes+4,0:nexti
  47. 270 print:print:forx=1to100:nextx
  48. 280 input"[195]an you spell the word";c$
  49. 290 forx=1to50:nextx
  50. 300 ifc$=a$goto600
  51. 310 ifc$<>a$goto800
  52. 599 rem *** winning routine ***
  53. 600 printchr$(147):forx=1to9:print:nextx
  54. 605 sm=24:rem *** start smoke location **
  55. 610 pokev+4,200:pokev+21,4:poke2042,13:pokev+29,4:rem expand and position sprite
  56. 612 pokev+41,0:rem makes train (sprite 2)black
  57. 620 print;a$:forx=1to200:nextx
  58. 622 printchr$(152);:forx=1to7:printchr$(178);:nextx
  59. 623 print"[217]ou're on the right track";:forx=1to6:printchr$(178);:nextx
  60. 624 printchr$(144)
  61. 625 fortn=200to24step-8:rem sprite movement counter
  62. 644 pokes+24,15:pokes+1,145:pokes,0:pokes+5,0:pokes+6,240:pokes+4,129
  63. 645 pokev+4,tn:pokev+5,120:rem ** spritemover x and y location
  64. 646 ifsm<1thensm=1
  65. 647 sm=sm-1:rem *** moves smoke right to left
  66. 648 gosub750
  67. 650 forpu=1to40:next pu
  68. 651 pokes+24,0:pokes+1,0:pokes,0:pokes+5,0:pokes+6,0:pokes+4,0:nexttn
  69. 653 pokes+24,15:pokes+1,155:pokes,255:pokes+5,0:pokes+6,240:pokes+4,17:rem toot
  70. 655 printchr$(19):forx=1to6:print:nextx:printtab(14)"[217]ou got it!!"
  71. 657 forx=1to500:nextx
  72. 658 pokes+24,0:pokes+1,0:pokes,0:pokes+5,0:pokes+6,0:pokes+4,0
  73. 659 forx=1to300:nextx:rem pause between toots
  74. 660 pokes+24,15:pokes+1,155:pokes,255:pokes+5,0:pokes+6,240:pokes+4,17:rem toot
  75. 661 forx=1to500:nextx
  76. 662 pokev+21,0:rem *** turns sprite off
  77. 663 pokes+24,0:pokes+1,0:pokes,0:pokes+5,0:pokes+6,0:pokes+4,0
  78. 664 printchr$(147):forx=1to6:print:nextx
  79. 670 printchr$(18)a$;chr$(146);" is the correct spelling"
  80. 675 gosub2000
  81. 680 forx=1to1000:nextx:printchr$(147):forx=1to6:print:next
  82. 700 goto200
  83. 730 rem **** smoke routine ***
  84. 750 printchr$(19);:forx=1to8:print:nextx:rem moves smoke down 6 lines
  85. 760 printtab(sm);chr$(31);chr$(42);chr$(32);chr$(42):rem prints smoke
  86. 780 printchr$(144)
  87. 790 return
  88. 799 rem *** incorrect routine ***
  89. 800 printchr$(147)
  90. 801 forx=1to6:print:nextx
  91. 802 print"[217]our answer ";chr$(18);c$;chr$(146);" is incorrect."
  92. 805 rem *** buzz sound ***
  93. 810 pokes+24,15:pokes+1,3:pokes,255:pokes+5,0:pokes+6,240:pokes+4,33
  94. 820 forx=1to600:nextx
  95. 825 pokes+24,15:pokes+1,34:pokes,75:pokes+5,128:pokes+6,128:pokes+4,39
  96. 830 forx=1to600:nextx
  97. 840 pokes+24,0:pokes+1,0:pokes,0:pokes+5,0:pokes+6,0:pokes+4,0
  98. 865 print:print"[212]ry again"
  99. 870 forx=1to800:nextx
  100. 880 printchr$(147):forx=1to6:print:nextx
  101. 890 printb$:print:forx=1to500:nextx
  102. 892 printchr$(18);"[215]ould you like a clue? [208]ress [198]1 "
  103. 893 getcl$:ifcl$=""then893
  104. 894 ifcl$<>chr$(133)then900
  105. 895 cc=cc+1:print:print:printtab(15);left$(a$,cc):forx=1to500:nextx
  106. 896 printchr$(147):forx=1to6:print:nextx
  107. 898 printb$:print:print
  108. 900 input"[208]lease spell the word ";c$
  109. 910 goto290
  110. 1499 rem *** end routine ***
  111. 1500 forx=1to500:next:c=0
  112. 1510 printchr$(147):forx=1to6:print:nextx
  113. 1790 pokes+24,15:pokes+1,130:pokes,0:pokes+5,9:pokes+6,240:pokes+4,21
  114. 1795 print"[199][210][197][193][212] you got them all [210][201][199][200][212]!!":c=c+1
  115. 1797 forx=1to600:nextx:printchr$(147)
  116. 1800 pokes+24,0:pokes+1,0:pokes,0:pokes+5,0:pokes+6,0:pokes+4,0
  117. 1810 forx=1to6:print:nextx
  118. 1820 ifc<4goto1790
  119. 1830 printchr$(147):restore:forpr=0to62:readpq:nextpr
  120. 1840 printchr$(18)" [200]ere are your spelling words again. "
  121. 1850 reada1$
  122. 1855 ifa1$="-1"thenend
  123. 1860 readb1$,a2$,b2$
  124. 1880 printa1$;:printtab(20)a2$
  125. 1890 goto1850
  126. 1999 rem **** beep sound ****
  127. 2000 pokes+24,15:pokes+1,45:pokes,0:pokes+5,9:pokes+6,0:pokes+4,17
  128. 2010 forx=1to400:nextx
  129. 2020 pokes+24,0:pokes+1,0:pokes,0:pokes+5,0:pokes+6,0:pokes+4,0
  130. 2030 return
  131. 2499 rem **** add data routine ***
  132. 2500 printchr$(147)
  133. 2510 print:print:print
  134. 2520 print"[215]ords and definitions are stored in     [196]ata lines"
  135. 2525 print"[212]hese are lines 2999-4999"
  136. 2530 print:print"[215]hen replacing, be sure to enter:"
  137. 2540 print:print" [196][193][212][193] line followed by 'data'"
  138. 2545 print" then the [215][207][210][196] followed by acomma"
  139. 2550 print" then the [196][197][198][201][206][201][212][201][207][206] no comma"
  140. 2555 print:print"[210]emember- the definiton can not be over 39 characters long"
  141. 2600 print:printchr$(18)"[208]ress [210]eturn to list data lines";:inputf2$
  142. 2900 list2999-4999
  143. 2950 data0,0,0,25,191,255,31,191,255,31,156,6,15,12,244, 15
  144. 2951 data45,244,95,252,180,127,252,116,255,252,52,255,255,252,127, 255
  145. 2952 data254,95,255,255,3,255,255,3,255,255,15,254,0,31,252, 254
  146. 2953 data63,253,131,120,61,57,243,157,57,246,193,131,3,128,254
  147. 2999 rem *** data lines ***
  148. 3000 data "dog","[193] four legged pet that barks"
  149. 3002 data "pencil","[217]ou use it to write at school"
  150. 3004 data "elephant","[212]he biggest animal on land"
  151. 3006 data "alphabet","[215]hat all the a,b,c's are called"
  152. 3024 data "morning","[212]ime of day when you first wake up"
  153. 3028 data "friend","[211]omeone you like very much"
  154. 5000 data "-1","-1","-1","-1"