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- ************************************************************************
- Traveling Software, Inc.
- 18702 North Creek Parkway
- Bothell, Washington 98011
- (206) 483-8088
- ************************************************************************
- The Latest About LapLink Pro
- Version 4.00
- Welcome to LapLink Pro. The following notes include information that was
- not available at the time the manual was printed. It also contains hints
- for running LapLink Pro with specific kinds of hardware and software.
- ************************************************************************
- If you're a new LapLink owner, be sure to mail in your registration card
- to ensure that you will be notified of future releases of LapLink Pro.
- ************************************************************************
- I. Modem Phone Numbers--Using Access Prefix and Account Suffix
- II. How the File Display Filters Affect Deletes, Copies, and Moves
- III. Hidden Files, Read-only Files, and System Files
- IV. Remote Install Tips and Notes
- V. Compression and the Selected Port
- VI. Using LapLink Pro with Other Traveling Software Products
- VII. Hardware Information
- A. When LapLink Pro Does Not Recognize a Mouse or Port
- B. The Xircom Parallel Port Multiplexor
- C. Problems with Parallel Connections
- D. Incompatible or Problem Modems
- E. System Clock Speed
- VIII. Miscellaneous Manual Corrections
- IX. Screen Savers and Memory-Resident Programs (TSRs)
- X. When File Lists Are Not Sorted
- XI. Working with Windows 3.0
- A. Installing LapLink Pro in Windows
- B. Suggestions for Working in the 386 Enhanced Mode
- C. Running LapLink Pro in the Background
- D. Windows and 9600 Baud Modems
- XII. Getting Technical Support
- XIII. Making Suggestions to Improve LapLink Pro
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Since the LapLink Pro User's guide was written, two features have been
- added to the Dial Modem dialog: Access Prefix and Account Suffix. You
- can find instructions for using them in LapLink's on-line help.
- Basically, these features let you create long phone numbers. When you
- check the [ ] Use boxes, LapLink Pro attaches any number in the Access
- Prefix record to the beginning of the number and any number in Account
- Suffix to the end. It dials the resulting number.
- Use Access Prefix to enter a number to dial out of a hotel or office--
- "9," is common. Or, use it to enter an often used area code or country
- code.
- Use Account Suffix to enter a credit card number. Or, if your office
- phone system requires you to type in an account number for long distance
- calls, type it in here. If you have a WATS access code, it too could be
- entered as an Account Suffix.
- To add the numbers, select the appropriate line and choose the <Modify>
- button. In both numbers, commas may be used to pause dialing while the
- phone system catches up to the modem. You can use as many commas as
- needed for the length of the required pause.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- The "File Display Options" command (Options menu) lets you show or hide
- files. Files cannot be selected if they are hidden. Since hidden files
- cannot be selected, they also cannot be copied, moved, or deleted.
- This also holds true when you are working with directories and
- subdirectories. (Subdirectories are indirectly selected when the Include
- Lower Level Subdirectories copy option is enabled.)
- For example, suppose you have set the "File Display Options" to display
- only *.EXE and *.COM. If you select a directory and delete it, only the
- .EXE and .COM files will be deleted. The directory structure and any
- other files will remain in place.
- If you want to delete, copy, or move an ENTIRE, directory, choose "File
- Display Options" and check Show All Files first.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- In order to protect important files, DOS allows files to have
- "attributes." These include:
- * Hidden--The file does not show up when you use the DIR command
- (without special switches) and is not deleted when you type DEL *.*.
- * Read-only--The file cannot be deleted or edited but does show up
- with the DIR command.
- * System--The file has the same characteristics as a hidden file (it's
- not normally shown or deleted) and is essential to the functioning
- of DOS or another program.
- Since LapLink Pro's main function is to simplify file management, it
- lets you copy, move, and delete these types of files.
- In a file list, hidden files are followed by an H; Read-only by an R;
- In the file list mode, only one letter--H, R, or S--can be shown. If a
- file has more than one attribute, an S will be shown before an H or R;
- and an H will be shown before an R. For example if a file is both hidden
- and read-only it will show as H; if a file has all three attributes, it
- will show as S.
- Because hidden files and system files are so rare, LapLink Pro does not
- have a copy option that deals with them. They are displayed and can be
- deleted as easily as other files.
- The only files that are not displayed in a LapLink file list are those
- that have both the hidden and system attribute AND are located in the
- root directory of the disk. This is to protect two important files that
- are always in the root directory of a bootable MS-DOS disk: IO.SYS and
- MSDOS.SYS (they have slightly different names if you are using IBM DOS).
- Because these files must be present in order to boot the disk, LapLink
- Pro does not show them, or allow you to copy or delete them.
- Read-only files are not as rare, and LapLink Pro offers two ways to
- protect them. First, any time you make a selection and delete, LapLink
- Pro will check the selection to see if it contains any read-only files.
- If so, a warning box asks if you are sure you want to go on with the
- deletion. Second, there is a copy option called Overwrite Read-only
- Files. When the option is ON, a file WILL BE ALLOWED to copy over the
- read-only file. When this option is OFF, LapLink Pro will not
- automatically allow you to copy or move a file onto a read-only file of
- the same name. Instead, the files are placed in a list from which you
- must force the file transfer.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Remote DOS Commands--When you use remote install, a user must type
- commands on the remote PC. These commands are documented both in the
- LapLink Pro User's Guide and in the instructions you see when you issue
- the "Remote Install" command. If you have a problem with remote install,
- always check to make sure the commands have been typed exactly as they
- are shown in the instructions.
- The remote user should be aware that some commands that he or she types
- prevent the DOS prompt (C:>, for example) from displaying. And, the
- final command, CTTY COMx, will make the remote PC appear to "lock up" as
- the process begins.
- Baud Rates--If you can't make remote install work over a cable, try
- reducing the baud rate. You should reduce the rate from Automatic to
- 57,600 baud.
- For modem remote installs, the transfer of the LapLink Pro program takes
- place at 2400 or 1200 baud, even if both modems are capable of higher
- speeds. This is because the initial modem connection is established by
- the DOS MODE command, and once a modem connection is established the
- speed cannot be changed. After the remote install, if both modems are
- capable of higher speeds, you might want to hang up and change to a
- higher speed (the remote user must also do this). Then, re-establish the
- connection by dialing normally.
- When LapLink is Already on the Target--If LapLink is already on the
- target and the program is available on the DOS path, the remote's copy
- of LapLink Pro will start and the remote install will not take place.
- Over a modem, however, the resulting connection may not be seen. The
- solution is to hang up. Have the remote user start LapLink Pro and you
- can then dial the connection normally.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Even though you can manually turn the Compressed Data Transfer copy
- option on or off, LapLink Pro may override your selection to enhance
- transfer speeds. Specifically, if you have the option on and you are
- using a parallel port in the accelerated (8-bit) mode, compression is
- ignored (the parallel accelerated mode is more efficient by itself).
- If you are running LapLink Pro under low memory conditions, compression
- may be turned off automatically. The option will remain off until you
- turn it on again with the "Copy Options" command.
- When you are using a modem it is almost always more efficient to run
- with compression on.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Because WinConnect, DeskLink, and the LapLink III Device Driver compete
- with LapLink Pro for port usage, using them with LapLink Pro may require
- experimentation. In most cases, you need to delete the LapLink Pro
- configuration file (LLPRO.CFG), start the other program, and then start
- LapLink Pro. This causes LapLink Pro to re-check all available ports and
- it then only uses the ports that are not currently in use by the other
- program. (Note: When you delete LLPRO.CFG all Copy Options and Control
- Panel settings are returned to their default values.) If you need help
- with this procedure, call Traveling Software technical support.
- Battery Watch Pro is compatible with LapLink Pro, but as with other
- TSRs, you should avoid popping up the Battery Watch screen during a file
- transfer.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- A. When LapLink Pro Does Not Recognize a Mouse or Port
- When you exit LapLink Pro, it saves a configuration file called
- LLPRO.CFG. Among other things, this file saves the current port
- information as shown by the "Port/Modem Setup" command.
- This means that if you install a mouse AFTER using LapLink Pro, the
- mouse will not be available the next time you start LapLink Pro. To
- enable the mouse, choose the "Port/Modem Setup" command and select the
- port to which the mouse is connected. Then, choose <Reset>. LapLink Pro
- will check the port and show that it is using the mouse.
- If you have been using a mouse but now want to use the port for LapLink,
- use the same procedure.
- For best results, you should also exit LapLink Pro and turn your PC off
- and back on again.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- B. The Xircom Parallel Port Multiplexor
- LapLink Pro has been designed to work with parallel ports that have a
- Xircom Parallel Port Multiplexor. However, the system must first be set
- up properly.
- First, the LapLink parallel cable must be attached to the "A" port of
- the multiplexor.
- Second, you must make a change with the "Port/Modem Setup" command:
- Choose the command, and in the Port/Modem Setup dialog, select the
- parallel port with the multiplexor. In the next dialog place an x in the
- Force Standard (4-bit) mode check box and choose <OK>. If you do not
- make this change, the Multiplexor may try to switch between the printer
- and the cable during the middle of a copy.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- C. Problems with Parallel Connections
- Regardless of the communication program, some combinations of laptop PCs
- cannot connect with each other, and a few cannot communicate in parallel
- mode at all. Serial mode must be used with these combinations.
- When you try to connect these problem PCs in parallel, LapLink Pro may
- display a message--"Attempting to Connect"--and the system may "lock
- up." One or both of the PCs may need to be restarted.
- If you have problems connecting between two particular machines contact
- Traveling Software technical support.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- D. Incompatible or Problem Modems
- LapLink Pro is incompatible with modems that run at speeds less the
- 1,200 baud.
- In addition, some external modems WILL NOT accept a modem remote
- install. Internal modems do not exhibit this behavior. But, due to the
- way the DSR pin is powered, these external modems will not accept data
- when the remote user types: TYPE CON >COMx.
- The easiest solution for PCs that use these modems is to install LapLink
- Pro directly from disk. You may also be able to prepare a remote modem
- to accept a remote install by using a communication program other than
- the DOS MODE command. For further information, call Traveling Software
- Technical Support.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- E. System Clock Speed
- In very rare instances, after running LapLink Pro, the system clock on a
- few PC models (including the PS/2 Model 50) seems to speed up. That is,
- the time advances too quickly. If your PC seems to "gain time" after
- running LapLink Pro, restart and exit LapLink Pro again. This usually
- returns the speed to normal. Rebooting your PC will have the same
- effect.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Using the "Make Directory" command.
- The manual erroneously states that you can type a path when you create a
- directory. This is not true. You can only type a valid directory name
- (up to 8 characters optionally followed by a period and up to 3 more.)
- The new directory is ALWAYS created as a subdirectory of the current
- directory.
- Using the "Clone Drive" command.
- The "Clone Drive" command will not proceed if there is a possibility
- that it will cause a previously bootable target disk to become
- unbootable. This is a function of the DOS versions the disks use and
- whether the drive is used to boot (start-up) the PC. The table below
- shows you when Clone Drive will work:
- Source ----> Target DOS Version Clone Drive Works?
- -------- -------- ----------- ------------------
- Boot Boot Same yes
- Boot non-Boot Any yes
- non-Boot non-Boot Any yes
- Boot Boot Different no
- non-Boot Boot Any no
- Remote Install Over Modems
- During remote install, the clock on the local PC will lose time. If this
- occurs, you can use the TIME command from the DOS command line to reset
- your PC's clock. Rebooting the PC may perform the same function. See
- your PC and DOS manual for more information.
- In addition, sometimes the way a remote modem is set up will prevent
- LapLink from remotely installing. Check the LapLink Pro Modem Tips and
- Reference Guide for tips on preparing a remote modem for remote
- installation.
- Changing Your PC's Name
- When you change your PC's name, the change will not be reflected on the
- remote PCs during the current LapLink session. The next time you use
- LapLink Pro, the new name will be shown.
- Using the "Synchronize" Command
- During Synchronize, copies are made in both directions and LapLink needs
- to check BOTH PCs to see if there is enough room to hold the files.
- First, one PC is checked; if there is enough room, the newer files are
- copied. Then, the process proceeds in the opposite direction.
- Because of this two-step operation, Synchronize will be halted if either
- drive becomes full. This can happen during the first copy or the second.
- Running Setup Programs Directly from LapLink Pro
- For example, most laptop setup programs let you change power-saving
- measures and the type of installed hard disk. Always exit LapLink Pro
- before you use such a program. Setup programs are meant to be run stand-
- alone and often reboot your PC. They should not be run from most shell
- programs.
- Using [Ctrl+Break] to Exit LapLink Pro
- If LapLink Pro "locks up" you may still be able to exit the program by
- pressing [Ctrl+Break]. If you use this procedure however, any options
- changes that you have made in the current session will not be saved.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- IX. Screen Savers and Memory-Resident Programs (TSRs)
- LapLink Pro allows most TSRs to pop-up during its operation. However,
- you should not pop-up such programs during an active file transfer. The
- PCs may become disconnected and the file transfer halted.
- If you are using a screen saving device--either a software program that
- you have purchased or the power-saving feature built into a laptop--the
- screen saver may interfere with LapLink Pro. For example, if a remote
- user has a connection with your PC and the screen saver activates, it
- may cause the connection to be dropped.
- This is because some screen savers block access to ports and others take
- CPU (processing) power away from LapLink Pro.
- If you want to set up a PC to receive remote modem calls, you should not
- run a screen-saving program while LapLink Pro is active.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- X. When File Lists Are Not Sorted
- Under some conditions your file lists may not be sorted, even if you
- have specified a sort order with the "File Display Options" command
- (Options menu). Two factors contribute to this condition: 1) The amount
- of memory available to LapLink Pro, which you can check with the "System
- Information" command in the Options menu; and 2) the number of files in
- the directory. (In low memory situations, any directory containing more
- than 150 to 200 files may be susceptible; with the maximum amount of
- memory, failure to sort will not occur until there are about 2000
- files.)
- When a file list cannot be sorted, the files are displayed in the order
- that they occur on your disk. Because of the lack of sorting, the quick
- method of finding a file in the list is disabled--i.e. you can't press a
- letter key to move to the file you want to find. However, the "Find
- File" command (Disk menu) will still function. If you wish to select a
- number of files that begin with the same letter but the list is
- unsorted, you can use the "Select By" command on the Select menu.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- A. Adding LapLink Pro to Windows
- 1. The LapLink Pro installation program installs two files especially
- for use with Windows 3.0: LLPRO.PIF and LLPRO.ICO. First, ensure
- that the files are located in the same directory as LLPRO.EXE. If
- they are not, copy the files from your LapLink Pro distribution
- disk.
- 2. Next, start Windows. From the Program Manager, choose the program
- group (window) into which you want to place LapLink Pro. Then issue
- the "New" command from the File menu. In the next dialog, choose
- "Program Item" (the default) and OK. The "Program Item Properties"
- dialog box is displayed next.
- 3. In the Command Line box, type LLPRO.PIF. Or, if you didn't allow the
- install program to add the LapLink Pro directory to your PATH
- statement, type the path and the file name--for example,
- C:\LLPRO\LLPRO.PIF. Don't click OK yet.
- 4. Select the Change Icon button. In the File Name field in the next
- dialog, type LLPRO.ICO. (As in step 3, you may also need to include
- the path to the file.) After clicking OK, the icon should appear in
- the chosen group.
- NOTE: The LLPRO.PIF file does not allow LapLink Pro to function
- while the application is minimized. That is, you cannot transfer
- files while LapLink Pro is running in the background. Traveling
- Software has not tested background operation extensively. There are
- many Windows setup and hardware configurations that will prevent
- background operation completely. If you would like to try however,
- see "Running LapLink Pro in the Background" later in this file.
- 5. To start LapLink Pro under Windows, double-click the LapLink Pro
- icon.
- NOTE: If double-clicking does not start LapLink Pro, you may also have
- to customize LLPRO.PIF. Use the Windows PIF Editor application and add
- the LapLink directory to the Program Filename or Start-up Directory
- fields. For more information see your Windows documentation.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- B. Suggestions for Working in the 386 Enhanced Mode
- Under the Windows 386 Enhanced Mode, applications "contend" for the use
- of devices such as serial and parallel ports. Because of this, you may
- experience difficulties with LapLink Pro communications. The following
- solutions will allow more robust connections.
- *****Serial Port Solutions*****
- Because of the way Windows 3.0 controls serial ports, LapLink Pro's
- higher speeds may not be available. You have two solutions. You can
- reduce the LapLink Pro's transfer mode and baud rate. Or, you can turn
- off Window's serial port buffering. With the first solution you will
- only be able to transfer files at a reduced rate. With the second
- solution, LapLink will transfer as fast as it does directly from DOS,
- but LapLink Pro cannot be used at the same time as other programs that
- use the serial port (such as the Windows Terminal application).
- a. Changing the Transfer Mode or Baud Rate
- To change the transfer mode:
- 1. Start LapLink Pro and choose the "Port/Modem Setup" command from the
- Options menu. A dialog is displayed that shows both serial and
- parallel ports. Select the serial port you are using for LapLink.
- 2. Place an X in the Force Standard (3-wire) Mode field.
- 3. Close both dialogs by selecting <OK> and then <Done>.
- If you still experience communication problems, use the same method but
- change the Max Baud Rate from Automatic to a lower value. 57,600 baud
- may work but you may need to try as low as 19,200.
- b. Turning Off Windows 3.0 Serial Port Buffering
- NOTE: Although this solution will increase CABLE communication speed, it
- may hamper modem communications. If you intend to use both a modem and a
- cable, you may have to experiment to find the most optimal solution.
- Your Windows default directory (usually C:\WINDOWS) contains a file
- called SYSTEM.INI. This file contains many Windows environment settings
- and is integral to the performance of Windows. Two lines in the [386
- Enh] section of the file--device=*VCD and device=*COMBUFF--partially
- control contention and buffering of serial ports. In the instructions
- that follow, you edit SYSTEM.INI to turn these devices off.
- To edit your SYSTEM.INI file:
- 1. Using a text editor, open SYSTEM.INI. You can use the LapLink Editor
- or the Windows Notepad application.
- 2. Search for the following two lines in the [386 Enh] section:
- device=*vcd
- device=*combuff
- 3. At the beginning of each line type a semicolon (;), so that they
- look like the following:
- ;device=*vcd
- ;device=*combuff
- 4. Save the file and restart Windows.
- *****Parallel Port Solutions*****
- In most cases, LapLink Pro maintains parallel connections in all Windows
- modes. If you experience problems in the 386 Enhanced mode, however, you
- may want to add the following line to your SYSTEM.INI file:
- SGrabLPT=#
- For example, if you cannot connect over LPT1 add a line that reads:
- SGrabLPT=1
- The line does not normally appear in SYSTEM.INI. The line has the effect
- of directing all of the ports "traffic" through the main Windows
- program. Remember, anytime you edit SYSTEM.INI be sure to make a back up
- the file first.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- C. Running LapLink Pro in the Background
- Because of the way Windows "schedules" DOS background tasks, it is
- difficult to configure Windows to allow background communication for any
- DOS communication program, including LapLink Pro. And, there are many
- Windows setup and hardware configurations that will prevent background
- operation completely. Therefore, Traveling Software does not recommend
- background operation, and the Windows PIF file that is shipped with
- LapLink Pro (LLPRO.PIF) is not set up for background functionality.
- However, if you want to try LapLink Pro in the background, you can edit
- the PIF file and check the Background box. You will also need to
- increase the number for background task priority.
- If you just want to try to use LapLink Pro in the background for one
- session without editing the PIF file, use the Settings command from the
- LapLink Pro window's system menu. See your Windows documentation for
- details.
- In addition to these changes here are two more tips:
- * If you are running Windows in the 386 Enhanced mode, open the
- Windows Control Panel and choose 386 Enhanced. Make sure that the
- Exclusive in Foreground option is NOT checked. (When on, this option
- prevents any DOS application from running in the background.)
- * Try not to run other DOS applications while transferring files in
- the background.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- D. Windows and 9600 Baud Modems
- If you are using a 9600 baud modem with Windows 3.0, you should be aware
- that without modification, Windows may often "lock up" when running ANY
- modem communications at 9600 baud. Unfortunately, this also includes
- LapLink Pro. The problem is most notable when using a slower 80386SX PC.
- There are two solutions to this problem:
- * Edit your SYSTEM.INI file to increase the number of characters that
- are buffered by the serial port. This allows the buffer to "keep up"
- with the modem's high speed.
- * In LapLink Pro, set your modem to run in the 2400 baud mode. This is
- a stable solution but forces your modem to run at a slower rate.
- To edit SYSTEM.INI:
- 1. Using a text editor, open SYSTEM.INI. You can use the LapLink Editor
- or the Windows Notepad application.
- 2. Search for the following two lines in the [386 Enh] section:
- device=*vcd
- device=*combuff
- Make sure these lines have not been turned off. (This read me
- recommends turning the lines off to permit higher speeds for CABLE
- connections only, not modem connections.)
- 3. After these lines add a line that reads:
- COMxBuffer=4096
- For x, use the number of the serial port to which the modem is
- attached. (For example, if the modem is attached to COM1 the line
- would be:
- COM1Buffer=4096)
- This line increases the number of buffered characters from 128 to
- 4096.
- 4. Save the file and restart Windows.
- To use a 9600 baud modem at 2400 baud:
- 1. Choose the "Port/Modem Setup" command from the Options menu and
- select the port to which the modem is attached. If there are two
- initialization strings for your modem model, choose the one that
- ends in "@2400 baud."
- 2. Choose the <Setup Port> button and set the Maximum Baud Rate to
- 2,400.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- If you have a question or need Technical Support, the following sources
- are available:
- In the U.S., Traveling Software telephone Technical Support is available
- from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., (Pacific Time) Monday-Friday at (206) 483-
- 8088. Please have your serial number ready before calling.
- If you want to contact the TSI Technical Support bulletin board, set
- your modem to dial (206) 485-1736. Use the following settings for your
- communications program:
- Baud rate 2400
- Parity None
- Data bits 8
- Stop bits 1
- On GEnie type "LAPTOPS" to join the Laptops RoundTable. Then enter the
- Laptops Bulletin Board and type "SET 3" to go to Traveling Software
- Technical Support. Answers to the most frequently asked questions can be
- found there. To sign up for GEnie call (800) 638-9636 (Voice).
- For support in Europe, call +44 (0734) 321 154.
- In Australia and New Zealand, Traveling Software products are sold and
- supported by PC Extras. In Australia, phone (02) 319 2155; in New
- Zealand, phone (09) 59 7834
- For a complete listing of Traveling Software addresses and fax and phone
- numbers see the back of the LapLink Pro User's Guide.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Traveling Software is constantly looking for ways to improve its
- products. Over the years, our customers have been the ones who have
- provided some of the best product improvement suggestions.
- We encourage you to send us your comments, criticisms, and ideas. We
- will try to implement your requests in future versions.
- You may address your comments to:
- Traveling Software, Inc.
- LapLink Pro Suggestions
- 18702 North Creek Parkway
- Bothell, WA 98011
- NOTE: For the LapLink Pro installation program, LHA was used to create a
- self-extracting compressed file. LHA is a copyright of Yoshi, 1991. All
- rights reserved.
- Compiled October 11, 1991.