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- 10 def fna(z)=int(z*rnd(1)*(rnd(1)-.2))
- 20 def fnb(z)=int(z*rnd(1)*(rnd(1)-.5))
- 30 z=rnd(-ti):rem set seed
- 40 dim f(20,3):rem positions
- 50 gosub 1420:rem setup
- 60 input"[147] heads or tails";flip$:print"[147]"
- 70 coin$(1)="h":coin$(2)="t":t=100:you=0:me=0
- 80 r=int(2*rnd(1))+1
- 90 if left$(flip$,1)=coin$(r) then 0130
- 100 print" you lost the toss,";:print" i receive!"
- 110 for j=1towt:next
- 120 p=1:gosub 1210:goto 0170
- 130 print" you won the toss,";:print" you receive!"
- 140 for j=1towt:next
- 150 p=2:gosub 1210:goto 0170
- 160 gosub 1210
- 170 t=t-1:rem count
- 180 if t>0 then 0210
- 190 print "[147]";spc(15);"game over":print:print spc(15);"final score:"
- 195 print spc(15);" you ";you:print spc(15);" me ";me
- 200 end
- 210 fs$=str$(fst-yd)
- 220 if fst>99 then fs$=" goal"
- 230 print"";b$;" time";t:print b$;" you";you;", me";me
- 235 print b$;" ";d$(dwn);" and";fs$;
- 240 sysps:printb$:printb$;"[145]";
- 250 if p=1 then print" play?"
- 260 if p=2 then print" defense?"
- 280 get a$:if a$="" then 0280
- 290 if a$="?" then gosub 2060:gosub 1660:goto 0210
- 300 if (a$<"0") or (a$>"6") then 0280
- 310 play=val(a$)
- 320 print"[145] "
- 330 if p=1 then 0440
- 340 df=play
- 350 play=int(4*rnd(1))+1
- 360 if dwn<4 then if play<4 then if me<you then play=play+1
- 370 if dwn<4 then 0470
- 380 z=play
- 390 if z=4 then z=3
- 400 play=5
- 410 if 100-yd<=30 then play=6
- 420 if t<25 then if fst-yd<4 then if me<you then play=z+1
- 430 goto 0470
- 440 df=int(4*rnd(1))+1
- 450 if df<4 then if fst-yd>5 then df=df+1
- 460 if you<me then if df<4 then df=df+1
- 470 d=play-df
- 480 if d<0 then d=-d
- 490 d=(d-1)*30
- 500 if play>4 then on play-4 goto 0800,0890
- 510 sys ps
- 520 ifp=1then print " play ";pl$(play)
- 530 ifp=2 then print" def ";df$(df)
- 540 for j=1towt:next
- 550 ifp=1then print" def ";df$(df)
- 560 ifp=2then print" play ";pl$(play)
- 570 for j=1towt:next
- 580 print"[145][145] ":print" "
- 590 m=mx(play)
- 600 x=int(d*m/700)
- 610 x=x+fna(m):if x+yd>100 then x=101-yd
- 611 for i=0 to x step sgn(x)
- 612 sys ps:print " ";i;
- 613 for j=1to150:next
- 614 next
- 615 print" yards";""
- 617 for j=1towt:next
- 618 print"[145] "
- 620 yd=yd+x
- 630 if yd>100 then 1060
- 640 if yd<0 then 1280
- 650 q=int(100*rnd(1))
- 660 if q<play*5/2 then 1330
- 670 if yd<fst then yd=yd-x:gosub 1930:goto 0710
- 680 fst=yd+10
- 690 dwn=0
- 700 gosub 1660
- 710 dwn=dwn+1
- 720 if dwn<5 then 0170
- 730 sysps:print b$;" out of downs!"
- 740 for j=1towt:next
- 750 yd=100-yd
- 760 fst=yd+10
- 770 dwn=1
- 780 p=3-p:gosub 1660
- 790 goto 0170
- 800 x=40+fnb(40)
- 810 sysps:print b$;" punt was ";x;" yards"
- 820 for j=1towt:next
- 830 yd=100-(yd+x)
- 840 if yd<0 then yd=20
- 850 fst=yd+10
- 860 dwn=1
- 870 p=3-p:gosub 1660
- 880 goto 0170
- 890 sysps:print b$;" field goal ";
- 900 for j=1towt:next
- 910 x=20+fna(50)
- 920 if 100-yd<x then 1010
- 930 print"wide!"
- 940 for j=1towt:next
- 950 if yd>80 then yd=80
- 960 yd=100-yd
- 970 p=3-p
- 980 fst=yd+10
- 990 dwn=1:gosub 1660
- 1000 goto 0170
- 1010 print"good!"
- 1020 for j=1towt:next
- 1030 if p=1 then you=you+3
- 1040 if p=2 then me=me+3
- 1050 goto 0160
- 1060 sys ps:print b$;" touchdown!!!!"
- 1070 sc=6
- 1080 for j=1towt:next
- 1090 sys ps:print b$;" extra point ";
- 1100 for j=1 to wt:next
- 1110 x=10+fna(50)
- 1120 if x<10 then 1160
- 1130 print"good!!"
- 1140 sc=sc+1
- 1150 goto 1170
- 1160 print"blocked!!"
- 1170 if p=1 then you=you+sc
- 1180 if p=2 then me=me+sc
- 1190 for j=1towt:next
- 1200 goto 0160
- 1210 rem kickoff
- 1220 yd=20
- 1230 yd=yd+fnb(40)
- 1240 fst=yd+10
- 1250 p=3-p
- 1260 dwn=1:gosub 1660
- 1270 return
- 1280 sys ps:print b$;" safety!!"
- 1290 for j=1towt:next
- 1300 if p=1 then me=me+2
- 1310 if p=2 then you=you+2
- 1320 goto 0160
- 1330 if play<3 then sys ps:print b$;" fumble!!"
- 1340 if play>2 then sys ps:print b$;" interception!!"
- 1350 for j=1towt:next
- 1360 yd=100-yd
- 1370 fst=yd+10
- 1380 dwn=1
- 1390 p=3-p
- 1400 gosub 1660
- 1410 goto 0170
- 1420 rem
- 1430 rem set up labels
- 1440 rem
- 1450 data 0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55,60,65,70,75,80,85,90,95,100
- 1460 data 0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,45,40,35,30,25,20,15,10,5,0
- 1470 for i=0 to 20
- 1480 j=20-i
- 1490 read f(i,1):f(j,2)=f(i,1)
- 1500 next
- 1510 for i=0 to 20:read f(i,3):next
- 1520 data 25,38,25,75
- 1530 for i=1 to 4
- 1540 read mx(i)
- 1550 next
- 1560 poke 782,0:poke 781,19:ps=65520
- 1570 b$=" [157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157][157]"
- 1580 wt=2000
- 1585 poke 53280,6
- 1590 poke 53281,5:print"";
- 1600 p$(1)=">":p$(2)="<"
- 1610 d$(1)="1st":d$(2)="2nd":d$(3)="3rd":d$(4)="4th"
- 1620 data draw,sweep,s. pass,l. pass,punt,f. goal
- 1630 for i=1 to 6
- 1640 read pl$(i):df$(i)=pl$(i):next
- 1650 return
- 1660 rem
- 1670 rem print field
- 1680 rem
- 1690 s=int(yd/5+.5):if p=2 then s=20-s
- 1700 if p=1 then s=s-2
- 1710 if p=2 then s=s-4
- 1720 if s<0 then s=0
- 1730 if s>14 then s=14
- 1740 print"";b$:printb$:printb$
- 1750 print" [172][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162]"
- 1760 for i=1 to 12
- 1770 print" [161][146] [161][146] [161][146] [161][146] [161][146] [161][146] [161][146]"
- 1780 next
- 1790 print" [188][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][162][146]"
- 1795 print b$;
- 1800 for i=0 to 6
- 1810 f$=str$(f(s+i,3)):f$=right$(f$,len(f$)-1)
- 1820 print tab(i*5+5);f$;
- 1825 if len(f$)=1 then print" ";
- 1830 next
- 1840 if p=1 then tb=fst-f(s,p)-5
- 1850 if p=2 then tb=f(s,p)-fst+5
- 1860 print"";
- 1870 if tb>=5 and tb<36 then print tab(tb);"[216]";
- 1880 if tb+10>=5 and tb+10<36 then print tab(tb+10);"[216]";
- 1890 if p=1 then tb=yd-f(s,p)+5
- 1900 if p=2 then tb=f(s,p)-yd+5
- 1910 print "";tab(tb);p$(p);""
- 1920 return
- 1930 rem
- 1940 rem move player
- 1950 rem
- 1960 if p=1 then tb=yd-f(s,p)+5
- 1970 if p=2 then tb=f(s,p)-yd+5
- 1980 print"";tab(tb);" ";
- 1990 yd=yd+x
- 2000 if p=1 then tb=yd-f(s,p)+5
- 2010 if p=2 then tb=f(s,p)-yd+5
- 2020 if tb<5 or tb>35 then gosub 1660:return
- 2030 for j=1 to wt/4:next
- 2040 print"";tab(tb);p$(p);""
- 2050 return
- 2060 rem
- 2070 rem display plays
- 2080 rem
- 2090 print"[147]"
- 2100 print" plays[146]"
- 2110 print
- 2120 print"1 = draw"
- 2130 print"2 = sweep"
- 2140 print"3 = short pass"
- 2150 print"4 = long pass"
- 2160 print"5 = punt(offense only)"
- 2170 print"6 = f.g.(offense only)"
- 2180 print:print"(hit any key to cont)"
- 2190 get a$:if a$=""then 2190
- 2200 print"[147]":return