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- H A R B O R M A S T E R
- Program and Text by Knees Calhoon
- Here at the magnificent LOADSTAR Tower we have one of the world's
- finest indoor harbors, large enough for all of our personal yachts, as well
- as those of bigwigs like Henry Kissinger, General Noriega and Saddam
- Hussein, who often cruise by when there's a lull in evil around the world.
- We've even invited some of the world's navies to share our sparkling waters
- with us.
- But you can imagine how angry we became when the U.S. Navy
- "appropriated" the LOADSTAR Harbor for some so-called war games. We didn't
- mind so much their moving in a few cruisers and destroyers, but they
- insisted on packing so many boats into the harbor, all we had left was room
- for the mighty LOADSTAR Raft. And even then, we had trouble getting the
- Raft out of the Harbor into the LOADSTAR Ocean that surrounds the continent
- we like to call LOADSTARIA.
- In fact, that's what HARBORMASTER is all about. Twenty-five times the
- Navy has caused a fiasco in the Harbor and we're asking your help in
- getting the Raft around those Navy boats and out into the Ocean.
- When you boot HARBORMASTER you're asked for the input device: mouse,
- joystick or keyboard. Sorry, you must pick one and stick with it. The mouse
- is best, of course, and the keyboard is the worst (slowest). If you've got
- a mouse in Port #1, use it. If you're using the keyboard, use the CRSR keys
- and RETURN. Joystick is in Port #2.
- Then you're asked for your name. The routine accepts a SPACE as a
- RETURN so if you insist on having two names, separate them with a period or
- something. Your name is required because a scores files will be kept by the
- FBI for you. This file will be made available only to the CIA, DEA, IRS and
- Ross Perot, so don't worry about it getting into White House hands.
- The Harbor is the 6x6 grid on the left. Each fiasco consists of a
- configuration of light blue boats in the Harbor, surrounding the brown
- LOADSTAR Raft. Your job is to move the boats around so that you can move
- the Raft out into the LS Ocean -- which is always on the right of the
- Harbor, on the same row as the Raft.
- Each boat can only be moved in two directions, indicated by the arrows
- on it. If you click on the top arrow of a vertical boat, it will move one
- square up -- IF there's room. If there's not, you'll hear a buzz and
- nothing will move. Horizontal boats move in a similar fashion.
- On the right is a box which shows you the number of the Fiasco you are
- working on, as well as the number of moves you have made on this Fiasco.
- You should try to get the Raft into freedom in as FEW moves as possible,
- but there will be times when all you care about is freeing the Raft. The
- moves count won't go beyond 255. All of the 25 fiascos can be solved in
- many fewer than 255 moves, but don't be surprised if you need over 100, or
- even 200, for some of the higher Fiascos.
- The top row of the screen has seven buttons for you to click on. Here's
- what they do.
- Click on this to "play" the Fiasco that's showing on the screen. To
- change Fiascos you need to click on LOAD, which is explained later. If you
- get the boats all mixed up and decide that it would be better to just start
- over, click on START and the Fiasco will be reloaded and you'll start at
- the beginning again.
- A record of the number of moves that you required for each solved
- Fiasco is kept in a file on disk. It's what you'll see when you click on
- SCORES at the top of the screen. Your best score, as well as the overall
- best score by anyone who's used the disk, is displayed. If you beat your
- score or the best score, the scores file is automatically updated on disk.
- This shows you a synopsis of the verbose instructions you're mired in
- right now.
- Click on this and you'll get a menu of 30 Fiascos, numbered from 1
- through 30. Twenty-five of the Fiascos are on the LOADSTAR 128 disk. The
- last five Fiascos are blank and unplayable at this time. They're waiting
- for you to create some Fiascos of your own. After you solve a few of the
- HARBORMASTER Fiascos, you may decide you'd like to make up some for others
- to try to solve. If you have a memory like mine, you can even make up
- Fiascos for yourself to solve. See MAKE for more details.
- LOAD is the best way to go to another Fiasco.
- This CAN be used as a "save game in progress" feature, but it's not
- designed for that. If you're in the middle of a Fiasco and click on SAVE,
- the file for that Fiasco ("hm.fiasco x") will be scratched and saved, so
- the next time you LOAD that Fiasco, you'll get the saved position. This
- will effectively change the game for anyone who uses the program after
- you.
- SAVE was designed to allow you to SAVE Fiascos #26 through #30 after
- you have designed them with MAKE. It is the recommended way to exit from
- the MAKE sequence.
- For best results, stay away from SAVE except for saving one of your
- custom-designed Fiascos (#26 through #30).
- Click on this and you can change or "make" a Fiasco. You'll get a menu
- similar to the LOAD menu. Click on an unMADE Fiasco and you'll see a blank
- Harbor on the left with the five possible boat types on the right. Click on
- a boat on the right and the cursor will switch to a hollow rectangle shape.
- Then click on a square on the Harbor and the boat will be drawn there.
- NOTE! The boat will be drawn starting on the clicked on square and
- extending to the RIGHT or DOWN. If there's no room, you'll hear a buzz.
- Remember, horizontal boats always extend to the RIGHT of the square you
- clicked on, and vertical boats always extend DOWN from the square you
- clicked on.
- You can erase a placed boat by clicking on it, but you MUST click on
- the leftmost or topmost part of the boat. If you click on a middle, bottom
- or right part of a boat to erase it, you'll just get a buzz.
- You may place as many cruisers (the larger, three-squared boats) or
- destroyers (the smaller, two-squared boats) as will fit, but you must have
- one and only one Raft in the Harbor. The LOADSTAR Ocean area will be
- automatically placed for you when the Fiasco is played.
- You'll probably need to proceed by trial and error to design a good
- Fiasco. Place some boats and the Raft then SAVE. Then click on START and
- try the Fiasco out. If it's too easy or impossible, click on MAKE, then the
- Fiasco from the menu, and then remove, add or move around some boats, and
- then try it again.
- MAKE, except when you select an unMADE Fiasco, leaves the Harbor as it
- is, so you may need to LOAD the Fiasco-being-designed before clicking on
- MAKE so that it will start the same. I entered each of the 25 Fiascos using
- the MAKE function and it works as I expected it to. I can't say for sure
- that it will work correctly if you bounce around clicking on things in an
- order that I never envisioned.
- I'd like to see what kind of Fiascos you can come up with. If you
- design some Fiascos (#26 through #30) that are tough but solveable, send
- them to me on a disk and if I get enough, we'll publish HARBORMASTER again
- on a future issue with LOADSTARite-designed Fiascos. I'll add a feature
- that displays who designed the Fiasco.
- This takes you immediately to LOADSTAR 128 if there's a LOADSTAR disk
- in the drive, or to BASIC if there's not.
- You'll find that the Fiascos get harder quickly after Fiasco #6 or so.
- There's a good reason for this. I designed the first six Fiascos and I made
- them as hard as I could, and at the same time making sure they were
- solveable. The rest of the Fiascos were designed by Nob Yoshigahara, and
- they are brilliant...and tough.
- The general idea for this kind of puzzle probably comes from Henry
- Dudeny or Sam Loyd, two masters of puzzles who designed thousands of
- puzzles about a hundred years ago. Nob studied the concept and after
- devising many excellent layouts (or as I call them, Fiascos) made it into a
- plastic, hand-held game called RUSH HOUR. I ordered the game from the BITS
- & PIECES Catalog, 1-800-JIGSAWS. It sells for $15 plus shipping. The order
- number is #09-N8764. It's a very good puzzle game.
- Nob Yoshigahara has designed several games for Binary Arts, 1321
- Cameron Street, Alexandria VA 22314-3449, and if they're as good as RUSH
- HOUR, I look forward to trying them. Some of the higher Fiascos had me
- cackling in appreciation of their fiendish cleverness...but only after I
- solved them. Prior to that I was doing more cursing than cackling.
- All of the 25 Fiascos can be solved, but some may take you a while.
- Some of the higher numbered Fiascos require you to move boats one
- direction, then another, then back again before you can extricate the Raft.
- Keep in mind that even after a Fiasco is solved, you can always try to get
- it done in fewer moves than the SCORES file shows. Try to get your moniker
- on as many Fiascos on the SCORES screen as possible.
- If I have time, I plan to solve all 25 Fiascos and leave my "Calhoon"
- brand on the SCORES screen for you to aim at. I dare you to wipe the last
- vestige of Calhoon from the disk.
- Keep the disk in the drive at all times. There is a LOT of disk access
- in this game, but it's just small files. Of course the best way to play
- HARBORMASTER is from a RAMLink.
- And finally, I was incarcerated in the U.S. Army during the Viet Nam
- debacle, and consequently know nothing about, and have little against, the
- U.S. Navy. I realize that they prefer to call ocean-going vessels "ships"
- rather than "boats". I guess I was just mad because they appropriated the
- LOADSTAR Harbor the very week when the cast of Bay Watch was slated to do
- an all-nude, water-skiing rendition of Shakespeare's "Richard the Third"
- for the enjoyment of high-ranking Mojos of the Tower and their
- insignificant others.
- Oh well, there's always the LOADSTAR Waterworld Theme Park up on the
- 96th, 97th and 98th floors.
- \\\\\ R - Run RETURN - Menu \\\\\